Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Leslie Truesdale

    Final project ideas

    For my end of the semester “final project” I was dabbling with the idea of blogging about my thesis: how to write it, writing tips, about my project in particular. I have noticed that not many disciplines here at Mary Washington require a thesis project, which is upsetting because I am finding how beneficial this ...
  2. Leslie Truesdale

    Pre-Production for Video Week

    I’ve chosen to pre-produce the “make a scene from a horror movie” and the “opening credits redux” assignments.   In order to create a scene from a horror movie I would need actors, lots of make-up, an acceptable camera (most likely an iphone), epic music and some scripted action. I would recreate the infamous shower ...
  3. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 8

    March 17, 2012 If you had 3 hours to live, what would you do?   March 18, 2012 Windows, gates and doors represent the liminal state between two realities. Photograph this idea.
  4. Leslie Truesdale

    Reading movies

    Since spring break, I have been a ds106 failure. Busy is an understatement to describe my life since break. My first draft of my thesis is coming up on Tuesday–thankfully I’m on time, but I have to bust my butt until then. As a result, ds106 and this blog have taken a backseat. So these ...
  5. Leslie Truesdale

    Tutorial: Where’d that guy come from?

    For this assignment, I decided to photoshop a gorilla onto the Eiffel Tower in one of my travel photos. First off, I opened the original Eiffel Tower photo and the picture of the gorilla in photoshop. Once they are open, use the magnetic lasso tool on the gorilla and cut the image into a new ...
  6. Leslie Truesdale

    Eagle Radio-Poster

    So last night Eagle Radio stayed up LATE trying to get this assignment somewhat complete. Unfortunately the first 6 or 7 minutes of the show has been saved in 5 second increments–so we are unsure if it can be salvaged. Hopefully Jim Groom can come and save the day for us! We did record another ...
  7. Leslie Truesdale

    Radio Show Update

    For the radio show project for ds106, my group members– Margaret, Emily, Candice and myself– decided to formulate our show around the concept of ” the University of Mary Washington through the ages.” We’re going to talk about the university as it has evolved over the years. As a bonus, we’re hoping to interview (at ...
  8. Leslie Truesdale

    Over-Dramatic Reading (2 Stars)

    hangover For my last audio assignment, I chose to do a dramatic reading of the DVD back jacket of the Hangover. I chose to read it slowly and in a melancholy, monotone manner because I think it reflects the true nature of a hangover, which is the opposite of the pacing of the actual movie. ...
  9. Leslie Truesdale

    This American Life

    by   I listened to the episode of This American Life “Held Hostage.” I enjoyed this radio production. Yes the content was captivating, but I began noting the production itself. It felt as though I was just closing my eyes while watching tv. The background noises were appropriate and life-like. I became very sensitive to ...
  10. Leslie Truesdale

    Make your own ringtone (2 Stars)

    ringtone   Still trying to figure out how to embed the soundcloud bar into my post… anyway.. for my second and third stars I created my own ringtone. I searched for classic phones ringing. I downloaded a number, including a cell phone vibrating. It turned out that I accidentally hit play before I could ...
  11. Leslie Truesdale

    May I Take Your Order? (1 Star)

    may i take your order   For my first audio assignment, I decided to start simple and record my McDonald’s order with a southern accent. I first wrote a script for me to read off of. I then recorded each piece on Audacity. I saved the audio as a project. I then went to file ...
  12. Leslie Truesdale

    Reflections 2-21-2012

    Good Afternoon Bloggers!   So maybe it’s the daunting fact that my thesis draft is due in 3 weeks (and i’m procrastinating, spending all my time on ds106), or maybe that I’ve developed a keen desire for this whole blogging thing–but I’m starting to like this! It wasn’t just the comments on my work from ...
  13. Leslie Truesdale

    I Can Read Movies -3 Stars

    I decided to do the 1930s movie “Dracula” which happened to be adapted from the book by Bram Stoker.     This was a fun experiment–starting completely from scratch to create a book cover based on a movie. I used photoshop for this one–surprise, surprise. I started with a blank black layer. I wanted to ...
  14. Leslie Truesdale

    I Can Read Movies -3 Stars

    I decided to do the 1930s movie “Dracula” which happened to be adapted from the book by Bram Stoker.     This was a fun experiment–starting completely from scratch to create a book cover based on a movie. I used photoshop for this one–surprise, surprise. I started with a blank black layer. I wanted to ...
  15. Leslie Truesdale

    I Can Read Movies -3 Stars

    I decided to do the 1930s movie “Dracula” which happened to be adapted from the book by Bram Stoker.     This was a fun experiment–starting completely from scratch to create a book cover based on a movie. I used photoshop for this one–surprise, surprise. I started with a blank black layer. I wanted to ...
  16. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 5

    February 19 – Take a photo that represents a job you have or once had.     For almost 3 years now, I have been a farm-hand at my fathers business- TrueFarms in Haymarket, VA. We grow hydroponic lettuce and sell it to high-end restaurants and grocery stores in the Metropolitan area. Keep an eye ...
  17. Leslie Truesdale

    Name that single! -3 Stars

    So I had a great idea for this “name that single” assignment, but I fear if you don’t listen to this type of music it’ll just look stupid. Not to mention, it’s pretty minimalist–i found if i did anything else to this image, it would distract from the song title. Can you guess which single??? ...
  18. Leslie Truesdale

    Alternative Book Covers – 2 Stars

    This assignment was fun! I decided to change the book cover of The Hunger Games. It may be a stretch, but I thought it was pretty funny.     In order to create this masterpiece, I first found an image of children playing monopoly (games). I also found an image of a cheeseburger on a ...
  19. Leslie Truesdale

    One Story // Four Icons – 2 Stars

      So far this has been my favorite design assignment. I used icons from nounproject and put them together in a comic strip using In order to get the icons off of noun project, I used the snipping tool on my computer to take a picture of the images from the website. There was ...
  20. Leslie Truesdale

    If Movie Posters Told the Truth – 3 Stars

        For this assignment, I chose to make the Paranormal Activity poster one that told the truth of the movie. For me, this movie franchise is terrifying. I have not slept without a night light since I saw this movie… sad, but true (hence the text). This was quite fun, again spending entirely too ...
  21. Leslie Truesdale


    Today’s daily create: got tats? Photograph your own or someone else’s cool tattoo.     Since I don’t have any tattoos nor do any of my friends, I decided to interpret this daily create to include another permanent bodily marking: scars. They are permanent and serve a similar purpose as tattoos. I have plenty, but ...
  22. Leslie Truesdale

    My Favorites

    My absolute favorite photo that i doctored during this whole photography assignment, is one that was taken by accident. Frequently during the summer, I like to take my young black lab, Benny to my boyfriends backyard pool. He loves the water and I love taking pictures of him in it.         All ...
  23. Leslie Truesdale

    Colorize Your World-1 Star

    My 10th star goes to America! For this assignment, we needed to pick any image and change the colors via photoshop. I chose the American flag.       To change the colors of this image, I replaced the existing colors by manipulating individual hues and saturation. I went to Enhance–>adjust color–> replace color. Then ...
  24. Leslie Truesdale

    Common Everyday Object- 2 Stars

    This was a fun assignment. The idea is to take a picture of an ordinary object and manipulate the covers. Seeing as I am desk aiding in the Anderson Center for 5 hours today, I thought taking pictures was going to be difficult. And somehow I pulled it off and played more with photoshop.   ...
  25. Leslie Truesdale

    Album Cover- 2 Stars

    For this assignment, I followed the instructions to creating an album cover using random pages from wikipedia and quotations page on a random image from flickr. My band name is Drive, the album title is “and i think that’s really important,” the image taken is of a New Zealand sunset.     I doctored this ...

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