1. Mike Berta

    Neurosis Revealed

    Week 2 at Camp Magic MacGuffin and The Daily Create has us revealing what sounds drive us batty. For me, particularly, this is really more about revealing neurosis than a slight irritation.For as long as I can remember, certain repetitious an...
  2. gpotter

    Week 1: Letter from Camp Magic MacGuffin

    A little behind moving my stuff into camp this week and will play a little catchup with my Family Legend – it’s coming. I did manage to get the Camp Magic Macguffin PA system hooked up and plugged into my stereo last week and managed to pop in a cassette to make a recording. Camp ...
  3. John Johnston

    Week 1 Summary

    First week of the Camp MagicMacMuffin session of ds106. I’ve keep up with the daily create, here is the Flickr evidence: I aslo sort of did the two video tasks by combining them into one. I also did a wee bit of web dev and created a very simple iPhone web app for checking what ...
  4. John Johnston

    Remember to Create Daily

    Last session, I started well but fell away from The Daily Create I want to have a better track record this time. So far, 5 days in I’ve managed to keep up, albeit by using one video to do two days. I follow @DS106TDC but the tweets are lost in the stream. I though I ...
  5. Mike Berta

    Like a Hole in the Head

    I need another thing to do like a hole in the head. I wrapping my second semester with Daemen and elected to spend some Summer months engaged in DS106 to boost my digital storytelling and have a little fun.CC BY-NC-ND: red5standingbyThere's a lot ...
  6. WriteHard

    First Stop Motion

    In an effort to firmly establish myself as stereotypical and uninteresting, this is my first stop motion “film.” On the upside, I did succeed in amusing myself. Not sure why you need to click on it to trigger the animation…researching…hmm. … Continue reading
  7. John Johnston


    I am reusing an old post as I though it might do for a DS106 Tutorial. I’ve used this application for both creating gifs from short sections of movies and form video footage shot on my phone. Last year I was following some of the DS106 fun and playing with animation gifs. Instead of using ...
  8. Mikhail Gershovich

    Stories From the Formerly Soviet, Vol. 2

    div.participad-message { padding: 10px 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 2px; margin-bottom: 1em; } div.participad-message-success { background: #ffffe0; } div.participad-message-error { background: #c43; } My parents returned to California today after a three week visit on the East Coast. Early on during their visit we sat and talked about about their lives in the USSR for about an ...
  9. Mikhail Gershovich

    Eye, Razor

    div.participad-message { padding: 10px 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 2px; margin-bottom: 1em; } div.participad-message-success { background: #ffffe0; } div.participad-message-error { background: #c43; } A new semester of DS106 means another crack at the animated GIF. This is the infamous eye cutting sequence from Luis Buñuel’s surrealist classic, Un Chien Andalou (1929). I’ll move that this short sequence ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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