1. emilysmayy

    Critique: Promoting Positive Behavior Using the Good Behavior Game


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my final critique on a meta-analysis that synthesizes single-case… Read more →

    The post Critique: Promoting Positive Behavior Using the Good Behavior Game appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  2. emilysmayy

    Learning through Play: Trivia Night at Factotum Brewhouse


    For my final Games and Learning play journal entry, I’ve chosen to write about a recent encounter with trivia (and craft beer). In support of my boyfriend’s chiropractic business, we (and his massage therapist) attended a community networking event at Factotum Brewhouse in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Denver, CO. I was not expecting game night. In fact, I was actually… Read more →

    The post Learning through Play: Trivia Night at Factotum Brewhouse appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  3. burgoynem

    The Art of Terraria

    Meandering around through the Terraria Community Forums (TCF), I have found, generally, what one would expect to find in an online gaming forum: lots of posts on tips and tricks, version or update announcements, and other general orientation through th...
  4. burgoynem

    Scholarly Critique: What should educational psychologists know about online video gaming?

    Video gaming gets a bad rap. I believe a lot of people feel as though it’s unproductive and waste of time. Those that play video games, especially online video games, are stereotyped as being geeks or brainiacs. I think most of this stems from the older generation of adults who grew up without video games and see them only as a luxury item or a toy of sorts. That is the main reason why the subject matter of games and learning is so interesting. Traditionally, students would rather be playing video games than doing homework and now there is scholarly research around using video games as a learning tool? Who’s idea do you think that was, the student’s or the parent’s?

    As we have studied games and learning throughout the semester and dissected a number of articles from various scholars, I cannot help but feel that this has been the elephant in the room, which perhaps as not really been addressed. Certainly, many of the authors have argued, in some cases rather defensively, for the use of gaming in education as well as a call for revamping the current education system. With these thoughts in mind, I decided to critique a short piece that discusses the psychology behind those that play video games. Specifically, our class’s online hypothesis discussion raised a question that I thought was interesting and, in which, I didn’t really have a good answer or opinion. In this day and age, video gaming is readily available to anyone who can access the internet. The truth is some of the stereotypes of video gamers are true (of course there must be a few instances for a stereotype to even be born) – there are some people who indulge in video gaming to the extent that it produces negative side effects, including addiction. The question I had, therefore, is that even though academia is finding positive utility for video games as a learning tool, when we implement them with our learners are we playing with fire?

    Mark Griffiths, with the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, wrote the article titled, “Online video gaming: what should educational psychologists know?” that was published in the journal, Educational Psychology in Practice. Special thanks to Darren Blackman who pointed out the potential scholarly critique article from this cycle’s reading! This article provides an overview of the issues surrounding excessive video game play among young people. In this piece, Griffiths gives a clear and concise perspective on the differences in gaming and what the signs of addiction are. He also lists several benefits to video gaming and offers some advice to parents – who seem to contact him regularly regarding these issues.

    My biggest takeaway from the article is that, just because someone likes to play video games an excessive amount of time, it does not mean that that person suffers from an addiction. Really, we need to understand the psychology behind addictions before we endeavor to make any bold claims. What is interesting, though, is that some of the advice Griffiths offers are some of the very same characteristics that are beneficial to learning such as encouraging kids to play video games in groups of people instead of alone. This allows the youth learn virtual interpersonal skills and conduct collective problem solving activities.

    The article posits that any type of activity can lead to addiction. Some people play excessively simply because they can. That does not rule out the educational benefits that games can provide. Certainly prudence and moderation are important characteristics to maintain no matter what our undertaking.

  5. anniemelzer

    Uncovering Minecraft

    This week’s readings had me thinking about my affinity space and my where my learning through games really began. I participated in another #MinecraftEDU chat, this past Wednesday.  This weeks theme was Learning Center Communities or LCC’s.  I had no idea what these were so I educated myself on this before the chat.  Libraries (according […]
  6. anniemelzer

    Recognizing my own Shortcomings

    Based on the Tweet on my Instructor’s post, I attended a #games4ed Tweet chat last night.  I didn’t find out this chat was going on until about 20 minutes before it began.  ** In my head I was telling myself that I wasn’t going to go blindly into another Tweet chat without preparing.  Too late. […]
  7. anniemelzer

    What Motivates a Gamer?

    Scholarly Critique #5 After learning about ethics and motivation in this week’s readings, I wanted to dig a bit deeper into gamer motivation.  From an outsiders perspective, it appears there are countless reasons why a person would want to participate in game play online.  The article I chose to write about is titled Motivations for Play […]
  8. emilysmayy

    Critique: Do Older Adults Hate Video Games until they Play them?


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique on the recent Proof-of-Concept Study (2016)… Read more →

    The post Critique: Do Older Adults Hate Video Games until they Play them? appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  9. emilysmayy

    Photoblog: A Nurturing Affinity Space


    Over the last two(ish) months, I’ve been observing, contributing, and reflecting on my experience using Photoblog, my Games and Learning affinity space. You can read about my initial observations here and community exploration here. To date, I’ve posted seven Photoblogs and have learned about a variety of photo techniques, apps, and photographers to follow. Additionally, I’ve contributed to a variety… Read more →

    The post Photoblog: A Nurturing Affinity Space appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  10. anniemelzer

    Minecraft the unknown world

    Engaging in Minecraft:  From excited to feeling out of my league. For me, Minecraft has been a steep learning curve.  Right off the bat I was completely clueless how to play.  I suppose I was under the assumption that I could jump head first and play.  I downloaded the game on my Mac from Amazon […]
  11. burgoynem

    Affinity Space Update: Life in Terraria

    As a complete newcomer to Terraria, and to video-gaming in general, I give you some of my initial observations both playing the game and perusing the forums:Playing the gameWatch out for the green blobs! I think they call it slime but they move like bl...
  12. burgoynem

    Scholarly Critique: “Learningful work: Learning to work and learning to learn”

    After reading Bavelier’s article, “Brain Plasticity Through the Life Span: Learning to Learn and Action Video Games,” in this past cycle’s reading lineup, I became intrigued on the concept of learning to learn. Bavelier sums up the main issue surrounding learning in his own words:

    “The ability of the human brain to learn is exceptional. Yet, learning is typically quite specific to the exact task used during training, a limiting factor for practical applications such as rehabilitation, workforce training, or education.”

    His words immediately caught my attention as someone who highly involved in workforce training in my profession. I see this all the time. I try to teach an employee a simple task to perform in the software yet whenever some unforeseen variable comes along they are immediately thrown off track – because that variable wasn’t in the original training. In fact, I’m ashamed to admit, I often tease that such employees have maxed out their intellectual hard drives and are unable to learn anything new. Thanks to Bavelier, my narrow-minded thinking has been put right in front of me. For this reason, I wanted to drill down on the concept of learning to learn and found, among many articles, a piece by Rob McCormack, Geri Pancini, and Dan Tout of Victoria University in Australia titled, “Learningful work: Learning to work and learning to learn”.   

    In this article, the authors posit that the meaning of the term “learning” must undergo some fundamental transformations due emerging technologies, organizational structures, and new demands on skills and knowledge. They call this becoming liquid or adaptable. The study focuses on learning in the workplace. However, instead of education preparing one for work, they focus on how the work-place becomes a place for education or learning to learn.

    Although these authors examine the workplace, I believe this study mirrors the world of games and learning. I personally believe that games and play are a simulation of real life. We, as students, can study theoretical knowledge on a given topic but there is nothing experiencing the real thing. Learning on the job can be very similar to jumping into a game. In fact, the game I wrote about for my play journal this week did exactly that – I was plunged into action with little to know explanation or orientation.

    It is true, in the workplace, we often train people to perform specific tasks. This could be similar to teaching someone a specific position on a football team. If something occurs outside of that position or outside of that job position, we often hear the phrase “that’s not my job”. Learning to learn or, as the article states, doing learningful work can help a person to expand their role, strategize, or master new concepts.

    Social dimensions can also impact learning. In the study done by Victoria University, students were placed as rovers in campus libraries to assist students. The idea was that people would feel more comfortable reaching out to a peer rather than to staff. Within gaming, there also appears to be a horizontal social component where people are aided by those closely associated. I see this at work as well. New employees often feel more comfortable asking peers for help rather than authorities for fear of asking a “stupid” question.

  13. burgoynem

    Play Journal: Family Farm Seaside

    I just got back yesterday from a two-week business trip so I apologize for posting this journal entry so late in the cycle. I anticipated having some down time at the hotel in the evenings but that quickly evaporated into late dinners and meetings…bleh! All this was due to a fairly recent company merger. Anyway, although play is usually the desire of my heart, it hasn’t been on my mind much. So as I was sitting in the San Jose airport this afternoon with a couple hours to kill, I decided to scroll through the ol’ Google Play Store and see what app I could jump into. And wouldn’t you know, right there advertised on the main page is Family Farm Seaside.

    This game caught my attention not because I’m interested in it but rather the opposite – I’m not interested in it. Yet I see this game advertised ALL THE TIME. And every time I do see an ad for it I ask myself, “Why?......Is this supposed to be fun?” So, this time around I decided to turn my disdain into curiosity and decided to download the app.

    Family Farm Seaside is exactly that – a family farm…by the seaside. The player has a landscape view of a farm with various activities: grow flowers, harvest fruit trees, milk the cow, make cheese, collect honey, make jam – all within a specified area which area looks to have the potential to grow. There are also some unfinished tasks (such as building a dock or opening a fruit stand) that are available after unlocking later levels. Completing tasks accrues coins or other rewards which are then used to acquire more land or farm resources.

    I naturally wanted to approach this game from a learning perspective and pay particular attention 1) how did the app teach me, a first-timer, how to play and 2) How can this game be used as a learning tool?

    Once the game loaded, I was immediately plunged into a pre-set farm with tasks already laid out for me. An instructional finger appears to orient me on how to complete tasks – which I do to move on to the next thing. I became immediately frustrated because that is not how I want to learn a game. I want an overview and an objective BEFORE I dive into specific actions. So far, I cannot seem to find a goal or objective at all. There is a path for progress but to what end? Is the point to just build a farm, make money, and keep growing the farm? The only thing I know is the process for growing the farm.

    The main thing that has been on mind going into this game is the recent reading by Bavelier and the focus on “learning to learn”. Many times, in my career, I have seen employees learn a task only to be thrown off completely by a new variable. Without a clear objective to Family Farm, I fail to see how intuitive learning can take place.

    Then…I handed my phone to my five-year-old. He immediately took over and didn’t ask a single question. He simply started pushing buttons and figuring things out on his level. He wasn’t worried about an objective, he simply played. Perhaps there needs to be less focus on crossing the finish line and more emphasis on the race.

  14. anniemelzer

    Tweet chat-Exploring the unknown

    Yesterday was my first Tweet chat.  What did I do to prepare for this you ask?  I googled what to do in a tweet chat.  That didn’t get me very far.  I was confused how I could read all of the comments from people using a similar hashtag.   Then I remembered Tweetdeck had that […]
  15. emilysmayy

    Photoblog: Exploring Community


    Approximately one month ago, I joined the community, Photoblog, to learn, explore, and share photography related topics. I have enjoyed engaging with the affinity space so far and constantly learning . You can read about my initial observations here. This post will focus primarily on contribution(s) within the community portion of the site and how I’m interacting with others. Specifically,… Read more →

    The post Photoblog: Exploring Community appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  16. emilysmayy

    How VR Technology effects Spatial Navigation


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique on the second article published in… Read more →

    The post How VR Technology effects Spatial Navigation appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  17. anniemelzer

    Playing games in Higher Education

    Scholarly Critique #4 “Much of the literature thus far has spoken to GBL’s (Game Based Learning) potential, rather than to its demonstrable effects, often making grandiose claims unsupported by the evidence (Crocco, Offenholley, and Hernandez, 2016 p. 406).” I selected this article because it because it has a direct impact in the environment I work […]
  18. burgoynem

    Scholarly Critique: Abstraction Through Game Play

    “Abstraction Through Game Play” by Antri Avraamidou, John Monaghan, and Aisha Walker examines the results of a real-world experiment in game play involving an 11-year-old boy from Cypress and the popular game, Sims 2. I sought out this type of example in light of the current affinity project our class is undertaking where do a deep dive into an active affinity space. Plus, with all of the literature we have been consuming around games and learning, I hoped to find some kind of real life case study or example to illustrate these concepts. Young 11-year-old Costas did just that!

    As a brief overview, the experiment was designed to create a non-classroom, natural learning environment for the boy with as few restraints as possible. To implement the design, the video was accessed online in the boy’s bedroom and mediator was on-hand to guide the sessions. Costas qualified for the study in that he 1) had prior video game play experience, 2) had the ability to read and understand English, and 3) was perceived to be willing to express himself throughout the study. Costas played the game for a total of three hours over four different periods and was ultimately tasked with building two houses in the sandbox-style game. This was as close as the researchers could get to simply observing a child at play.

    The data and analysis of the study provided ample evidence to support the authors’ focus: abstraction can be accomplished through game play. In this case, Costas primarily constructed a mathematical abstraction in order to build his houses, especially the second house which required construction under greater restraints (budget, space, resources, etc.). From the outset, Costas was adamant about maintaining symmetry in house while still trying to implement his desired features (like a swimming pool in the middle of the house). To do so, Costas continually ran into “problems” which he needed to use math to solve. As the authors point out, in this case, the artefact mediated the mathematical learning that was accomplished through game play.

    The evidence provided by the case study is very compelling and the authors adequately proved their hypothesis. In the end of the article the authors note that the mathematical abstraction constructed by Costas was not scholastic or “privileged” mathematics as what is taught in a curriculum. Costas’ use of math was based on objects and shapes – as you can see the grid system laid out in the illustration. There weren’t any numbers present. This brings to the forefront some questions. In grade school we learn mathematical concepts in the classroom and then try to exercise those concepts through simulations (word problems). In this case study, I believe the reverse was enacted. Costas was initially tasked with a blind simulation (I say blind because he was not specifically told to learn something) and then subconsciously used math to accomplish it. Instead of a teacher as a mediator, the game/artefact was the mediator. One could say that comparing the knowledge in each area is practical versus conceptual. The question I have is would one benefit from the other? Which is a better format? If Costas were given numerical constraints such as building a specific sized house with particular dimensions and features, would he be able to learn the same scholastic mathematics that are taught in the classroom?

    Articles like these, in my mind, prove that games facilitate or mediate learning. I think the next question might be to ask – what can we learn through games?

  19. burgoynem

    Learning Reflection


    My understanding of games coming into this course, I admit, was very basic. I’m a big fan of games and play. I love challenges, puzzles, and being competitive. So when I think of games and learning as a topic of study, I simply think of the games I like to play in my personal life or I think of the games I played in the classroom. Thanks to scholarly analysis, my eyes have certainly been opened to the depth on the subject.

    I think the biggest contributions to better understanding the relationship between games and learning have come studying the course readings, reading and commenting on other students’ play journals, and interacting via hypothesis annotation. My personal definition of analysis is breaking something down into its simplest pieces and then asking questions. The readings, thus far, have done exactly that. By breaking down the ecology of games, affinity spaces, and situational learning, the authors provide a different perspective on games and learning and give the subject greater dimension. Games are not just a tool FOR learning, but they actually represent a model of learning that drastically departs from traditional classroom education. This understanding shines greater light in utilizing or designing games as a way of instructing or allowing people to instruct themselves.

    In addition, participating in writing and reviewing play journals showcases an important component of instructional: getting to know your learners. These journals are a great insight into how people play or react to play. And so far, the biggest takeaway from this activity is the insight that 1) not everyone plays the same way and, therefore, 2) there is more than one way to play a game.


    Everyone loves games. Who wouldn’t want to use game play to learn or as a teaching tool? Oh, and message boards are for geeks…

    These are some of the preconceptions that I had coming into the course and the more I learn the more those preconceptions are turning into misconceptions. And misconceptions are almost always due to a lack of information. I am quickly learning that games and learning is like the universe – it is continually expanding. And despite its vastness game play is not one size fits all. People engage in play or define fun in different ways.

    The Network

    When it comes to social media, I sheepishly admit this is an area where I struggle to find a foothold. I do see the value in networking online as well as the value of gleaning useful information. The problem I have, though, is I feel like social media is a breeding ground for people who are starved for attention – and sharing my thoughts to the internet is not really my cup of tea. Although my twitter feed contains several useful and insightful posts, those nuggets are mixed with political rantings and other trivialities. I’m not at all sticking my nose up at social media, I’m really trying to say that I need to change my attitude when it comes to this form of collaboration.

    I do want to say, though, that the Hypothesis annotations have been a learning delight. What a brilliant idea! There is no better way to discuss a reading than in the reading itself. The annotations have not only spurred hearty discussion among fellow classmates, they have also been extremely helpful in clarifying, and in some cases, deciphering the author’s texts. Such a practice allows for greater understanding and comprehension – at least on my part.


    If, as before mentioned, one size does not fit all, how can we successfully design game play that will engage a group of students, co-workers, etc.?

    Although the answer is not yet completely known, the key is in the design. Much like instructional design models, it begins with analysis. This is important because it should preclude a designer in thinking narrowly about games and fun. More answer to come..


    My biggest curiosity relates to my previous question – how can we design game play either as a learning environment or learning tool to engage a particular group.

    As for affinity spaces, I’m curious, as I explore the Terraria affinity space, as to how this type of environment truly lends to learning – much like the texts suggest.

  20. anniemelzer

    My thoughts so far

    Learning Reflection: Cycle 3 This months readings and game play have opened my eyes to the benefits of game based learning. I read an article that discussed the different ways that females and males learn when playing games. Not surprisingly, boys have a preference for action and fighting games where girls enjoy playing more virtual life […]
  21. emilysmayy

    Photoblog: Initial Observations


    Affinity spaces are locations where groups of people are drawn together because of a shared, strong interest or engagement in a common activity. –James Paul Gee   Photoblog I randomly stumbled upon Photoblog a few months ago and thought it looked interesting. But didn’t come back to it until a few weeks ago when I trying to decide on an… Read more →

    The post Photoblog: Initial Observations appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  22. emilysmayy

    Can Digital Games Support Peace and Conflict Resolution?


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique on the paper, How Digital Games… Read more →

    The post Can Digital Games Support Peace and Conflict Resolution? appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  23. emilysmayy

    How Much do you Hate Fun? A Reflection on Games and Learning


    A little over a month ago, I wrote the post, I Hate Games: An Introduction to History of Play. Since then, I’ve been reading, writing, and thinking about games everyday. Some days I’m heads down trying to make sense of academic papers. Other days I’m reading tweets, commenting on peer blog posts or playing in my new affinity space, Photoblog.… Read more →

    The post How Much do you Hate Fun? A Reflection on Games and Learning appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  24. anniemelzer

    Minecraft, a whole new world

    Affinity Space: Initial Observations After hours of searching and dealing with constant frustration, I have found an affinity space I feel excited to engage with.  MINECRAFT To be honest, my knowledge of Minecraft is that it is a game full of block people.  I assume it is similar to Sims.  There is no limit to the […]
  25. anniemelzer

    Caution: Angry Gamer?

      Scholarly Article 2:  Caution Angry Gamers? I found this article to be extremely relevant to the age old question, “does video games cause aggressive behaviors in children?”  Although my scholarly article this week was not specifically addressing learning something from games, I felt this mirrored the same basic concepts.  This article was published in […]
  26. anniemelzer

    CARP: It’s more than just a fish.

    What is the value of the CARP principles? Contrast: This is when you make things you want emphasized STAND OUT. This draws more attention to specific area’s or words.  A few examples of this are changing color, font, or line thickness in images. Alignment: Lining up margins or columns can help group various items.  These […]
  27. burgoynem

    Scholarly Critique: Games as an Interactive Classroom Technique: Perceptions of Corporate Trainers, College Instructors and Students

    I work in sales operations for a large security company. Sales operations is a lot like being a stage manager and the sales reps like the actors. However, in addition to a number of other responsibilities, I take an active role in training those sales reps in how to perform certain aspects of their job (I don’t think stage managers train the actors…). Sales reps can sometimes have personalities that make them difficult to train – big egos, low attention spans, complacency, etc. Therefore, with each new topic in this eLearning curriculum, I look for ways to more effectively engage and train.

    I came across the article, “Games as an Interactive Classroom Technique: Perceptions of Corporate Trainers, College Instructors and Students”, in a search for games in corporate training. Although the article was published almost ten years ago, I found the authors’ study of interactive classroom teaching techniques between college faculty members and corporate trainers to be compelling. Their study consisted of two parts. The first part consisted of a survey among college faculty and corporate trainers to determine their classroom techniques and influences on teaching styles. Kumar and Lightner clearly place a focus on active learning versus passive learning approaches such as lectures or online learning. Their research indicates that interactive learning positively affects students, specifically adult learners, in memory, performance, social collaboration, and transfer of learning. They argue that games and simulations provide the perfect framework for active learning in the classroom. The second part of the study, five college faculty members volunteered to help develop new games that would replace lectures. After conducting the new game in the classroom, the five college instructors assessed the student learning and were interviewed on their experiences. In the first survey, data shows that corporate trainers utilized significantly more active learning strategies than college instructors. In the second part of the study, the five college instructors found increased student engagement and interaction through the use of the interactive game.

    Kumar and Lightner’s findings are exactly what I would have assumed they would be - colleges focus more on lectures and corporate training uses more activities. The data adequately supports the notion that games can have a positive effect on learning, especially within the adult classroom. What the study did uncover are relevant questions around the social dimensions of using game play in adult learning. The college instructors felt in the second part of the study admitted to feelings of reluctance toward the use of games as well as some feelings of inadequacy in dealing with the formats. And, despite overall positive feedback, some students expressed that games in the classroom seemed childish or beneath them. Collective learning through interactive games does require engagement and “buy-in” among participants which may require breaking down social barriers or preconceived notions.

    The study also brought to light several other questions relating to game play that, I believe, are launching points for further research. Foremost, the comments from instructors and students in the survey indicate that the actual design and implementation of the games influenced how they were perceived by students. This takes into consideration the delivery of such activities and how they can be most effective. In my opinion, I think many would agree that games are valuable teaching tools. The focus, therefore, needs to shift from the “why” to the “how”. My sales reps may be difficult to teach but one thing I do know is they love to play!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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