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  1. Downes

    String Time

    February 27, 2019. The joke is that it's *always* string time. Put the finishing touches on my presentation, built a blockchain wallet from source (someone else's code, not mine) and had a generally good day.
  2. Downes

    Dinner With Family

    February 24, 2019. I spent the day working on Electron applications, including my slide show, and then in the evening Andrea and I had dinner with my mother, Bernie, and my aunt Marilyn (all named clockwise).
  3. Downes


    February 23, 2019. We went into the city today and while Andrea was in the mall I took a few photos downtown, including this one from the Canadian War Memorial.
  4. Downes

    St. Andrews

    February 22, 2019. The trip home, again by train. This is St. Andrews on King Street, with Roy Thompson Hall in the background, seen as I made my way to Union Station.
  5. Downes

    Old City Hall

    February 21, 2019. I spent the day at the Big Data Challenge in Toronto, then walked back through the Lawrence Market and then along Queen Street, where I took this photo of Toronto's old City Hall. All photos on this trip were with my old beat-up Sony...
  6. Downes


    February 20, 2019. Arrived in Toronto and went for a walk along Queen Street. At one point I peered inside a window to watch this tuba band. It was a long day with a morning meeting and a 5-hour train ride.
  7. Downes


    February 19, 2019. The sun is setting later and later these days, allowing me to actually get daylight photos on the way home. These are the tracks just outside Casselman, a b-roll shot among a bunch of Super-Moon shots that didn't really work out (not...
  8. Downes


    February 17, 2019. I spent yesterday and today working on a presentation about Electron (making a presentation is a great way to review what I know) save for a quick trip to the Metro where Andrea went in while I played with my trusty Sony compact cam....
  9. Downes


    February 16, 2019. The Christmas lights are still up; it's been three years now. I really have to take them down because they don't work any more. Here they are seen against the yellow twilight. Spent the day working on Electron again; it's going prett...
  10. Downes


    February 15, 2019. We got this chicken from the annual arts and crafts fair in Moncton right near our new house about a week after we bought it. That would be 16 years ago now. It hangs in our kitchen. Productive day with a longish meeting about open s...
  11. Downes

    Mountains Beyond Mountains

    February 14, 2019. I had a productive day today - got a bunch of entries judged for next week, and completed my WHMIS course. This is M55 behind the mountains of snow we got over the last couple of days.
  12. Downes

    Shoveling is the Lonliest Task

    February 13, 2019. It was a work-at-home day today in the aftermath of the storm. The local snowplows did a pretty good job keeping the road clear. I got up to date on email and went back to refresh my Electron knowledge - found a much better tutorial....
  13. Downes


    February 12, 2019. It was -15 or so when I took this photo so I didn't linger. This ice on top of the snow in front of the building where I work is a left-over from last week's freezing rain. Later today it will be covered with a foot of snow. That's w...
  14. Downes


    February 11, 2019. The nice thing about seeing the sunrise when I get up in the morning is that it means the days are getting longer again and I'm not getting up in the complete darkness any more. Installed, fixed and ran Gephi today and created some g...
  15. Downes


    February 10, 2019. The afternoon light is shining through the living room window, turning everything a pale yellow. The stars came from Berlin a number of years ago. The moving box remains unopened from when we moved here in 2015. We are not very good ...
  16. Downes


    February 9, 2019. This is Sparty, Ottawa's mascot for the last 1000 games or so. I don't know where he got the name, unless someone confused Rome with Sparta some time 1000 games ago. Anyhow, it was a fun time at the game and we won 5-2! https://flic.k...
  17. Downes

    Namaste Frog

    February 8, 2019. While I'm sure there would be no objection today, the history of culturally-themed lawn decorations is not good. Did more with Docker today. You'd think I would know it inside and out by now, but this stuff isn't as obvious as you mig...
  18. Downes

    Office Farming

    February 7, 2019. The pepper crop is coming along. Pepper plants need a lot of water, and while they enjoy the radiator, they're suffering from being dried out by it. Worked more on Docker today.
  19. Downes

    Split Level

    February 6, 2019. This is the view from the Caisse Populaire parking lot. It's payday, and also, the provincial green vehicle cheque finally came in (it was owed since last July).
  20. Downes


    February 4, 2019. I never had a proper garage before moving here to Ottawa, so even though it looks a bit messy, I'm actually quite happy with it. And it gives me another aspirational task to do: organizing the garage.
  21. Downes


    February 3, 2018. This geranium in the kitchen stands out against the dreary winter backdrop. I spent the day relaxing, watching videos on YouTube, and playing No Man's Sky.
  22. Downes


    February 2, 2019. This is the fig tree in my home office, with the blue frozen winter landscape out the window in the background. I spent the day in this office working away on node and Mongo and Heroku.
  23. Downes

    Red Polished Jug

    February 1, 2019. I was at the University of Ottawa today conducting interviews for the summer co-op position. On the same floor was a tiny classical antiquities museum. This jug with incised linear designs dates from 2100 to 1900 BCE.
  24. Downes

    Meeting Room

    January 31, 2019. This is where we have our team meetings - a few of us here, and by videoconference to people in three other cities. You can see my coffee cup, phone and computer on the table. After the meeting I did time sheets, I sat in on a Bryan A...
  25. Downes

    Roof Work

    January 28, 2019. I was pretty sympathetic with the people working on the roof on this freezing cold day. As it turns out, the noise of the work right above my office caused me to leave early so I didn't have drilling sounds in the background for my on...
  26. Downes


    January 26, 2019. Andrea's croissants. I had the one on the upper right for lunch. My day, meanwhile, was spent playing with Node.js and Mongo, first with a really bad article on Google Cloud, then on a great article using MongoDB Atlas and Heroku. I b...

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