1. @ekatkins19

    Photo Blitz

    My photo blitz began at 10:11 a.m. EST and finished at 10:31 a.m. EST. Below is the list of pictures I needed to find for my blitz. In all honesty, I pressed “click for another list” about 20 times until I found one that I thought I could do. Finally, I found one. My first picture … Continue reading Photo Blitz
  2. @Gail Crunkhorn

    Photoblitz: I Weird Out My Teammates and Steal Their Stuff

      My photoblitz began at 10:43 pm EST and concluded at 11:03pm EST. You’ll notice the quality difference- I remembered I could screenshot on my computer instead of taking a photo of my laptop screen. Whoops. I did this at my team’s study hall in an academic building, figuring there would be plenty of stuff … Continue reading Photoblitz: I Weird Out My Teammates and Steal Their Stuff
  3. @_evanmay_

    Minus Mona Lisa

    ★★★☆☆ (Warning: Long post, lots of images) I was flipping through the Visual Assignments in the Assignment Bank, and found an assignment about glitch art that seemed pretty neat. So I downloaded this image of the Mona Lisa from Wikipedia and opened up the image in Notepad++. I decided to see what...
  4. @emillaaaaaaay

    To the Window

    I thought that this Daily Create was too weird. Who comes up with this stuff? Nonetheless, I easily thought of a song for the wood nymph could dance too in the nearby woods. I’m not sure why this is the first thing that popped into my head, but can’t you see it dancing along with […]
  5. @bball151


    I love taking photos… If you follow any of my social media accounts you would know how much pictures I post on a daily basis. Every time my friends and myself go out to do anything there is always either a group photo being taken, a selfie, and always a snapchat. While I am on … Continue reading Photography
  6. @amberlynn0810

    Experiencing Photography

    I don’t have much “professional” experience with photography at all. I mainly take photos of whatever is around me that I think looks good or cool. I try to make sure that there is good lighting and good positioning in the photo. By positioning I mean whatever I am taking a photo of and also the ...
  7. @emillaaaaaaay

    Photo Analysis

    Light This photo is a good example of light in photos. I think it’s beautiful because it shows one of my favorite things about nature: when light from the sun shines in through the trees. It is breathtaking. Lighting in pictures is extremely important, as you must have it placed in the right spot in order […]
  8. @emillaaaaaaay

    My Life Through an iPhone Lens

    I would by no means ever refer to myself as a photographer, but I do enjoy photography. I’ve always loved taking pictures of just about anything, whether it be of nature, people, or memories. I am most likely that person who has to take photos whenever i do something fun or out of the ordinary. […]
  9. @amberlynn0810


    For this assignment I had to make a poster warning everyone about a danger. For this I chose to make a poster warning everyone about Bigfoot! What would you choose to warn everyone about?
  10. @amberlynn0810

    What is that?!

    This visual assignment was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I had to find something and take a close up photo of it for you to figure out what it is! I chose to blur my photo out and make it a little bit more challenging to really get you thinking. I ...
  11. @kristinoconnn

    The Feels

    For my last assignment I chose a 2 star visual assignment called My Favorite Lyric. I immediately thought of my favorite song, Murder in the City by the Avett Brothers. My favorite lyric in the song is referring to his family, when he sings: “Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let … Continue reading The Feels
  12. @kristinoconnn


    Another assignment I chose was worth 3.5 stars and was called 4 lines, 5 dots, 1 curve: where I had to draw a picture using 4 lines, 5 dots, and 1 curve. First, I sketched a few ideas in my planner before drawing it on my computer. Once I was sure that I followed the … Continue reading Art
  13. @FroelichMatthew

    The daily Create: Whats in your toast?

    @ds106dc Today's daily create is this big pile of 12 books. #tdc1709 pic.twitter.com/7RSpxcYD2O — Matthew Froelich (@FroelichMatthew) September 12, 2016 For today’s daily create we had to take a picture of a dozen of anything. The one thing I had was A LOT of was textbooks in the Physics Department at UMW.
  14. @ekatkins19

    Assignment Bank

    The final assignment I did for this week was worth 2 stars. The goal of this assignment was to edit a picture of something creepy in your window. I used preview on my mac to complete this assignment. Here is the link to the original assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/what-wanders-outside-your-window/ I picked a clown because I think they are … Continue reading Assignment Bank
  15. @ekatkins19

    Assignment Bank

    The second assignment I completed was worth 3 stars. The goal of this assignment was to create a collage of your 5 favorite vacation spots and upload it to flickr. I used befunky.com to create the collage. Here is the link to the original assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/a-collage-of-your-favorite-vacation-pictures/ The 5 places I picked were Amsterdam, Dubai, Florence, Greece … Continue reading Assignment Bank
  16. @ekatkins19

    Assignment Bank

    This is my first assignment bank project for the week. The goal of this assignment was to remake the iconic Brady Bunch cover and replace it with your own friends or family. It was rate 3 stars for difficulty. I used photocollage.com to make this collage.  Here is the link to the original assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/were-the-real-life-brady-bunch/ The … Continue reading Assignment Bank
  17. @Gail Crunkhorn

    I Know Nothing About Photography (and I’m Kinda Scared)

    My experience with photography is… slim. Very slim. I got a camera for my 13th birthday and used it indeterminately until I got a smartphone. Once I got a smartphone my camera fell by the wayside. My phone camera I’ve mainly used for Snapchat, honestly. Lots of terrible selfies never meant to be seen by … Continue reading I Know Nothing About Photography (and I’m Kinda Scared)
  18. @kristinoconnn

    Analyzing Photos

    Contrast: Here is an example of contrast, which I found on flickr from Theophilos Papadopoulos. It has a near and far perspective, with the fishing nets up from and then the boats in the water in the background. The colors also contrast, because up front is a very noticeable orange while everything in the background is … Continue reading Analyzing Photos

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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