Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Is this really the End?

    Welp, I think it is finally time we questioned the End and what exactly is going on. First We will go over the evidence I have connected can we talk about the evidence I’ve been dying to talk about the evidence! First of all, let’s go in the order Millard A Rausch, he’s a Sub-Contractor […]
  2. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    And we are uhhh live!

    Oh boy, it’s time for the weekly Daniel talk! For the past two weeks, we mainly focused on the radio show and getting that done however we also did some daily creates! The first one I did was the one about what I would not want to be in an apocalypse so I picked a […]
  3. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Check out my Checking in

    Oh boy it is time to discuss the progress of our group so far! The first thing we did was planning out how the radio show would go. The second thing we came up with is our name, Alt-F4 which is the keystroke to close a window. We decided to make our show like a […]
  4. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Design is everywhere!

    The focus on this week was the design of things! I will be talking about the assignments I did this week and my approach at each one first I will be talking about the daily create number 2234. This was creating the felt letter board with my last words on it and putting it in […]
  5. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    How to design 101

    The two videos influenced my designs that I created for the week by having fun with the designs and trying out new things. The two videos to me had very interesting takes, one had focused on typography while the other focused on the actual design appeal it gave. I mainly focused on the appeal aspect […]
  6. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Picture this kind of world

    Well hello everyone, welcome to another one of my posts about what I did this week! This week was mainly focused on visual storytelling and how it can be a good tool to use. The main projects I did were the ones about making a photo such as the pixel project that I did. At […]
  7. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    The Road to Victory

    Hello everyone welcome to another one of my blog posts! This time it is about the movie The Room and the short video called La Jetee. The first thing I am going to discuss is The Room which is a post-apocalyptic movie about a son and his father traveling trying to survive the world after […]
  8. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Picture a world like this

    The tips I have learned about photography were stuff I have already kept in mind considering I usually already do considering I have been interested in photography for a while. The main thing I have trouble keeping in mind is the foreground and background being very important to a photo. I usually take pictures of […]
  9. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    From Zombies to Videogames

    It is time for me to reflect on what I have done this week yay! This week was mainly focused on my writing which is the part I am worst at sadly, anyways the first thing I did was the daily create on Tuesday which was the one where it gave you a surreal compliment […]
  10. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Alternate Endings

    The short stories I read are “The Screwfly Solution” and “There will come soft rains” which are both good short stories that have darker endings to it so I decided to try and create a slightly happy ending for “The Screwfly Solution”. Be warned this contains spoilers and a slightly happy ending but not very […]
  11. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Game Review

    The competitive multiplayer game industry used to have a two games that controlled the industry for PC gaming, those two games are Team Fortress 2 and CounterStrike. Then another game emerged which is called Overwatch. Overwatch came out one year ago and has been a popular game the entire time. The game developers Blizzard have […]
  12. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Apocalyptic Terms of Service

    I. In the event of a zombie apocalypse a fifty percent ration tax would be given to all scientific institutions that are researching the cure or prevention to the disease/fungi/neurotoxin that of which is causing people to “turn” into a zombie. II. If a person is immune to “turning” they are to report to the […]
  13. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    End Week

    Here it is again another weekly post! This time I will be discussing the things I did in week 2 which was a very interesting week having us go in depth more with the post-apocalyptic themes and storytelling. This week we watched a lot of the videos on the topic of storytelling, however, one of the most […]
  14. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    What could go wrong?

    The versions of an apocalypse shown by “End Day” were very interesting and cheesy, however, it was entertaining. apocalypse I that I thought was the most frightening was the last one because that one was the one that was caused by research that was said to have the smallest chance of going wrong. When it […]
  15. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    The Daily Daniel

    Hello everyone! Welcome to one of my first blog posts, I am Daniel Mercado! Today I will be talking about what I have been working on this first week of classes! First I made my Twitter account for this class so it can be mainly focused on the DS106 class rather than my obsession with […]

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