Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Leslie Truesdale


    My suggestion of an assignment may seem easy, but for those who put thought into it (in reflection of your own life) it can be challenging to photograph it. I propose to photograph or manipulate a previous photograph to depict envy. I don’t recommend taking the easy road– challenge yourself to think of personality characteristics ...
  2. Leslie Truesdale

    Final Reflections Video

    Here is my final reflections video. Since my computer decided to crash while I was writing my thesis (thankfully it was saved elsewhere), I’ve been using a different computer that only has movie maker on it. So I had to learn to use it for this video (hence why it took me a little longer ...
  3. Leslie Truesdale

    Final Checklist

    Its finally here! The end of the semester is upon us and finals are breathing down our necks. My schedule is fairly easy this week (comparable to previous years). I’m giving my thesis presentation tomorrow at noon, conservation biology final wednesday 8:30-11 and amazonian societies final 3:30-6 thursday. Since today is clear, I’m trying to ...
  4. Leslie Truesdale

    Tutorial: What’s in your head remix?

    The original assignment was to include images in the silhouette of my own head. The remix card was to show the prequel. So I put images in the silhouette of my past/childhood.   I used Adobe photoshop to edit the original image. I erased the original images in the head using the eraser tool.   I ...
  5. Leslie Truesdale

    Tutorial-Psycho Video

    Tutorials are not my strong suit, I can photoshop the business out of photos and edit videos like no other, but when it comes to teaching someone how to do it, I am not as swift with my words and images. But seeing as its a requirement, bare with me. I’d like to teach you ...
  6. Leslie Truesdale

    Final Projects Post

    My final project this semester was, in the most basic terms, a food diary. Each time I decided to tackle a tough recipe (or even an easy one) I would document it in some way. Being a member of the ds106 community, I tried to branch out from simple pictures and descriptions. I dabbled with ...
  7. Leslie Truesdale

    Spaghetti and Meatballs-College Edition

    Last night I got lazy and didn’t want to make an extravagant meal, but I still wanted to have a “real dinner.” So I scavenged around my kitchen and found tomato sauce, meatballs, and broccoli. To make this a little more challenging, I recorded my instructions only as audio. Since this recipe wasn’t really a ...
  8. Leslie Truesdale


    My mom just sent me this awesome e-mail. Its a video created by one of my dads employees. Not sure if I’ve told you all, but a few years ago my dad (who was recently retired at the time) stumbled upon the idea of starting his own business. After spending the majority of his career ...
  9. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 11

    April 7, 2012 Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another. April 5, 2012 Take a photo that includes repeating geometric shapes.   This is the ugly chair that I was sitting in during my thesis meeting that day. April 3, 2012 Draw love   This is the mess of ...
  10. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 11

    April 7, 2012 Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another. April 5, 2012 Take a photo that includes repeating geometric shapes.   This is the ugly chair that I was sitting in during my thesis meeting that day. April 3, 2012 Draw love   This is the mess of ...
  11. Leslie Truesdale

    Whats in your head? remix – 5 stars

    The original copy of this assignment was to take an image if your silhouette and fill it with images of things that you think about. The remix card was for “What’s the prequel?” to show what came before the image. I interpreted this by taking the original image that created and filled the silhouette with images of ...
  12. Leslie Truesdale

    Whats in your head? remix – 5 stars

    The original copy of this assignment was to take an image if your silhouette and fill it with images of things that you think about. The remix card was for “What’s the prequel?” to show what came before the image. I interpreted this by taking the original image that created and filled the silhouette with images of ...
  13. Leslie Truesdale

    Everything is Remix

    Okay, I’ll admit it, I did not get to this series of videos in a timely fashion. But after watching this series, all I have to say is better late than never. My mind is blown! Not only was I not aware that a number of  Led Zeppelin song lyrics were from other songs, but ...
  14. Leslie Truesdale

    Caught Mid Action Remix(5 stars)

    For this assignment, I used an image already submitted by someone else. It was a photo of a dog in action–caught in an adorable belly rub. Originally posted to this blog: . The remix card was to do a ‘subtle switcheroo.” I had to alter the image in a (attempted) subtle way. I made 3 changes ...
  15. Leslie Truesdale

    Create Your Frankenstein- Remix (5 stars)

    For this remix assignment, the original assignment was to create your own frankenstein–or use a combination of other images to create a new being. My remix card said to give it a “fox news” spin. I interpreted this literally. I took Megan Kelly’s hair, Bill O’Reilly’s nose and mouth, and Martha MacCallum’s eyes and put ...
  16. Leslie Truesdale

    Deviled Eggs

    Happy Easter everyone!   In honor of this holiday weekend, I chose to make my honey eggs benedict for breakfast, it was pretty okay. But for this assignment, I’m going to document my first attempt at making deviled eggs. YUM! This is my break from doing school work. Some would call it procrastination. Potato, PotAto. ...
  17. Leslie Truesdale

    Mash-up- 5 stars

    For this, my last video assignment, I wanted to do something funny/enjoyable. I wanted to mash Harry Potter and Hot Tub Time Machine. I took the audio from HTTM and mashed it with the video from HP. This was a tedious assignment. I watched the trailer over and over again, but I couldn’t find a ...
  18. Leslie Truesdale

    Funny Harry Potter Trailer

    Sooo as I am preparing to get going on my movie trailer mash up, I stumbled upon a video that I was pretty much OBSESSED with. We were talking in class Thursday about “literal” videos. This is the Harry Potter literal video. SOOOO FUNNY!!  
  19. Leslie Truesdale

    Redub the Audio- 4 stars

    So this Easter weekend, I am trapped in the Anderson Center/ Goolrick Gym working everyday, so recording good quality sound for my video is near impossible. I’m deciding to adjust to prompt– I’m going to redo the scene from a movie by applying audio from another scene from another movie. This could be real fun. ...
  20. Leslie Truesdale

    Numbers Movie – 3 stars

    This assignment was quick and easy– maybe I’m thinking that only because of how familiar I am becoming with ripping youtube videos and using the adobe software. In that case, easy is quite nice. I chose number 12 for this movie and took random images from google and I made a couple titles to describe ...
  21. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 10

    March 28, 2012 Geology is everywhere, parks building etc. Photograph a local geological feature. March 28, 2012 Glamorize your ride with a photograph that is worthy of its service to you.   March 29, 2012 Sometimes perfection is the enemy. Take a photo that represents a beautiful mess.
  22. Leslie Truesdale

    Week 9

    March 21, 2012 Make a photo that emphasizes the color yellow.   March 24, 2012 Some trees express enormous soul. Find and photograph that special tree.     March 25, 2012 Create a self-portrait, without your face, that identifies you. My red hair identifies me.  
  23. Leslie Truesdale

    Best Youtube Memes

    In class on Thursday, we were discussing the elements of a “viral video” and what it means to go “viral.” We did this by looking at the top 10 best youtube memes. My group was assigned videos number 4 “Mr Trolololo” and 8 ‘Why is the rum gone?”     I think this video went ...
  24. Leslie Truesdale

    Psycho Remade- 4 Stars

    For this assignment, I decided to remake the infamous shower scene from Psycho. After employing my boyfriend (he felt silly–hence his lack of commitment to his role) as the creepy killer, we filmed with his iphone Saturday afternoon while the macaroni and cheese was cooking in the crock pot. Talk about ds106 multitasking. We filmed ...
  25. Leslie Truesdale

    My Drunk Kitchen- Stars TBD

    Hello internetz!   For this assignment I had the brilliant idea to create a “my drunk kitchen” video. I chose my recipe–crock pot mac’n'cheese and got a bottle of wine and went to town. I am 21 years old, so it was perfectly legal. I also did have supervision and had help handling sharp objects ...
  26. Leslie Truesdale

    Opening Credits Redux – 4 Stars

    For this assignment I chose to redo the opening credits for the Wizard of Oz to go along with my Video Essay post. This assignment was fun, but tedious. I tried to stay as true to my original pre-production concept as possible. Enjoy!     I used Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 for this assignment. I ...
  27. Leslie Truesdale

    Video essay- 5 stars

    After finally learning how to maneuver Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0, I thoroughly enjoyed editing this video. It was a nice easy lead in to the video work I’ll be doing tomorrow. I did my video essay on the same movie I analyzed in one of my previous posts- The Wizard of Oz. This was a ...
  28. Leslie Truesdale

    Video Thoughts Part 1

    Sorry for the recent dead air on my blog. My thesis draft was due Tuesday evening, so I’ve been forced to prioritize a little bit. Now that the draft is submitted, I can breathe a little and do some ds106 work! I hear the video weeks will be the toughest, but I’m ready to take ...
  29. Leslie Truesdale

    March 18-Crock Pot Turkey Chili

    Well since I just came up with this idea and I’ve already done the cooking, I won’t have prep pictures. A couple hours ago I prepared my crock pot for turkey chili. I am a BIGGGG fan of –which is where I got the recipe. This website is a search engine for yummy recipes, ...

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