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  1. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 9

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we went from learning with general subnet masks to learning what a borrowed subnet mask is. bold = network addresses underline = host bits n=2 ~In Binary~ 10101100.10101000.11110010.00000001 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 10101100.10101000.11000000.00000000 ~In Binary~ A borrowed subnet mask is when a general subnet mask (class... Continue Reading →
  2. @jayce_hovis

    Photo Manipulation

    Photo Manipulation is everywhere now and is impacting our everyday life! But how do YOU feel about that? In my opinion I feel photo manipulation isn’t a problem, unless it involves completely destroying the original picture and/ or is lying to me about what the original picture was. If you are going to manipulate something,... Continue Reading →

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