Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jessica Ledford

    Fun in the Park with the Lo

    Episode #011 I gotta catch up on the LoDown! I love how Scott always takes adventures during our episodes! DS106 never rests! Talking about bumpers from episode 010! That episode was a little weird, but it was cool! Yes!! Scott said my name! Score! I love listening to Scott talking about his plans that he ...
  2. Jessica Ledford

    What am I doing?

    tdc512: Challenge us to identify where you are, based only on a 20 sec audio clip. Can you guess what I am doing right now?! I dont think you can! Good luck! I’ll give you a hint, it’s a chore that no one likes to do! Good Luck!!  
  3. Jessica Ledford

    Guess the Sound?

    Try and figure out sounds that happen everyday! You might surprise yourself by either knowing what it is our not knowing at all! Have fun trying to guess the sound! I used an app on my iPhone called SoundCloud! This is a great challenge that actually will challenge yourself! I went around my house recorded ...
  4. Jessica Ledford

    Music Mash Up

    This is my first time using Audacity! I have never used this program before! It is pretty easy! I used Youtube and found 5 songs that I wanted to use I did a theme of someone growing up, to their parents having to let them go, then letting your loved ones have the best in ...
  5. Jessica Ledford

    Sounds make the story

    This is a simple challenge just by using sounds! You use only 5 sounds to tell a story! I decided to tell the story of the episode Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last. I used 5 sounds that I found on a website called SoundClips. I used my iPhone to record each sound and then ...
  6. Jessica Ledford

    3..2..1.. Action!

    I used the episode from the Twilight Zone: Time Enough At Last for my play! I used the end part of part 1 of the episode. I thought this would be very to do with just my voice! I liked the back and forth! I loved how it goes from different emotions! It’s great! It ...
  7. Jessica Ledford

    A funny emergency

    “I know this is 911! This is an EMERGENCY!! I just broke my only pair of glasses to read and I am the last person on this land! HELP ME! Bring me a pair of glasses! I HAVE to read! This is just not fair! You cannot leave me here to do nothing! Come here ...
  8. Jessica Ledford

    Thats what that is used for?!

    Have you ever had that moment of thought how something was suppose to work? I know you have! I know when I was a kid and I still do, used to flick the top of a can of soda for fun! I thought that was what it was used for until I learned that that ...
  9. Jessica Ledford

    The friends

    Today’s TDC is all about showing friendship! This picture captures more than friendship. This is a family. This was at Worlds 2011 with my team Maryland Marlins Tsunami. This was our pose after our last performance at the Cheerleading Worlds in Orlando, Florida. We had competed 4 times! That has never been done before! The ...
  10. Jessica Ledford

    Color = Life

    Color gives the world life! It is what makes our world so alive! Imagine if we lived in a world with no color… We wouldnt have a world! These flowers were given to me by my mom after I competed at a cheer competition! I love the color choices that she chose! It really gives ...
  11. Jessica Ledford

    Fill up the room

    People love to fill any white wall with something! I added a surf board self above my tv to add a little something to my wall. Its all about giving life to the room! Show who you are by using up space. Don’t be afraid to cover up the walls! The space is there to ...
  12. Jessica Ledford

    Where is the remote?

    Even with the slightest knowlege of what something is, the smallest of minds can distinguish what a symbol is telling us what it does. My family has known this couple for over 20 years. They have a little sone that is about a year now, and may not have known what the symbols actually say ...
  13. Jessica Ledford

    Take on a yummy challenge

    tdc508: Write a story from the point of view of your favorite food, but don’t say what it is. Make us guess. I can’t believe what these humans do to me just so they can munch me up, breaking all of my friends into one pile of mush. We then sit in this cave and ...
  14. Jessica Ledford

    All ears on deck

    Episode #010 Listening to Old school baby! I love it! Bringing back the oldies, 1970! Arch Ovler’s Neanderthal. I totally butchered that! I love how Scott always has a sound before he comes on with his voice! Keeping it fresh on the Lo! I love how Scott always says “The Twitter” lol! It makes me ...
  15. Jessica Ledford

    How do you See?

    If you have not read the post that I put up right after this one I explained that I loved watching the episode Twilight Zone: The Eye of the Beholder! I watched this episode 4 times! I know! I really enjoyed this episode that much! So basically you need to go watch it if you ...
  16. Jessica Ledford

    Now What

    LOL I laughed so hard watching Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last! It was so funny!!!! I haven’t laughed that hard all day and I laugh every day!!! This was so funny! You need to watch this episode! I honestly could not stop laughing and I made my mom watch this episode and we were ...
  17. Jessica Ledford

    See the Beauty within You

    A must for all of you reading this blog right now! You need to watch “The Twilight Zone: Eye of the Beholder”!! This was an amazing episode!! So stop what you are doing and go watch this! The twist in this story is nowhere to be seen!  It caught me off guard completely! So before ...
  18. Jessica Ledford

    What’s the pattern?

    TDC507: Make a photograph that features repeating patterns. This was really fun to do! Look around your house! Just find something that catches your eye that you normally don’t pay any attention to. Its challenges like these that make me want to open my eyes more and see the whole picture. Go ahead! Do what ...
  19. Jessica Ledford

    Bump It

    Episode #009 It’s one am and I am listening to the Lo! I am listening to Bumpers! I might create a bumper for one of my audio assignments that I need to do! I need to check out these assignments! Um.. I cant believe its Wednesday already! Yikes! I have a lot to do! I ...
  20. Jessica Ledford

    Do you know who you are? Prove it.

    Find the meaning of the letters that name you Have you ever looked at an object and picture a letter out of what it makes?! Okay well I have! I couldn’t wait to start up this assignment! I looked around my house and I honestly could not find anything to represent my name. So I ...
  21. Jessica Ledford

    Blending it OUT

      The thinking process… Yah I know I think! Good evening bloggers! I was going through some of the Design Assignments and I came across one that really drew me in! It was Design Assignment 642, creating a children’s book into a computer book. I mean why not? Kids have there faces in iPads all ...
  22. Jessica Ledford

    Alien typing… you better read this…

    Tdc506: Write a Human Observation Report based on the photos of TDC498 (really TDC499) Review the photos from the Daily Create of May 21, 2013 “Take a picture of where you are right now from a weird point of view, like an ant, an alien, or a ghost.” Pick one image, and write up a ...
  23. Jessica Ledford

    Mash up Sounds

    Catching up like I said! Sorry!! Episode #008 I am listening to Mario! Which just remixed into a song called I can’t remember! But I do know it! NOOOO!!! Why did you stop the jams!?! That was a good jam! This assignment sounds awesome! You have to tell a story with only sounds! They found ...
  24. Jessica Ledford


    Once again! I am so sorry for being MIA on Sunday and Monday! I was spending time with family and friends and they said I was spending too much time with my head in a computer but hey! I am back now and I am going to catch us back up with the Lo’s today! ...
  25. Jessica Ledford

    Never Forgotten

    Hey guys what’s up?! I hope you guys had a great Memorial Day weekend. Sorry that I have been MIA for two day! I need to catch up today after I get home from class. After I sent my weekly summary of week one, on Sunday, I spent Monday and Sunday evening with my family ...
  26. Jessica Ledford

    Closing off the week

      What do I have to say about..  Gardner Campbell’s essay and video The impossible is what the brain tends to struggle grasping. The ideas that are beyond an individual’s knowledge create this atmosphere that they are unable to accomplish it or it is just that, impossible.  Our world struggles with this concept, of thinking ...
  27. Jessica Ledford


      OMG!!! I just learned how to create my very own GIF!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself!  Ididnt even know what a GIF was and I just made one for the Twilight Zone: Invaders! I am honestly so amazing with myself!! This is such a simple thing to do! I thought was going to ...
  28. Jessica Ledford

    Cooking up an Episode

    Holy cow am I tired! Sorry guys this is a late night post and I am just so tired! Listening to ScottLo as I type! I did a billion and one things! I went to get my Prom dress hemmed and had to pick out flowers! It is so stressful doing this stuff!! I had ...
  29. Jessica Ledford

    Grab some popcorn and guess the film

    Guess that film! to.. This challenge is a great way to challenge your brain to pick out 4 pictures that describe a movie! Pick 4 photos and collage them together to make your own movie scene. I watched this film recently! I thought it was a tad weird but I liked it! I Googled 4 ...

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