Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @IngrahamAllison

    Weekly Wrap-UP!

    I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! I’ve enjoyed this week more than the last few. The mashup assignment bank is by far my favorite out of all of them. Daily Creates: Assignment Bank:
  2. @IngrahamAllison

    Weekly Wrap-Up!

    I hope everyone is hanging in there! I know i’m starting to get a little stir crazy and its getting harder for me to stay busy at home. What have you guys been doing to stay busy? This week was a little better than last but it’s still a stressful time for everyone. I started …
  3. @IngrahamAllison


    I would prefer to stay away from group projects as much as possible because completing a group project all online is difficult. I have done it before and it always happens that no one can all meet at the same time until the project is due. I like my original ideas I had regarding cooking/baking …
  4. @IngrahamAllison


    #tdc3000 #ds106 My heart and writing looks awful but you know what I mean #StressfulTimes— allison ingraham (@IngrahamAllison) March 30, 2020
  5. @IngrahamAllison

    Weekly Wrap-Up!

    Hi everyone! I hope everyone is hanging in there and staying safe and healthy. I know i’m trying to find new things to do while being at home so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them! I am still trying to adjust having all of my classes online, It’s a lot…. …
  6. @IngrahamAllison

    Weekly Wrap-Up!

    For starters I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy! I know this is a stressful time for me and I’m sure others are feeling that as well. This week I completed three daily creates but then made a story about the three separate tweets. Yes, it was very silly but …
  7. @IngrahamAllison

    Revised Work #2!

    The second assignment I want to reduce was in week 6. It was an assignment in the visual assignment bank. Here is the link to my first attempt. I wanted to reduce this assignment because I feel like its not my best work. I remember being stressed when I was working on this assignment the …
  8. @IngrahamAllison

    Revised Work #1!

    The first assignment I want to revise was from week 3. It was from the writing assignment bank. Here is my first attempt at this assignment. I wanted to redo this assignment because I felt like I did not put that much effort into it. It was very short and I didn’t get much out …
  9. @IngrahamAllison

    Daily Create Story!

    This week we were tasked to do three daily creates and then at the ed of the week make them into a story. This is something new but makes me think outside of the box. I wanted to keep the story short but also make it a little funny with unrealistic events/things, so here it …
  10. @IngrahamAllison

    Future Ideas?

    I enjoy baking and cooking so one thing I would be interested in is comparing different foods/recipes that were popular in the 80’s and today. I think it would be interesting to see if there is a big difference or if most of the recipes are the same. Personally, I would like to focus more …
  11. @IngrahamAllison

    80’s Crime Review!

    I decided to listen to “Whats your damage: 80’s crime ” on Wednesday night. They group had five people; Yulemi, Connor, Rachel, Lauren, & Karsen.  Connor started off the show via Skype. I really liked his response on the topic of whats going on and bring that into this online class. I think it would …
  12. @IngrahamAllison


    #tdc2988 #ds106 Okay this was fun to make and I had no clue this was a holiday!— allison ingraham (@IngrahamAllison) March 18, 2020

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