Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Martha

    4 Icon Challenge-1984

    _cpzh4: Here is my response to the 4 Icon Challenge submissions by Kyle Tezak. His work inspired me to create one of my own for a book I deeply enjoyed. This is my interpretation of the book Nineteen Eighty-Four in 4 icons. Tags VisualAssignments VisualAssignments40, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Daniel Helkey, _clrrx: 161, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments161</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>
  2. Martha

    Common everyday object

    _cpzh4: Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Elizabeth Castillo, _clrrx: 106, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments106</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>
  3. Martha

    Create a Fake App

    _cpzh4: Design the information page for a fake App (Android, iOS, or other platform). Extra points if you can design a fake app that will magically make your device do something it couldn't possibly do in real life., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Ben Rimes, _clrrx: 216, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments216</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1085
  4. Martha

    The Wayback Machine

    _cpzh4: Remember what the web looked like in 1997? You might not, but it was retrofabulous! For this assignment take a modern website or web service and downgrade it back to 1997 standards., _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Tim Owens, _clrrx: 215, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments215</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1080
  5. Martha

    Kinetic Typography

    _cpzh4: Kinetic typography ("moving text") is an animation technique that allows a creative entrepreneur to mix text and motion. Your job is to take a speech or bit of dialog (try audiobooks, movies, TV shows, etc.) and animate it. Consider how you could visually enforce the speech's underlying themes... or subvert them. Be creative! Here is an example of ds106's own timmmmboy's (Tim Owens):, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: leelzebub, _clrrx: 214, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments214</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1075
  6. Martha

    1 Second Video

    _cpzh4: How much of a story can you tell in a 1 second video? Inspired by this:, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: noiseprofessor, _clrrx: 213, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments213</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1070
  7. Martha

    Play by Play

    _cpzh4: Take any real life video and give us a play by play commentary on what we see. It can be a sports event, funny video or videogame gameplay. Make it funny, make it real, make it anything you want to be. Lets hear what you have to say about the game!, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Eric in Tokyo, _clrrx: 212, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments212</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1065
  8. Martha

    Remix an Album Cover

    _cpzh4: Find an iconic album cover and remix it to represent a something different. It can be a play on the title, the image, the aesthetic, genre, etc. See the visual example featuring Snoop Dog and Dr Dre as Chronic Youth (a play on Sonic Youth's album cover Goo). , _cre1l: Mashup, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Jim Groom, _clrrx: 211, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments211</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1060
  9. Martha

    Based on 1-Qote-A-Day Projrct!!

    _cpzh4: First of all, see this following link (assignment introduced by mome). Quotes could be nice only by its own, but it might go further when it went beyond written words. Read your quote for a day out loud, and record it! Do not forget to give an appropriate feeling to it. Tone of voice could be a helpful hint for answerers to guess where your quote came from. Mimicking the original tone could be nice enough, but you also can add your own feelings to it as well. :), _cre1l: Audio, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Rimi 'Kookaburra' Morita, _clrrx: 210, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments210</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1055
  10. Martha

    Google Translate Fail

    _cpzh4: Find something in a foreign language and use Google Translate and laugh about how awful it is. Its pretty easy to do if you use Google Chrome. Just go to a site in another language and select the translate to English button when it pops up (options - under the hood - check the box that says to offer translations). I think you can also use the main to translate pages as well. If its a language you know, give an explanation of what it should be and list possible reasons it got messed up. , _cre1l: On/In the Web, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Steven Q. Dangerfist, _clrrx: 209, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments209</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1050
  11. Martha

    Music Mapped Videos

    _cpzh4: Pick a song that has geographic references (or heck ,make up the references), and create a Google Map that has the locations along with media for each pin in the map. Mash it up with the audio or video of the song into a new video- making it a music mapped video!, _cre1l: Mashup, _d415a:, _d5fpr: CogDog, _clrrx: 208, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments208</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments</a>, _d180g: 1045
  12. Martha

    SuperHero – Super Villain your Friends

    _cpzh4: Turn your friend into a superhero or a super villain by preplacing an existing character's head with your friends. Or mix and match any variety of body parts, super powers, etc. for effect. Also consider adapting a character's quote to suit your friend's personality and include it in the image., _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith (for CogDog), _clrrx: 198, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments198</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 995
  13. Martha


    _cpzh4: Alot can happen from birth to death. Be creative, show how things; animals, objects, technology, evolve throughout time. This assignment doesn't have to be precise, your object evolving doesn't have to evolve the way is expected during the process of evolution. Be creative!, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Isaac Thesatus, _clrrx: 197, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments197</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 990
  14. Martha

    Movie Voice Machines

    _cpzh4: Create a voice mail message for a character in a film or tv show. Use samples, impressions, and/or music to create your message., _cre1l: Audio, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith, _clrrx: 196, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments196</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 985
  15. Martha

    Replay value

    _cpzh4: This is one for the gamers. Tell an original story/scene by reappropriating screenshots from your favourite game! How? Here's some ideas: Overwrite the text/add elements to the picture/"fake" screenshot art!, _cre1l: Visual, _d5fpr: mome, _clrrx: 194, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments194</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 975
  16. Martha

    trpile troll

    _cpzh4: let the trolling begin, _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _clrrx: 192, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments192</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 965
  17. Martha

    Character Bird Calls

    _cpzh4: Like some people use special whistles to attract birds, your task is to create an 30 second or less audio file that might be used to “call” a particular character from a movie, tv, or real life. It cannot feature voices, but sounds only (try Write a description why this sound would be attractive to the character, why it would be effective (be inventive, write a story about it). , _cre1l: Audio, _d415a:, _d5fpr: CogDog, _clrrx: 193, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments193</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 970
  18. Martha

    Your very own Spubble

    _cpzh4: Learn to love yourself, grab a picture of yourself in which your body language, actions, gestures, etc. suggest one thing and then play off that using a speech bubble. Ideally the result would make people laugh---but I must acknowledge there are other possible emotional responses that may be just as acceptable. Think of it as lolcat, save it's a human (namely you) and there is nothing compelling anyone to abuse the letter z in the speech bubble text. <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> would make this assignment dead simple., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Jim Groom, _clrrx: 190, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments190</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 955
  19. Martha

    Demotivate yourself!

    _cpzh4: Demotivational posters have become quite a common and interesting phenomenon on the Internet. Whether actually "demotivational" or simply tongue-in-cheek, create a demotivational poster today!, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: mome, _clrrx: 191, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments191</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 960
  20. Martha

    1 Quote a Day

    _cpzh4: Quotes are awesome. They recall a time, a trend or can identify you with a certain group. Type up a simple line/quote/text-based meme today without divulging the source (or completing the quote). People who recognize the line can respond in the comments! , _cre1l: Writing, _d415a:!/search/realtime/%231qad, _d5fpr: mome, _clrrx: 189, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments189</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments</a>, _d180g: 950
  21. Martha

    The Role-Playing Game

    _cpzh4: Inspired by role-playing websites, where participants create a character for themselves and "role-play" said character. Each post is a short piece of fictional writing, but unique in that each entry is supposed to purposely intertwine with the one before and after it (all written by different people!). How? Each time your entry starts, reference what the previous person's post dealt with, and when it ends leave something open for someone else to jump in. For websites, they usually stick to a set genre (fantasy, sci-fi etc.) and rules, but for this assignment I'm thinking of going crazy and setting no rules whatsoever. If someone writes about a cowboy in one post, go ahead and play a space alien in the next. So, lemme start this one off then: "Joe the clown was not a happy camper this morning. This was evidenced by the fact that he had put four lumps of sugar into his coffee, instead of the regular two. He only ever broke his two-sugars rule on special occasions, so going by that particular string of logic, this was a very special occasion indeed. Nevertheless Joe had little time to sulk, hunched over his kitchen table with remnants of buttered toast still clinging to the sides of his lips. And so it was that with a labored sigh he propped himself up off his seat and began the dreaded walk towards the front door, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a red rubber nose as he did so. He finished fixing the rubber implement on his own nose at about the same moment that his other hand fell on the cold, brass doorknob that led to the outside world. He paused for a moment, just a little longer than what he would usually allow himself (but this was a special occasion, remember). He then took a deep breath, turned the knob and stepped outside into the cold chilly morning air. It was time to have a word with the neighbours who had kept him up all night...", _cre1l: Writing, _d415a:, _d5fpr: mome, _clrrx: 187, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments187</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments</a>, _d180g: 940
  22. Martha

    Troll Steals Axe Challenge

    _cpzh4: A famous guitar player appears in an image using a guitar that is belongs to another famous guitar player (bonus points for embedding audio from a riff by yet another famous guitar player. This is a relatively simple project that will help improve superimposing mixed images in Photoshop (or any other image editor with layers). It is similar to the Troll Quotes assignment in that it involves bringing together disparate elements into one place and asks readers to figure who's who and what's whose. The technique used is similar to that described in this tutorial on <a href="">changing faces</a> on a movie poster ( The new image will consist of a famous guitar playing or holding the guitar of another famous guitar player. My TA went added an additional feature to the assignment by embedding an mp3 clip of a riff by yet another famous guitar player. , _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Otto Paertz, _clrrx: 188, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments188</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 945
  23. Martha

    A Life in Two Minutes

    _cpzh4: Create a 2 minute audio story inspired by the "My Life is True" series produced by KQED of Northern California. KQED works with people "to explain, in their own words, a significant moment or stubborn problem." Work with a friend or tell a story about yourself that describes such a moment or problem. Be sure to keep it at two minutes or less! Thanks to GNA Garcia for posting a link to this awesome site on Twitter and inspiring assignment ideas for DS106., _cre1l: Audio, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith, _clrrx: 184, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments184</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 925
  24. Martha

    colorize your world

    _cpzh4: in this simple assignment you would take a image of anything you want, whether it is a cartoon character or an image from a movie and just change the colors around in photoshop., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:,, _d5fpr: Andre Suarez, _clrrx: 183, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments183</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 920
  25. Martha

    Imag[in]ing the Streets with Google Street View

    _cpzh4: Read artist Jon Rafman's essay about Google Street view image captures and view his collection of images found on Street View blogs and from his own searching. "The detached gaze of the automated camera can lead to a sense that we are observed simultaneously by everyone and by no one." Find a street view image, post it and the location your blog. Describe why this moment is interesting/important to you., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith, _clrrx: 177, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments177</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 890
  26. Martha

    How I Made It

    _cpzh4: Create, edit, and submit a video tutorial for the creation process for one of your ds106 assignments. From start to finish, include any interesting bits of information, why you selected some of the artifacts used in the assignment, and any other interesting bits of information about equipment or the process that people might need to know. Bonus points for including family members in the video!, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Ben Rimes, _clrrx: 176, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments176</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 885
  27. Martha

    Merit a Badge

    _cpzh4: Badges. Badges are the future of education. With a badge, you can express your skills in a visible and authentic way. Without a badge, you're just another worthless drain on society. Better get yourself a badge., _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: leelzebub, _clrrx: 174, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments174</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 875
  28. Martha

    Corporatize Your Friends

    _cpzh4: Find a billboard or ad with the name of a friend or colleague, and photoshop them in to personalize it. I got inspired while in the DC Metro seeing billboard after billboard of Siemens ads, and could not help but think they were speaking about <em><a href="">George Siemens</a></em> not the <a href="">poly-glot electronics company</a>., _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: CogDog, _clrrx: 173, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments173</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 870
  29. Martha

    Messing with the MacGuffin

    _cpzh4: Wikipedia defines the MacGuffin as "a plot element that catches the viewers' attention or drives the plot of a work of fiction." For this assignment forever change the plot of a movie, tv show, etc. by changing a single line of dialogue. Put this new line of dialogue below a screen-cap of the moment in the movie you're changing. Credit to Tom Woodward for posting an example of this idea in the #ds106 Twitter stream. , _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith, _clrrx: 172, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments172</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 865
  30. Martha

    We Don’t Need No Stinkin Badges Badge

    _cpzh4: Badges are everywhere, right. On policemen and women, in the gaming world, in the movies. Well, here is your chance to make a badge for our ds106 world. How does one earn a badge you might ask? Well, in ds106 we like to just do it to ourselves. We are a rather self-indulgent lot. Make 'em and pin 'em!, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Todd Conaway, _clrrx: 169, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments169</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 850

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