1. @abbissss

    Week 11 summary

    Its the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did we make it here? This week went by so fast! My Three daily creates-What is beauty to me? Check out my thoughts in my blog post!- link below– Daily Create Week 11 My weekly mashup assignments with two remixes- check out my latest blog post if you need a good … Continue reading "Week 11 summary"
  2. @gingerchic21

    Daily Create 11/6/16

    Today’s Daily Create had me create a drawing out of sidewalk cracks. Here is mine: @ds106dc I saw a person with really big shoes #tdc1764 pic.twitter.com/jtrqGCCadQ — Maureen (@gingerchic21) November 6, 2016
  3. @gingerchic21

    Daily Create 11/5/16

    Remember, remember…to do today’s Daily Create. This one had me write a three line poem about lemons without using the words lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, tart, juicy, peel, or sour. Here is my poem: @ds106dcspherical, edibleuniquely flavoredpairs nicely with a glass of water#tdc1763 — Maureen (@gingerchic21) November 5, 2016
  4. @Kim_Sealock

    Weekly Summary

    Well this week started off good. I had taken my videos by Wednesday. Then I ran into the editing process and realized by the finished the 1st one that it was going to be a pain. But that wasn’t as bad as my computer taking forever to upload everything thing to Youtube. It took about […]
  5. @Kim_Sealock

    Daily Routine

    This is a  video of my one of my daily routine. Making myself a latte each morning. It is a bit late but that’s because my laptop is old and protesting uploading these videos. Either way here it is and upon doing this one I had filmed me making my breakfast that morning but that […]
  6. @_evanmay_

    Weekly Summary – Week 10

    Another super busy week for me. This is all getting harder to keep up with as the semester goes on. 1) Daily Creates Did three this week: @ds106dc sol invictus has a bunch of solar-powered powers#tdc1759 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/4gdZf8cGDF — Evan May (@_evanmay_) November 1, 2016 I actually have a superhero-based...
  7. @_evanmay_

    Silent Shrek

    ★★★★½ So I saw this assignment and knew I had to try doing it. Unfortunately, Movie Maker isn’t the best at making this appear silent movie-y, but I tried my best. I went onto YouTube and looked around for random scenes from movies that I could possibly use. I ended up...
  8. @Gail Crunkhorn

    Weekly Summary Week 10: Video games in space

    As always, the Daily Creates: #tdc1762 @ds106dc #ds106 last time I walked the Snowmelt to Frostford path, that darn frost troll was hiding under a bridge eating goats. — Gail Crunkhorn (@gcrunkie) November 5, 2016 @ds106dc #tdc1759 #ds106Sylnath (character alignment: neutral good): saving the world through… /discouraging/ the local pirates pic.twitter.com/2WNChZrVar — Gail Crunkhorn (@gcrunkie) … Continue reading Weekly Summary Week 10: Video games in space
  9. @Kim_Sealock

    Arts and Craft Tutorial

    So this was a 3 and half star assignment. I picked this one because the night before all the used sticky notes around my computer that I didn’t need any more became origami swans. So upon looking at the assignments I saw an arts and craft tutorial assignment and I went “Cool, I can make an […]
  10. @cstaier

    Week 10 pt. 1: Favorite Thing

    These are a few (one) of my favorite things! Link to Assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/my-favorite-thing-to-do/ Stars: 3.5 Process: My roommate videoed me doing this all-too-important activity using…
  11. @_evanmay_

    Morse Spam

    ★★★★★ Didn’t expect to have to use Morse code in a video assignment! With this assignment though, I have to. I headed over to this really cool site to brush up on my Morse code. I could’ve just used a cheat sheet or something, but that site’s more fun. I needed...
  12. @bball151

    WEEK 10

    HERES TO ANOTHER GREAT WEEK!!! I am a huge movie fan and the fact we were able to do 2 weeks worth of video based assignments was awesome…. and a lot of fun for me to complete!! This week our main focus was more on the storytelling aspect of video making… not all the techy … Continue reading WEEK 10
  13. @bball151

    making movies…

    This week we were to do 12 stars worth of video assignments from the ds106 assignment bank… focusing on not the technical part of making movies but more of the storytelling aspect behind what the videos are conveying. Signing words This assignment was worth 4 stars and asked to take a video of myself or … Continue reading making movies…
  14. @rinko_anna

    Week 10 Summary

    The assignments this week allowed me to continue to stretch my video-editing skills.  Two of these projects directly related to finding particular patterns/tropes across film.  For example, for one of the assignments I found five instances of the reluctant hero trope, while for another I made a supercut of dramatic screaming in movies.  Both remind […]
  15. @bsorense

    Weekly Summary

    While I have made it though these last two weeks, they have been my least favorite weeks of the class to be honest. I like audio and other things but this video is killer. Here is what I have done for the week! Assignment 1: Classical-Modern Mashup Assignment 2: College Memories Assignment 3: Morse Code … Continue reading "Weekly Summary"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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