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  1. Downes

    The New Neighbour’s Dog

    December 30, 2021. We both agree that the new neighbour's dog is beautiful. Costco day today, and I got a coffee machine with a timer on it to help me with training for project Anticosti.
  2. Downes

    Bakery of Heidi and Willy

    December 29, 2021.We needed bread, but instead of going to the grocery store we decided to drive out to Alfred and buy a nice loaf from this bakery. It was about a half hour each way, but it was worth it.
  3. Downes

    Nation River

    December 27, 2021. This is looking toward Casselman across the Nation River. I spent the day working on slides for a presentation I'm giving to a conference in India in January. As I've done these photos of the day I've always thought of my Aunt Marily...
  4. Downes

    Warwick Forest

    December 26, 2021. We went for a short walk in Warwick Forest today (apparently it's still hunting season so we started away from the south side). It was just below zero, with a fine sprinkle of snow and a coat of ice over everything, including these f...
  5. Downes

    Railway Bridge

    December 24, 2021. This is the railway bridge through Cassleman with a sheen of ice on the river. Warmer, but not warm enough. I made more videos today but am not going to finish the course videos before the holidays. No matter; I ended the email newsl...
  6. Downes

    Christmas Dinner

    December 25, 2021. I can't say too many nice things about Andrea's Christmas dinner today, as she made everything from scratch, learning everything step by step as she went. It was top notch - perfectly cooked turkey, most tasty stuffing, tart cranberr...
  7. Downes


    December 22, 2021. Lexi sitting on my chair while I'm supposed to be working. Worked my way through more slide presentations today, but wasn't able to record them.
  8. Downes

    Christmas Decorations

    December 23, 2021. I feel like the village of Casselman is kind of phoning it in this year with the Christmas decorations. I took this photo walking to the No Frills to buy some cranberries (Metro was sold out). I produced a number of additional videos...
  9. Downes

    Water Tower

    December 21, 2021. This is Casselman's water tower. Not the most photogenic in the world, but it has need antennas on top. Working on finishing the course this week; spent the day on creating slides on ethical practices. The result: five videos on the ...
  10. Downes

    Shoulder Cat

    December 20, 2021. Here's why my newsletter was so late today. As I get through the last week of the year, and the last week of the course, I've become more and more tired. It's actually nice to have the company of a cat. Also pictured: the ceiling in ...
  11. Downes

    All in a Row

    December 19, 2021. At the end of our walk today I spotted this set of leaves all in a row. I liked the play of the light on the leaves and the blue background in the fading light. We walked 6.5 kilometers through the snow and ice on trail 50 in the Mer...
  12. Downes


    December 17, 2021. People decorate their houses with things like butterflies even though nobody pays them to do this. They do it just because they like butterflies. I think it's a great thing and shows everything that's wrong with current theories of w...
  13. Downes


    December 16, 2021. Out for my walk on a beautifully warm day where the sky was the star of the show. Finished Module 7 videos today with a long one on using AI. Hard to believe there's only one module to go.
  14. Downes

    Purple Finch

    December 15, 2021. Tuesday meeting day so all we get is a finch on the bird feeder (though it's a fine fine finch). Still pushing ahead on the course, releasing the video on explainable AI, as well as a panel for CNIE. Busy busy, 10 hour days. Worth it...
  15. Downes


    December 14, 2021. I encountered this cat while I was out for a walk today, and I hope it's just scruffy, and not stray. I always feel I make a connection with the animals I encounter, especially cats, and I feel for them. This one appeared dirty but n...
  16. Downes

    High Water

    December 13, 2021. This is the Nation River at Casselman and as you can see the water level is quite high. It looked positively dangerous going over the weir. That tree isn't supposed to be there either. Continued plugging away at the course, releasing...
  17. Downes


    December 12, 2021. We went to Bourget for our walk today, starting on the Russell Trail and heading into Lavigne Natural Park. Last night there were very strong winds and a lot of dead trees toppled, including one here, which revealed this secret cache...
  18. Downes


    December 11, 2021. We went to a Saturday afternoon Ottawa Senators game against the league leading Tampa Bay Lightning. Automatic loss for our last place team, right? Not so fast. The Sens played a fast-paced and disciplined game and took it home with ...
  19. Downes

    Future House

    December 10, 2021. This is what a house looks like before it has been assembled. Well, at least the framing for it. There's another new subdivision going in a few blocks away, far enough it won't impact me (good thing; they're really cramming them in -...
  20. Downes

    Giant Paws

    December 9, 2021. Our cat Charlemagne is polydactyl and has huge giant paws (Julia is also polydactyl). Here they are with my own hand for comparison. Today was a good day, with the algorithms video behind me, I made short work of the models and interp...
  21. Downes

    Banana Peel and Snow Crystals

    December 8, 2021. I was out for a walk at Costco before work this morning and spotted this beauty. Sure, it's just an old banana peel (why would anyone dump it there?) but it creates a great setting for some spectacular snow crystal formations. Now it'...
  22. Downes


    December 7, 2021. Out for a walk to clear my head today I photographed this train. Can't wait to see all the new trains passing. Frustrating days yesterday and today trying to wrap my head around how to present AI tools and algorithms in about an hour....
  23. Downes


    December 6, 2021. This is the ceiling in my bedroom, lighter near the window. It's just some wood to you, but intimately familiar to me. As I've said before, my ceiling is full of dogs. Surely you can see them - like (eg.) Snoopy in the lower left? htt...
  24. Downes

    Round Cat

    December 3, 2021. Today I spent basically the full day on one short video, but it was good because I solidified my knowledge of some aspects of neural networks. It's stuff that's pretty basic, but I haven't attended to the details over the years, and I...
  25. Downes


    December 4, 2021. This was the scene when I opened the garage this morning. Fortunately we were just going to the local store to get milk. After that I prepared and delivered four videos on data, still working on Module 7 of the course. It felt a littl...
  26. Downes


    December 2, 2021. Our previous fridge got very sick (and very noisy) last week, so we welcomed a new fridge to the house today. Cats were not impressed. This new fridge will take some getting used to, but the fridge magnets (seen currently on the indus...
  27. Downes

    Purple Finch

    December 1, 2021. This purple finch sat on the rail on the upper part of the deck, giving me a perfect opportunity to take a photo. I also got a really nice photo of a woodpecker (not as nice as this, though). Today was a Costco day, and another long m...
  28. Downes

    Clamp and Cat Hair

    November 30, 2021. You might ask why there is cat hair on this clamp. That's because it's the clamp that Julia carries around the house. Why is a cat carrying a clamp around the house? Ask her, not me. This was another day full of meetings, though I wa...

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