Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Seong Cho

    Final Reflection

    Hello World! The semester is almost over and I’ve just finished my Final project and final reflection. I’ve learned a lot this semester in this class such as video editing and photoshop. It has been a good year and here is my final reflecti...
  2. Seong Cho

    Final Project: This is my Story

    For my final project, I chose to do This is my Story from youtube. Most people tell their secrets or hard trouble times but I chose my story to be a funny. I chose my story from our arrival in the United States. I used Window Live Movie Maker and the song is called Kiss
  3. Seong Cho

    Final Project Progess 2

    So far, I have my music I wanted to use for the video and I have outline the most of the story on a paper. Now all I have to do is write them on flashcards and record myself. Then just put all the pieces together and my final project will be uploaded soon. Here
  4. Seong Cho

    Final Project Progress 1

    For my final project, I decided to do “This is my Story” on youtube, where I tell a story without saying a word but with my flashcard. I will need to find a background music that fits my story. The story will be my arrival to the US. I have few episode with my family
  5. Seong Cho

    Created Assignment: Video Assignment

    I remember watching this video on youtube who told us his story using flashcard. This is very popular in youtube now and there are thousands of videos like this. I thought it would be cool to make an assignment like this so I created a video assignment. The assignment can be found here:  Here is
  6. Seong Cho

    Week 14 Daily Create

    Here is my week 14 Daily Create.  This is my Tuesday’s Daily Create. It’s the 100th Daily Create- Create a photo representing this number. I found this picture on google image and I thought it was pretty funny. Happy 100th birthday Daily Create!    This is my Friday’s Daily Create. Take a picture of a
  7. Seong Cho

    Optical Illusion[remixed]

    For this assignment, I had to re-do an assignment and add darkness theme to it and use metal sounds to express darkness of the assignment. There was only one original example and the link is I used window live movie maker to add the title, music, and the darkness effect to it. Here is the
  8. Seong Cho

    Name that single![remixed]

    For this assignment, I have to complete change the assignment in 180 degrees. The original assignment was to make a BASIC cover design for a song and have to let the viewers guess the song name. I remixed it so it was obvious for the audience to guess it. The answer is on the design.
  9. Seong Cho

    Cropped Signs[Remix]

    This is my first remix assignment and it was to translate the story or add a foreign language to any assignment, take it elsewhere in the world. The original assignment is on this link. Since I am fluent in Korean, I decided to add a foreign language with the sign. The sign says Trucks Prohibited
  10. Seong Cho

    Week 13 Daily Create

    It is week 13 of the daily create and here is this week’s.  This is Monday’s Daily Create. Sketch a picture that shows perspective. I drew a rectangle and a smaller rectangle with lines to show perspective.  This is my Thursday’s Daily Create. Take a photo from behind someone’s head looking at something. I just
  11. Seong Cho

    Created Audio Assingment

    For my third created assignment, I chose to make an assignment where the user gets to create its own alarm sound using stuff around us. Most people use sounds on the clock or music for their alarm but I thought it would be cool to make your own alarm not using songs or voice. Here
  12. Seong Cho

    Week 12 Daily Create

    Here is my another daily create.  This is my Tuesday’s Daily Create. It was to draw love and I create an image of clock and money with greater sign. I think love means you spend more time with them even if its fighting then using money.  This is my Thursday’s Daily Create. Take a photo
  13. Seong Cho

    Video Assignment: Vintage Educational Video

    This assignment is to make a vintage educational video and I chose this assignment because I always wondered how they make it look old style. I used Window Live Movie Maker and changed the Visual Effect to make it look black and white, more vintage. I found the song on youtube and used it to
  14. Seong Cho

    Video Assignment:Movies by Numbers

    For the movies by numbers assignment, I chose the number 10. Number 10 is usually given to the best player in soccer. In football, its usually a number quarterback would take or sometimes a wide receiver. Number 10 is a good number for sports and that is why I chose number 10 for this video
  15. Seong Cho

    Week 11 Daily Create

    Here is my Week 11 Daily Create This is Tuesday’s Daily Create. Geology is everywhere, parks, building materials, etc. Photograph a local geological feature. I took this picture when my friends and I just went to the creek near mw. It was very chill sesh and I appreciated the nature while I was there a
  16. Seong Cho

    Video Assignment: Tutorial for Mom

    I made a tutorial video for my mom on how to upload a video on youtube if she ever needed to. It is very short and little fast but I am sure my mom would be able to learn from this video if she saw this. I used Microsoft Expression to record the screen and
  17. Seong Cho

    Daily Create Week 10

    Here is my Week 10 Daily Create.  Wednesday’s daily create was to make a photo that emphasize the color yellow. This is picture of my toothbrush holder in my dorm and it is the cup I received in my freshman year at UMW. I’ve been using that cup for my toothbrush ever since.  Saturday’s daily
  18. Seong Cho

    Video Assignment: Video Essay

    For the video essay, I decided to do Stepbrothers. I already did a video assignment on stepbrothers and I turned it into my video essay. I put some of the clips from the movie I talked about in the assignment and recorded my voice. Then I put the voice with the video using Windows Live
  19. Seong Cho

    Analyze a movie: Stepbrother

    I chose Step brothers for this assignment because Step brothers is one of my favorite movie and I thought I could talk about all the different criteria that represents a movie. I will start off with the writing. I believe the writing was done by Adam McKay and Will Ferrell. I think they did an
  20. Seong Cho

    Week 9 Daily Create

      This was my Monday’s Daily Create.  Make a creative photo of some sort of boundary. I took a   screenshot from the bank of America website. This is my Wednesday’s Daily Create. Tell the world in a 5 minute or less video why ds106 is the best thing since…(cat breading). I basically discuss
  21. Seong Cho

    Week 8 Daily Create

     This is my Thursday’s Daily Create. Draw or digitally design a circle. Fill in the circle with the color or colors that reflect the way your body feels day. My circle is gray with brown inside. The gray color is suppose to show tiredness and the brown shows having a bad day so I am
  22. Seong Cho

    Week 7 Daily Create

    This is my week 7 Daily Create.  This is my Monday’s Daily Create. Take a photo of your favorite smell. This is an apple and apple is one of my favorite smell.  This is my Wednesday’s Daily Create. It’s February 29. Take a photo of a leap. Or a leaping photo. I found this lego in
  23. Seong Cho

    Radio Show progress

    For our radio show, we are doing a show similar to Pardon The Interruption. I am currently writing the script and finding real professional player interviews. Our 1st topic is the UFC 144 and I have the video of the fight and we recorded some of the sound to acknowledge our audience what is going on and
  24. Seong Cho

    Over-Dramatic Reading Tutorial

    1) Pick a song, poem, or any written material 2) Record yourself reading the written material over dramatically. I used soundcloud to record but you can use any recording program for this assignment. 3) Once you have it recorded, get the HTML so you can post it on your blog. For soundcloud, you can press
  25. Seong Cho

    Make Your Own Ringtone: What’s Golden

    It was time for me to make a new ringtone for my phone anyway so that’s why I chose this assignment. The song is called What’s Golden by Jurassic Park. I used audacity for this assignment. I cut the first 30 seconds of the song and convert it to MP3 player so I can use
  26. Seong Cho

    Week 6 Daily Create

    This is my week 6 Daily Create. This is my Wednesday’s Daily Create and it was to record you saying your name backwards. I’ve never thought of my name backwards and it was kind of funny for me to pronounce it.     This is my Friday’s Daily Create and it was to take a

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