Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mellis_5

    Wrap up

    This semester in ds106 was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I’m not sure what I was expecting or even what digital storytelling was exactly, but boy do I know now. It’s using all forms of media as a way to creatively tell a story, these mediums, sounds, videos, effects, etc.. all… Continue reading Wrap up
  2. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  3. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    When I think about Mashups and remixes I soo vividly remember mashup tv episodes where characters from other shows would come onto another show (usually from the same network) and those were always the best, most exciting episodes. I also think about Glee and how that show would create some amazing mashups and how they… Continue reading Weekly Summary
  4. @mellis_5

    2 Remixes

     Animoji Karaoke…REMIX. The original assignment was to create an animoji lip singing but after the remix I had to incorporate the color pink. So instead of doing my usual animoji (a monkey) I went with a pink pig. I chose call me maybe because it was a favorite when I was little and it’s stuck… Continue reading 2 Remixes
  5. @mellis_5

    Mashup Assignments

    photo mash  #MashupAssignments #MashupAssignments2037 These assignments were really fun and I love that I got to put my photoshop skills to the test. The one I’m most proud of is the famous breakfast club scene with the snitch flying by him. I thought it looked so real and I really impressed myself with it. As… Continue reading Mashup Assignments
  6. @mellis_5

    project ideas

    Here is a list of what we brainstormed! family feud type show game show of sorts (we really though about this and didn’t think we would be able to use editing and directing as a ay to invoke emotion and showing emotion/ making viewers feel something would be difficult with a game show) Mystery- big… Continue reading project ideas
  7. @mellis_5

    weekly summary

    This week I got together with Annie Grace and Jack Henry to discuss our movie we decided to create together. It was so much fun getting to collaborate with them again. We sat down and brainstormed what we wanted out movie to look like and we went with a murder mystery that my roommate so… Continue reading weekly summary
  8. @mellis_5

    Movie trailer

    Making this was so much fun! First we sat down and planned a plot and a script then starred thinking about what we wanted our film to look like through a trailer. we went with a mystery because we thought it would be the most fun to create because of ...
  9. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    This week was super fun! I absolutely loved getting together with my group and bonding and coming up with a plan. I really loved the poster assignment as well, that is just something I really enjoy doing. I love making things all pretty and nice looking and I thought the logo turned out really well.… Continue reading Weekly Summary
  10. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  11. @mellis_5


    This was the logo I made for the radio show and I really enjoyed making it and getting to do something creative for the project. I decided to go with a simple yet cool color scheme and theme. I wanted to incorporate all of our names which is why it is designed with the lettering… Continue reading Logo
  12. @mellis_5

    Assignment banks-Audio

    Create a place #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments2118 ds106 radio commercial #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments1118 I chose to create these and relate them to our radioshow. Overall they made me think outside the box especially the commercial. I loved doing the commercial because I’ve never really promoted something before so that was interesting and I liked picking the music to… Continue reading Assignment banks-Audio
  13. @mellis_5

    Weekly summary

    This week I felt was very creative as far as themes and such go. If I were to give this week a theme it would be creativity. Designing is something so important in the world of storytelling and can be a very difficult thing to master (proved by this week) I thought the assignment banks… Continue reading Weekly summary
  14. @mellis_5

    Daily Creates

  15. @mellis_5

    Assignment bank- design

    Create a t-shirt Charity Ad For this assignment I decided to make my own charity and make a joke of my financial standings as they are less than impressive as a college student with a shopping addiction. This assignment was funny and creative loved designing my own poster! #DesignAssignments #DesignAssignments2202 Favorite movie quote For this… Continue reading Assignment bank- design
  16. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    This week I really enjoyed a lot of aspects to the assignments. While I don’t love hearing my own voice, it was interesting to see how I would sound in a radio bumper and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t pretended to do this at least once when I was little. Honestly, I… Continue reading Weekly Summary
  17. @mellis_5


    Difference in opinion/ Gender wars picking topics and having a guy tell his perspective/opinion on the topic vs a girls comedy React to two to three people listen, watch, look at something then describe what they’re looking at and react to it for people to hear this should be a comedy pick outlandish things for… Continue reading Brainstorm
  18. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  19. @mellis_5

    Audio Bumper

    Super interesting week with DS106. Went out of my comfort zone with these assignments but had more fun with this one than I thought I was going to. I really tried to simulate that I was a radio director and tried to really sound as though I was that fun voice you hear on the… Continue reading Audio Bumper
  20. @mellis_5

    Audio Reflection

    Sounds and different audios drive stories because it evokes emotion, creates scenes, and can even give us a sense of place and personality of characters. A story can be so much more powerful with background and different noises throughout. For example, in the Moon Graffiti soundcloud the story teller starts to explain where the audio… Continue reading Audio Reflection
  21. @mellis_5

    Photo Reflection

    Photography is something I have been interested in since early high school. I mostly like to take portraits, landscape shots, and up close detailed shots. I still do take a lot of photos but usually not in the artistic ways I used to. Now, it’s mostly pictures of my friends and I when we’re doing… Continue reading Photo Reflection
  22. @mellis_5

    Visual Assignments

    Animated Pets #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments418 4 lines, 5 dots, 1 curve #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments988 Back to Basics #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments1316 Car Lust #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments123 Birthdays are the worst #VisualAssignments #VisualAssignments1720
  23. @mellis_5


    All prompts: Show us some food How do ants see the world? Change your viewpoint. Take a photo that emphasizes the detail of a human hand Take a closeup photo of something very shiny. Make it hard to guess what it is. Place an object in your shot that’s hard to find or recognize. A… Continue reading Photoblitzer

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