Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. paul bond

    Big Mama

    For our third listen-along session this week, we heard the Lux Radio Theater production of Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious. This was a little different from our earlier shows. Except for Moon Grafitti, all the others originated in written literature, although The … Continue reading
  2. paul bond

    Ready set design

    Blade Runner has some fascinating set design. It seems like most science fiction up to that time either presented a clean futuristic utopia or a primitive post-apocalyptic dystopia. In Blade Runner, it’s dirty, chaotic, run-down and overcrowded. The shiny and … Continue reading
  3. paul bond

    Killer’s Moon

    For our final live tweet-along, we had a double feature of The Killers and Moon Grafitti. Some of the participants had read Hemingway’s story, and were caught off guard by how much Siodmak’s version differs. The filmed versions just use … Continue reading
  4. paul bond

    The NoirBird

    Tuesday night we had our second live tweet-along with ds106radio. The story was Dashiell Hammett’s classic, The Maltese Falcon, produced for Lux Radio Theater in 1943. I wondered how people would react to old time radio, with its 70 year … Continue reading
  5. paul bond

    The Shadow Rhymes

    There’s a writing assignment to do a Poem Made With Twilight Zone Episode Titles which comes from the ds106zone days. Since we’re doing Noir106 these days, I decided to give it a different twist and use episode titles from The Shadow. That’s … Continue reading
  6. paul bond

    Party on, Garth

    Her mouth was a crimson velvet petal, Her hair was beaten from gun-metal. That couplet from The Wild Party always stuck with me. The contrast makes it striking, but the gun-metal metaphor is something else. Primarily it’s meant to describe color, … Continue reading
  7. paul bond

    Driving rain and noir

    by I found this from Brian Michael Bendis my Tumblr this morning. Before he started doing all his superhero stuff, he used to do crime/noir tales using the same color scheme as Sin City. Some might remember that we used … Continue reading
  8. paul bond


    I like the examples of noir that people are coming up with. Some of it is what I expected, and some are off the wall (which I also expected). Paul Schrader, in his Notes on Film Noir, describes noir as a … Continue reading
  9. paul bond

    Life gets easier

    So CogDog informed me that auto-embedding has been a feature of WordPress for a while. I just accidentally discovered this while doing my last post. I guess there’s no excuse for not embedding now. Soundcloud offers two different embed codes, … Continue reading

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