Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Martha

    Re-Living a Memory

    _cpzh4: Reenact a family member's, friend's, or stranger's memory. This could be a continuation of the"Recording a Memory" assignment (, _cre1l: Video, _d5fpr: leelzebub, _clrrx: 163, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments163</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 820
  2. Martha

    Recording a Memory

    _cpzh4: Capture on video a friend, family member, or stranger recounting a favorite (or least favorite) memory. Be creative. Then, check out the "Re-Living a Memory" assignment., _cre1l: Video, _d5fpr: leelzebub, _clrrx: 162, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments162</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 815
  3. Martha

    Machinima-style Minecraft Tour

    _cpzh4: Similar to Joe Proffit's assignment, but try to emulate the specific tour/documentary style that the Machinima channel uses on YouTube. Use CamStudio or FRAPS to capture some Minecraft gameplay!, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Matthew Presser, _clrrx: 160, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments160</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 805
  4. Martha

    Video Essay

    _cpzh4: For some reason, I can't find this assignment under Video, so I'm reposting it. Take a few clips from one or more movies and add audio commentary about the scene. Share your thoughts and feelings on the moment, how the music makes you feel/ties into the scene, the actions of the characters and how they affect you, what you think is really going on in the scene on a higher level than what we see, etc.., _cre1l: Video, _d5fpr: Joe Proffitt, _clrrx: 159, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments159</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 800
  5. Martha

    Screen Capture

    _cpzh4: Use CamStudio, Fraps, or another screen capturing software to get footage of something you do on your computer. A few minutes of gameplay is a good example., _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Joe Proffitt, _clrrx: 158, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments158</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 795
  6. Martha

    Make a Scene from a Horror Film

    _cpzh4: Recreate (or make your own!) scene from a horror movie. Whether you recreate the "Hereee's Johnny!" scene from The Shining or create a new idea all together is up to you. , _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: shannotate, _clrrx: 157, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments157</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 790
  7. Martha

    Plinkett Review

    _cpzh4: Review a bad movie, using footage from it and other films. Tear it apart. Show us everything that's wrong with it., _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Alan Liddell, _clrrx: 156, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments156</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 785
  8. Martha

    Speed Up Your Work Day

    _cpzh4: Take video of yourself doing what you typically do on an average work day, and then speed it up! Start with at least 30 minutes of footage at a minimum, so as to get a good amount of video to share. Challenge yourself to complete the assignment in one single shot, then speed it up to ridiculous speeds, and toss in some music that fits the mood., _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Ben Rimes, _clrrx: 155, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments155</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 780
  9. Martha

    Product Review

    _cpzh4: This one is simple. Just find something around the house that you enjoy using, find helpful on a day-to-day basis, or even something that you own but don't find worth the money you payed for it. Once you have your item, record yourself giving a product review. Be thorough, don't just skim the surface with general comments. Show us how the item works, what it's used for, what it's features are, what you think of it, etc., _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Joe Proffitt, _clrrx: 154, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments154</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 775
  10. Martha

    News on the March

    _cpzh4: Create a 30's/40's-style newsreel about anything at all. Just make sure it's heavy on the propaganda feel., _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Alan Liddell, _clrrx: 153, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments153</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 770
  11. Martha

    Another four icons

    Yeah, I know the current SOB iteration of DS106 covered design/visual a few weeks ago, but I had this idea for another 4 icon challenge tonight and decided to throw it together.
  12. Martha

    Another four icons

    Yeah, I know the current SOB iteration of DS106 covered design/visual a few weeks ago, but I had this idea for another 4 icon challenge tonight and decided to throw it together.
  13. Martha

    Make Your Own Ringtone(s)

    _cpzh4: Using Audacity, trim, join end-to-end (cut/paste), and/or play side-by-side audio files in order to create your very own ringtone. Ringtones should be a maximum or 40 seconds to conserve phone memory (besides, most cell phones don't ring longer than 30 seconds or so...the extra 10 seconds is just in case). Be creative, you might want to actually use it on your phone. Please properly cite all sources used -- Remember, fair use requires money to use as a defense., _cre1l: Audio, _d5fpr: Joe Proffitt, _clrrx: 152, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments152</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 765
  14. Martha

    Blogger Fanfic

    _cpzh4: Write fanfic about your favourite blogger(s). Maybe someone in or around ds106, maybe somebody elsewhere you read regularly. What do they get up to? What are their secret thoughts and dreams? How do they get on with other bloggers? Obviously these stories are likely to be pretty ridiculous, but they should never be any more ridiculous than blogging itself., _cre1l: Fanfic, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Fr Vivian O'blivion, _clrrx: 151, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>FanficAssignments151</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>FanficAssignments</a>, _d180g: 760
  15. Martha

    WIRED Feature – What’s Inside You?

    _cpzh4: Based on the regular Wired magazine feature "What's Inside" found in the paper version of the periodical. ( Create a what's inside poster all about you. Make it humorous, make it serious, extra points if you can turn it into a formidable replacement for your CV! , _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Ben Rimes, _clrrx: 150, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments150</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 755
  16. Martha

    Wait, where’d that guy come from?

    _cpzh4: Photoshop someone(s) (or something(s)) into a picture that isn't supposed to be there. Here's the original inspiration for the project:, _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: shannotate, _clrrx: 149, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments149</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 750
  17. Martha

    Exquisite Corpse

    _cpzh4: This description of the exquisite corpse parlor game is taken from Chapter 9 of the open source textbook "Digital Foundations: Intro to Media Design with adobe Creative Suite" - link: "Exquisite corpse” is a parlor game that the Surrealists developed in 1925. In this game, each player submits images (drawings, paintings, photographs) of heads, torsos, and legs, and they are combined to produce surprising new bodies. We have played this game with students using images of each other that we captured in class on a digital camera, as well as by using images from pop culture, found on the web. Collaging celebrity and politician body parts can provoke thoughtful discussion. Images of students are on the wiki, but it's more fun to try this with pictures of your friends or family! For this assignment you can work with friends, family or just yourself. Make photos of body parts like face, hands, ears, arms, legs, torso (front or back), etc. Use an image editor with layers to combine the separate parts into a surprising new body. If you need help you can follow the tutorial here - - which includes example files you can practice with, but afterward make your own Exquisite Corpse and share it on your blog., _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Cheryl Colan, _clrrx: 147, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments147</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 740
  18. Martha

    Local Commercial Mashup

    _cpzh4: Find a local place/business that you love! Create a commercial for it using video you've captured and mash it up with audio that provides a discordant experience. For example, mashing up video footage of a children's carousel with heavy metal music., _cre1l: Mashup, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Ben Rimes, _clrrx: 145, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments145</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments</a>, _d180g: 730
  19. Martha

    Sing. Dance. Jump in puddles.

    _cpzh4: pick a bad photo, apply a vintage effect and write something in helvetica. , _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Daryl, _clrrx: 143, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments143</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 720
  20. Martha

    Triple Troll Attack, GO!

    _cpzh4: The assignment is to take a photo, a quote from a different character than the one in the picture, and a name from a third character different from the other two, place the quote in the picture, and "sign" it with the third person's name. The three characters are to be from three different, but similar in genre, series. It's known as "troll quoting". For an "official" definition, go here:, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Darth Ba'al, _clrrx: 138, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments138</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 695
  21. Martha

    stop frame photography

    _cpzh4: Take several pictures of one object movie. When the pictures are place together is will show the movement of the object., _cre1l: Visual, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Elizabeth Castillo, _clrrx: 107, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments107</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VisualAssignments</a>, _d180g: 540
  22. Martha

    Trip Playlist

    _cpzh4: Create a cohesive theme-based song playlist that could be used as the perfect background music for your trip of choice (On a cruise, On a safari, On an international trip, sharkhunting, scubadiving, roadtripping....) If you want to get really fancy, use background sounds associated with the type of trip you're taking as transitions between the songs. For example: water noises in between your suba playlist. , _cre1l: Audio, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Chriisb123, _clrrx: 120, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments120</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>AudioAssignments</a>, _d180g: 605
  23. Martha


    _cpzh4: using photoshop or a similar program you letters to spell your name in a unique fashion, _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Elizabeth Castillo, _clrrx: 108, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments108</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 545
  24. Martha

    Where is Jim?

    _cpzh4: A WebStory on a missing report for Jim Groom, _cre1l: On/In the Web, _d5fpr: Brent, _clrrx: 125, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments125</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments</a>, _d180g: 630
  25. Martha

    Taking down Google

    _cpzh4: We all know that Google is taking over the world. This corporation is probably--scratch that-- DEFINITELY evil and needs to be stopped. Write a story about power hungry Google and/or other companies they own. Don't forget to include lots of pictures!, _cre1l: Writing, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Cali4beach, _clrrx: 113, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments113</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>WritingAssignments</a>, _d180g: 570
  26. Martha

    First of many

    _cpzh4: The first GIF upload onto our new website. Exciting stuff!!, _cre1l: Video, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Julie Rosewarne, _clrrx: 134, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments134</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>VideoAssignments</a>, _d180g: 675
  27. Martha

    Way Back Time Machine

    _cpzh4: Using the Way Back Time Machine website on Internet Archive, take screen shots of a favorite website overtime. Then, look at how the website has changed for better and worse. Blog about what makes a website effective and how that changes., _cre1l: On/In the Web, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Jessica Masulli, _clrrx: 114, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments114</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>On/In the WebAssignments</a>, _d180g: 575
  28. Martha

    Trilogy Trailer Montage

    _cpzh4: Make a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies (LOTR, Saw, Final Destination etc.) and combine scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer..., _cre1l: Mashup, _d5fpr: Zarar A., _clrrx: 132, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments132</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>MashupAssignments</a>, _d180g: 665
  29. Martha

    Missing Persons Poster for Dr. Oblivion

    _cpzh4: Help #ds106 find Dr. Oblivion. Create a poster to help the search!, _cre1l: Design, _d415a:, _d5fpr: Michael Branson Smith, _clrrx: 142, _cyevm: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments142</a>, _cztg3: <a rel='tag'>DesignAssignments</a>, _d180g: 715

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