Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Shannon Swanson

    Daily Photo 6/22

    Today’s photo requirement was to take a pair of something. I decided to do eyes. These are my eyes.  There were a lot of pictures to choose from, but I thought this one looked the best.  You can see the runners up on my flickr here
  2. Shannon Swanson

    Response to Doc Oblivion

    Worked with my new friend Leelzebub last night to review what the Doctor has been saying.  Hope you enjoy!
  3. Shannon Swanson

    Widget you had my widgets?

    I’ve gone widget crazy. I love widgets.  They breathe new life and functionality into a once plain jane webpage.  I now have three lastfm widgets, a twitter widget, a flickr widget, akismet, and google analytics. I’m finding that I need a LOT of api keys for all of these apps.  I’m also getting a bit ...
  4. Shannon Swanson

    2011-06-21 09:19:50

    I had seen a snippet of Gardner prior to this class.   He did a presentation at UMW and I found even then I was enraptured by the ideas he talked about. Today though, I want a goddamn bag of gold. One thing that made a big impact on me was his statement about the ...
  5. Shannon Swanson

    The hunt for a digital identity

    Dr. Oblivion told us to define ourselves through an avatar. Why am I having such an issue with this?! I’ve been on google, flickr, deviantart, everything, typing in my interests and still I cannot find anything I want to permanently represent myself, shannotate, on the WWW. I’ve been toying with all sorts of ideas, a ...
  6. Shannon Swanson

    Naivete and why I’m taking ds106

    I will be a teacher.   I have pretty much known this since I started my college education, but in the last year I’ve become more and more adamant about continuing on to teach high school. Why?  Well I’ll tell you my probably naive reasons. The experience of learning itself is an important one that ...

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