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  1. @myclassaccount

    Social Media Influencers and the Positivity They Put Out

    Pictured above you see an examples of posts from Kiel James Patrick’s Instagram feed. He has been someone that I have been following for years. This project is dedicated to people like him, who have gained a following a created a wonderful online community through the positivity in which they out out on their social media platforms. So often, we hear about all of the negative that come with social media, but I wanted to take the time with this … Continue reading "Social Media Influencers and the Positivity They Put Out"
  2. @myclassaccount

    Week 11 Summary

    Another peer teaching week! This week we got to do another round of peer teaching. This is our third round of doing this. We have really gotten used to it now and it is fun thing to do throughout the course of this class. This week we shared what we were working on for our Big Project. We also went over our AI creation and the ideas that we had for them. The idea that I had was Indiana Jones … Continue reading "Week 11 Summary"
  3. @myclassaccount

    Week 10 Summary

    We have really gotten into AInow! This week we did several interactive activities where we went in-depth on the on the ethics of certain AI that has been used. We did a couple assignments for homework on Perusall where we all made seven comments or questions on the reading. It was a really interesting experience using this site. It is an alternative to doing you basic discussion board post on Canvas. You’re interacting directly with the text and seeing what … Continue reading "Week 10 Summary"
  4. @myclassaccount

    Week 9 Summary

    Hi, everyone! We came back from Spring Break this week and got things going with Artificial Intelligence! We discussed all things AI. It was really interested hearing from the professors on the journey we have been on with AI and what’s to come. I also really enjoyed hearing from the class and their thoughts on AI and all of experiences with it in the real world and in film. I really loved our assignment where each group chose an example … Continue reading "Week 9 Summary"
  5. @myclassaccount

    Week 7 Summary

    It’s the last week before Spring Break and we are hitting the halfway point of the semester. We have learned so much during this first half of the semester in Applied Digital Studies as you will see in all of my weekly summaries. This week we went over over programming magic 8 ball functions. It was interesting to see how they all turned out and the big similarities that we had a the small differences. We also had peer teaching … Continue reading "Week 7 Summary"
  6. @myclassaccount

    Week 6 Summary

    This week we started things off by taking a quiz on our reading from last week, The Soft Truth. We discussed the the story and the meanings behind it. When going over the quiz after we took it it we had a really interesting class discussion. Similar to what we did on Monday, we took a quiz on our reading on Wednesday as well. We then discussed the reading which was titled, The Making of a YouTube Radical. We discussed … Continue reading "Week 6 Summary"
  7. @myclassaccount

    Week 5 Summary

    We entered into the Algorithm this week! Week 5 started a new journey for us in this class. We were introduced to programming on Python and went over some fun things like Strings. Going from HTML to this it all feels a bit different but there similarities in the way of thinking that the adjustment isn’t to big of a jump. To get us into the vibe of programming we read some interesting readings and participated in discussions on why … Continue reading "Week 5 Summary"
  8. @myclassaccount

    Week 4 Summary

    We really ramped things up this week! We got out subdomains going and went over so much. Our subdomains are now all up and running. It has been a really interesting week seeing what everyone has decided to do with their subdomains. Everyone’s ideas have been really cool. I have enjoyed checking them out. This was also a peer teaching week and it went very well! I presented on the first peer teaching day this week on Wednesday. I went … Continue reading "Week 4 Summary"
  9. @myclassaccount

    Week 3 Summary

    What a week! After a couple of weeks in Applied Digital Studies of us becoming familiar with everything we really got things going this week. We’re taking action now. We are learning all about the coding behind websites. The idea of all of this sounds pretty stressful, but during class we were able to go through it all to ensure that we have it all down. At times I worried that I wasn’t getting ahead enough, but then realized I … Continue reading "Week 3 Summary"
  10. @myclassaccount

    Week 2 Summary

    Welcome to the metaverse! This week in our class the metaverse continued to be all of the hype! We discussed the plans that Mark Zuckerberg has for it. We discussed where we think it could go. Many examples in pop culture were brought up. We talked in-depth about our reading from Snow Crash. We answered questions in groups about Hiro and what his life is like in both versions of the story. It was really interesting having this discussion and … Continue reading "Week 2 Summary"
  11. @myclassaccount

    Week 1 Summary

    First week of the semester complete! We started the week off for our class having our first two classes on Zoom on Monday and Wednesday. Today, Friday, we met for the first time in-person. This week as one can expect for a first week of the semester were given a n overview of what to expect from the class. We joined our class Discord. We went over class expectations. We went through the class Canvas page. We made sure that … Continue reading "Week 1 Summary"
  12. @myclassaccount

    What is the story you want to share with the world?

    Hello, everyone! What a class this has been! I am incredibly happy that I decided to take this course this semester. The ways in which this course allowed for us to be as creative as we want to be at all times has led to it being such a wonderful experience. All of the assignments were so thoughtful and it was terrific to think up all of the ideas I had around them to share with all of you. Speaking … Continue reading "What is the story you want to share with the world?"
  13. @myclassaccount

    Thirteenth Weekly Summary

    I have been having such a terrific time going over how to approach this final project. As we got closer I made the decision to focus on engagement. Ultimately, I have decided that the final project will center around engagement with audiences in the film community all of the ways in which you can connect. What is the the relationship like when it comes to the use of social media platforms and websites? That is the story that I am … Continue reading "Thirteenth Weekly Summary"
  14. @myclassaccount

    Twelfth Weekly Summary

    We begin with the Daily Creates! Next up: Mashups and remixes! It was a terrific time making these! We are also continuing to think about our final projects. Lots of thought has been going into this. The story of engagement that I want to share with everyone is something I’m really trying to quite creative with. Have a nice weekend!
  15. @myclassaccount

    Mashups and Remixes

    Breakdown: Here are my two mashups for the 8 stars this week. In our them of joy I decided to combine Taylor Swift’s Red (Taylor’s version) songs mashed up with Scenes From a Marriage and scenic shots of Fall around the city. I used TikTok for both of the mashups. Nonconformity [Remixed]: Pollack Style Me. Going for what I want. Life. Forward. Happiness. Breakdown: This is a written version of a Pollack painting which are known to be all over … Continue reading "Mashups and Remixes"
  16. @myclassaccount

    Eleventh Weekly Summary

    Daily Creates! Three of them this week! The big one for the week was the completion of my short film, Fall into Fall! Last week I released the trailer for it and this week its here! Check it out here! Here’s my full post on it! Have a terrific weekend, everyone!
  17. @myclassaccount

    Fall into Fall Short Film

    Hello! I’m very excited to share with all of you the short film that I have been working on over the last couple of weeks. Last week I released the trailer for it. The short film is titled Fall into Fall. I filmed the short film in Washington, DC, Richmond, VA, Leesburg, VA, Wilmington, DE, and Philadelphia, PA. I captured the story of Fall and made a film that allows you to truly fall into it all! Enjoy! Breakdown: As … Continue reading "Fall into Fall Short Film"
  18. @myclassaccount

    Tenth Weekly Summary

    Starting off with the two Daily Creates for the week! Next up, we have Project Ideas 2. We checked out everyone else’s ideas for their big project and gave our thoughts about how we could work them into ours and how we would approach them. After that, we had our video essay! We learned about reading movies this week. We were tasked with doing just that for a scene of our choice from any movie. I chose this scene from … Continue reading "Tenth Weekly Summary"
  19. @myclassaccount

    Trailer for Short Film

    Check it out! Here is my trailer for my short film that I am making called Fall into Fall. It’s all about….you guessed it, Fall! Enjoy! Breakdown: I decided to make a short film about Fall. I have been filming scenic Fall shots in DC and Virginia. I created this trailer with an awesome voiceover from Taylor Swift talking all things Fall. I thought it would fit perfectly for a trailer for this kind of film. I edited all of … Continue reading "Trailer for Short Film"
  20. @myclassaccount

    Video Essay

    For this assignment we have been assigned give a video essay on a scene from a film. It can be any scene of our choosing. I chose a terrific montage scene that pretty much takes place in one location. The scene is from the movie About Time. It is towards the beginning of the film and we are watching their relationship grow in this scene. The music accompanying it makes it even better. I love it! Check it out right … Continue reading "Video Essay"
  21. @myclassaccount

    Ninth Weekly Summary

    All three of the Daily Creates for this week followed the same theme! You may be be wondering how the Chalamet one fits. Well I read the cover story while enjoying my coffee in the morning. All of this week’s creations were coffee related! Next we had our radio show listening party! We all got together and listened to our shows. Check out my thoughts here! This week we started to really think up where we wanted to take our … Continue reading "Ninth Weekly Summary"
  22. @myclassaccount

    Assignments for Week Nine

    Here I did two rework assignments. This week we were tasked with choosing two assignments that we had previously worked one. Create a Logo That is Simple but Interesting and Favorite Movie Quote are the assignment names. How I made them: I just created an even more fitting logo because of my love for coffee and and took the same quote but over a photo I took. I took a close up shot of my latte and then edited the … Continue reading "Assignments for Week Nine"
  23. @myclassaccount

    Project Ideas

    I have been thinking all semester what I want to focus on for my final project. The prompt: What is the story you want to share with the world? It is such an open question and you can take that so many different ways. I love that it allows us to focus on something that we are truly passionate about. My idea: Connection I want to talk about the story of how we all connect. What brings our attention to … Continue reading "Project Ideas"
  24. @myclassaccount

    Radio Listening Party

    We all got together this week on the class Discord to chat as we listened to all of our radio broadcasts. Last week, we all finished up our radio shows and turned them in. Our show was broadcasted on Wednesday and it was a terrific time talking to the class and professor about all that went into our show. Everyone had such nice things to say. I really appreciated everyone’s nice words. I really loved how it all came together. … Continue reading "Radio Listening Party"
  25. @myclassaccount

    Eighth Weekly Summary

    Below are the two daily creates from this week! That button turned out the lights in the whole building! There’s a rooster on the football field! The rest of the work this week was devoted to our team completing out radio show project. We worked together very well over the course of the past two week and it came out exactly how we hope. Our project was a new version of the Roy Rogers Show – The Missing Painter! You … Continue reading "Eighth Weekly Summary"
  26. @myclassaccount

    Seventh Weekly Summary

    Daily Creates! As always! Next up: Check out my two audio assignments that I worked on that went towards our Radio Show Project that we are working on both this week and next! Here is the promo I made for it! Finally, here is an update on all of the progress that we have made on our project and what is ahead for us. I’m very happy with all that we have done so far on this project and am … Continue reading "Seventh Weekly Summary"
  27. @myclassaccount

    Assignments for Week Seven

    As you may know from the previous posts, the assignments that we are working on this week are for our Radio Show Project. As noted by the professor, our assignments should be going towards the overall project, otherwise we would be doing work would not make sense for the greater purpose of these two weeks. We have been given the creative liberty to make the assignments that we have to choose from fit our project to ensure that this works … Continue reading "Assignments for Week Seven"

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