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  1. pborisov

    Ugly to Beautiful: Sunrise Transformation

    This is a further experiment on the Ugly to Beautiful theme. This is my favorite topic. Doesn’t tell as much of a story as the previous one, but I like it better. Again, there is no editing on these photos. They’re exactly as they are from the camera, except I haven’t cropped any this time […]
  2. pborisov

    Photo Essay: My People

      I decided that I wanted to take the photo topic and do something without any people. Part of this is it’s hard to coordinate with people, and part of is that I wanted a challenge. I wanted to actually make something that held up to the idea of the class as “storytelling.” The last […]
  3. pborisov

    Order vs. Chaos (Conflict Assignment)

    Our assignment was to portray the same conflict in three totally different ways. I’m mostly keeping to my goal of not manipulating images aside from resize. The only non-resize manipulation on this set was perking up the color on the yellow image.
  4. pborisov

    Weekly Update: Photography

    How did the week go? Pretty well. Despite some technical issues, I tried some news things and cranked out some content. But first, the bad part. I had a trial of Flash CS6 installed on my computer. I was pumped up and ready to animate. After trying to plan out animation sync for a comic […]
  5. pborisov

    Lessons from Diane Arbus: Gay Rights & Memes

    Like Diane Arbus‘ work, many memes rely on odd-looking individuals to create attention-grabbing content. After watching a documentary about her, I think she had  a better understanding of what she was doing and how it worked than many internet users do of the memes they make. Meme All The Different Looking People! Visually outstanding individuals […]
  6. pborisov

    Photography Experiment: Phones and Light Painting

    I found collection of stunning light painting photos and decided to try my hand at it for my experimental assignment. What is light painting? The short version is “drawing with a light source while a photo is being taken very slowly.” There’s a tutorial on youtube if you’d like some more in-depth instructions. The end ...
  7. pborisov

    Reflectivity (Black and White Assignment)

    It was previously heavily back-lit. I put a black and white adjustment layer over the base image. I pushed the blue and cyan sliders up to boost the reflectivity and brightness of the foreground surface (your interface might be different from the one I was using since I’m using CS6).
  8. pborisov

    What Did I Just Read?

    I’m not sure how I feel about this story. It’s hard to follow, but that’s intentional as far as I can gather given the theme of distraction from genuine human communication. The theme of genuine human interaction makes it read like Vonnegut updating A Brave New World for modern times. It also managed to turn ...
  9. pborisov

    Photoshop Fails, GIMP and the Console Save the Day

    This is entirely unexpected. GIMP was just easier to use than Photoshop. Was it for some obscure and arcane task that someone had written a GIMP feature for? No. I was just making a GIF for an assignment. I tried to import  a scene ripped from handbrake into photoshop, but it didn’t recognize the format. ...
  10. pborisov

    Album Covers Without Sound

    My assignment was to make an album cover without sound. This is what I made: Although it’s definitely possible to make a better looking neon effect, that wasn’t the point of this project for me. I wanted a quick way to do neon that gets the point across but still lets me quickly change the ...
  11. pborisov

    Fantasy Ted Talk: Mom’s Spaghetti

    I did not do anything classy for this assignment. Instead, I decided to do a take on an old meme that refuses to die. “Eminem knew he had one shot to make himself relevant again. It clearly had him nervous after his absence from the lime light. He needed to be taken seriously, but his ...
  12. pborisov

    Visual Personal Project: Comic Effects Via Photoshop

    One of the past assignment options we had was to create a comicbook effect. There’s a video tutorial for GIMP (via Brian Short’s blog). However, I didn’t use GIMP for this assignment because it’s lacking some useful features that will let me get things done faster for this effect. Instead, I tried to see what ...
  13. pborisov

    Design Create #1: Do I still hate GIMP?

    I hate GIMP. Every single version of GIMP I have used in the past was frustrating. Tasks I found easy in photoshop seemed to have no equivalent in GIMP. However, I was willing to give the program a second chance.  I used the latest version to complete an assignment for my Digital Storytelling class: “Pick A ...
  14. pborisov

    A Game of Deadlines: A Look Back On Audio

    This is not a good week. Like the Starks, I’m navigating a treacherous landscape. Exams. Two other big projects. A show at the end of the week. And I made a big, big mistake: I trusted my equipment not fail. So naturally, it did. Between the rush and the deadlines, I got this done: I’m ...
  15. pborisov

    “Oh Those Evil Chemicals”: Really, again?

    I have extremely mixed feelings about Living with Cancer. From a technical perspective, it was pretty good. It handled cancer tastefully. It told touching stories. It used music to set mood and transition between segments. And the use of comedy in the last act was very good as a finisher. It was touching, yet angry ...
  16. pborisov

    UMDST:Starting Audio (Summary of 2013/02/05-2013/03/03)

    Well. This was interesting. I’ve learned that Audio isn’t exactly something I’m comfortable working with. To be more precise, I really don’t know what I’md doing with it. So far I’ve learned that Audacity’s noise removal yields results of…variable quality. I tried using it while putting together my submission for the Vox Pop assignment, but ...

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