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  1. kmgeckle

    Reflecting on the Audio

    Whenever I watch a movie, specifically a suspenseful one, I always look forward to the audio/soundtrack. I have always felt that the backtrack of a movie is the most important part. Have you ever watched a really important scene in...
  2. kmgeckle

    Dramatically Britney

    I got really excited when I saw this assignment! It looked super fun, and super silly! Basically, I had to take a fun song, record myself speaking the lyrics super seriously, then put it on top of instrumental music to...
  3. kmgeckle

    Radio Show Ideas

    I’m really not sure where to start with this, I’ll probably be updating this page multiple times over the course of the next few weeks! My radio show ideas so far: Interviewing a comeback celebrity Comparing the original and latest...
  4. kmgeckle

    Mean Girls Remixed

    I got super excited as I was scrolling through the assignment bank and found this! Basically, the assignment is to take a famous line from a movie, tweak it only a little bit so that it’s still recognizable, and rerecord...
  5. kmgeckle

    Week 4 At a Glance

    This week went by pretty quickly! I’m SO glad it’s almost over. It was the week of broken things for me. First, on Sunday morning my glasses broke. Then as the week went on my hello kitty rice cooker and...
  6. kmgeckle

    My Storytelling Collage

    Well what’s more fun than making a collage based on a series of events in my life? I figured that the easiest story to follow would be this one, heading off to college! In the first photo, you see my...
  7. kmgeckle

    What’s in my Dance Bag!

    This assignment is totally up my alley! I’m super snoopy, I love to see what other people have in this bags! Technically this is just a what’s in my bag, but honestly mine would have just been too boring. Instead,...
  8. kmgeckle

    The Ring

    For this week’s viewing assignment, I chose to watch The Ring. I’m not going to lie, I felt like a baby watching it. It was way scarier than I had expected! But there were definitely elements to this film that...
  9. kmgeckle

    1st Photoblitz!

    Here’s my first photoblitz! This was super fun, I hope to do more! photoblitzer 23:21 Take a photograph of someone holding an old photo of themselves: Me now and me in high school!   Take a photo of two things that...
  10. kmgeckle


    I’m going to admit I was a little bit intimidated when I saw this assignment. Mainly because my photo editing skills are really subpar. But I’ve just decided with this class that I can’t get credit if I don’t at least...
  11. kmgeckle

    My Kitty Cats!

    I’ve been feeling really homesick for my cats. Now that I’m a junior, I no longer live on campus. Instead of living in an apartment, I’m currently living in a house of campus. This is the first time that I...
  12. kmgeckle

    Color Changer

    This assignment was quite simple. The main purpose of it was to change the color hues in a picture to make it look totally different. So I went through the photo library to look for a photo to edit. As...
  13. kmgeckle


    I LOVE photography. Am I good at it? Absolutely not. As a kid I had a few different digital cameras. I was really in to taking pictures of random things, from my outfit that day to the grilled cheese sandwich...
  14. kmgeckle

    Daily Creates week 3

    1st DC: 2nd DC: 3rd DC:  
  15. kmgeckle

    Noticing the Extras

    Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 18 Scene 1: No extras! Scene 2: No extras! Scene 3: Private school setting Many extras in classroom All wearing different variations of gray and navy uniforms (sweaters, plaid skirts, blazers, khakis) All talking amongst...
  16. kmgeckle

    Losing my Memories

    When I read this assignment I honestly got super excited but sad at the same time. Excited, because I can actually relate to it! But sad because unfortunately, I lost my memories. During the summer of 2006, I traveled to...
  17. kmgeckle

    Shaping Talky Tina

    I suppose the way Kurt Vonnegut sees stories is really quite simple. He doesn’t try to interpret the abstract parts of stories, but rather he just looks for the simple connections. It’s almost like taking a trip back to childhood,...
  18. kmgeckle

    The Headless Ballerina

    Interviewer: Hi! I see that you’re new to the horror host crew! Care to introduce yourself? THB: Hi everyone! I’m The Headless Ballerina! Interviewer: So why did you decide that this whole horror host gig was right for you? THB:...
  19. kmgeckle

    Viewing the Horror

    The item on the list that I picked first was Boris Karloff’s Thriller “The Grimm Reaper”. I surprised myself, and actually really enjoyed this film. I know that this was not done purposefully, due to the age of the film,...
  20. kmgeckle

    My Backyard Ocean

    Everyday I looked out my back window. Would I get to play in the ocean today? Mom seemed to love that question, smiling as Nathan and I pulled on our swimsuits and ran to the backyard. I thought we were...
  21. kmgeckle

    Daily Creates Week 2!

    The beginning of my daily creates journey! DC #1: Mean Girls – Halloween Party Scene September 2, 2015 Regina: Hey! Aaron: Ohh no. Didn’t anybody tell you? What a cock up, you were supposed to wear a costume. Nice one,...
  22. kmgeckle

    All About Camp!

    As a child, every summer I attended Camp Thunderbird in Chesterfield, Virginia. I’m definitely not the outdoorsy type, but every summer it was the activity I looked forward to the most. Camp Thunderbird is a great all day camp. During...
  23. kmgeckle

    Freshman Move-in

    I literally jumped for joy when I saw this assignment. I love sharing my memories, especially from the big points in my life! Wow where to begin. I was definitely extremely excited to move in freshman year. Nervous yes, but...
  24. kmgeckle

    Shoes for Days

    So I chose this assignment because I was looking for something light and happy to do. Well what makes me happy? I guess you could call me a stereotypical girl, I love clothes, makeup, purses, and best of all, shoes....

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