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  1. @jwcpsc

    Remixed Assignment: Dull Presenter

    I don’t really have a favorite holiday so I decided to mash up the most popular holidays into one picture. I chose to do Christmas, Halloween, and New Years Day because they’re so close together but since the assignment is remixed I tried to find the worst possible pictures to use. Didn’t go so well …
  2. @jwcpsc

    Mash-Up Assignment: Favorite Movie Clip

    For this assignment I decided to go with one of my all time favorite movies Harry Potter, I just chose the first one, and edit some of my favorite movie clips from the movie that explain the plot. I decided to focus more on the first half of the movie just to keep the video …
  3. @jwcpsc

    Mash-up Assignments Remix: Is This The Right Movie/Turn Up The Cheese

    I saw this assignment and I immediately got an idea to create a summer/ spooky contradiction movie poster. I clicked the remix button just to see what it would give and then decided to roll with the remix and make it extra cheesy. I was using instagram as an editing program for the picture so …
  4. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel

    So I was flipping through the video assignments to try and find one last assignment to do for this week when I saw one. I immediately thought of Ryan Reynolds because his dry humor matches mine perfectly and he never fails to make me laugh. So with my person in mind I started to look …
  5. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Fake Propaganda Video

    Jesus Christ. The amount of offensive propaganda on the internet is crazy. I tried to find some non offensive pictures to promote recycling and convince people to start. I think I have a pretty good video to convince people to start recycling. I don’t really have much more to say because I’m still traumatized from …
  6. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Save the Sloths

    This assignment was originally titled “Save The Sea Turtles” but I decided to remix it and do “Save The Sloths” because sloths are one of my tied favorite animals and I feel like there is less recognition for sloths than there are sea turtles. Pygmy Three-Toed Sloths are a critically endangered member of the sloth …
  7. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Observe Something Grow

    I did this assignment on something very emotional for me. My dog died about two months ago and I’ve been avoiding looking at all the pictures I have of her on my phone because its still hard for me. I thought this would be a good chance to piece together a video of her good …
  8. @jwcpsc

    Revisit Work 2: Tattoos That Describe You

    I am definitely a big tattoo fan and I have multiple ideas for tattoos that I’m going to get so I decided to remake this assignment using another tattoo idea and try to find a way to get different designs other than using instagram filters. This time my focus tattoo design is a sloth as …
  9. @jwcpsc

    Revisit Work 1: Contradiction Creation

    I redid this assignment because the motto of my life is still “I Hate People” but I recreated the picture using a background of a sunset that I took some years ago, back in 2916 to be exact, when I was in the car driving around with my mom. It’s a really beautiful sunset picture …
  10. @jwcpsc

    Audio Assignment: Make Your Own Radio Commercial

    I kind of remixed this assignment into fitting to our radio show assignment. Instead of advertising a product I wanted to create a radio commercial that related to the theme of our radio show. I decided to create a commercial that had a person stepping away from their phone and outside where they interacted with …
  11. @jwcpsc

    Audio Assignments: Sound Effects Story/ Transition

    I decided to remake my sound effects story assignment but fit it for our radio show. This time I tried to portray how people basically live their life on social media to the point where it’s overwhelming. I used several notification sounds and speed them up to show how some people invest their whole life …
  12. @jwcpsc

    Audio Assignment: Create A Place

    This assignment doesn’t have anything to do with our radio show but I still wanted to do it because it looked fun. I tried to create New York City as that’s my favorite place I’ve been too so far. I used the sounds of cars driving, people honking (of course), and even added a background …
  13. @jwcpsc

    Design Assignment: Favorite Movie Quote

    The Nightmare Before Christmas has been on my mind since the end of August and my favorite character is Oogie Boogie so I’ll use his famous quote (and then go watch the movie for the millionth time). I also really love Jack so I just decided to do one for both of them. I also …
  14. @jwcpsc

    Design Assignment: Tattoos That Describe You

    I felt like this was the perfect assignment for me not only because I love tattoo’s but because one of my tattoo’s influenced what I base this assignment on. I have a tattoo of Anubis on my forearm and I’ve been thinking of adding an eye of Horus to it so I thought that I …

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