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  1. kmgeckle

    The “Digital” Slender Man

    I’m going to start off this post brutally honest: I didn’t know who or what the Slender Man was before reading these articles. There. I said it. However, now that I have read them I’m actually quite intrigued. I definitely...
  2. kmgeckle

    A Little Look at my Bucket List

            buck·et list noun informal a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. I got really excited when I saw this assignment! Honestly, I’ve never really sat down...
  3. kmgeckle

    Reflection Time

    WOW is all I have to say to start out this post. I just scratched my entire first draft of this after a little scare I had last night. As I was doing some work around 12:30 am (yes, I’m...
  4. kmgeckle

    Hide and Seek

    There was once a young couple, very much in love, who decided to get married.  On the eve of their wedding, a reception was held at the bride’s grandmother’s house. Everyone in attendance were joyous over the newly wedded couple....

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