1. stephysteffi

    Week 2 – Assign 3 – Cereal Box

    Totally enjoyed this assignment! Love eating cereal, still even as an adult. My favorite characters are peanuts, so I was inspired to use them for this assignment. Again, I created this in publisher, saved it as a jpeg, uploaded it to my flickr, and then embedded it into this blog posting. Enjoy!
  2. ahollyer

    Daily Create #3

    For todays Dailycreate, the prompt was to draw a picture on a napkin, so in honor of today being the Fourth of July, I drew fireworks and an American flag on a napkin.
  3. jappolack

    Week 3: If it Sounds like a Duck it may not be a Duck.

    Everything is due July 12 by 11:59. Some of you have gotten a lot of things up and running and fixed by using the Digital Knowledge Center.  The University of Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center provides peer tutoring to all University students on digital projects and assignments. Students can schedule 50 minute, one-one-one tutorials with a […]
  4. tsfairbank

    Walk in the Park

    Week 2 Daily Create #3 (7/04) Draw on a Napkin: The Daily Create 1273 (7/04) Twitter Tweet Walk in the Park This picture I drew for me girlfriend for her lunch. Me and her are taking a walk through the park holding hands.
  5. stephysteffi

    Daily Create 7-4-2015

    Today’s Daily Create was to create a napkin drawing for someone you love. The drawing was inspired by July 4th fireworks. To complete this task I drew a picture on a napkin, took a picture of it, and uploaded to my flicker account. From there I shared it to my blog. Happy 4th of July!!!!
  6. jlawrence

    Uncomfortably Hungry

    Notes from an interview with Tim Owens – “We Are All Artists” – conducted by Jim Groom. Keywords: hungry, uncomfortable, mashups, minimalist, noise, children’s books, antique stores, iconography, creative family. The interview was a fun and insightful piece on design […]
  7. jlawrence

    Design Blitz

    The following gallery contains photos that I took while on an adventure that we are calling a “design blitz”. We were given concepts to capture and resources on how to understand these concepts. The concepts included: color, typography, metaphor, minimalism, […]
  8. christinerubel

    My Very Own Spubble

    “… Grab a picture of yourself in which your body language, actions, gestures, etc. suggest one thing and then play off that using a speech bubble. Ideally the result would make people laugh…” I chose a picture of my engagement! (P.S.: I actually didn’t really even look at the ring until after I said yes […]
  9. christinerubel

    Week 1 Summery

    The first week of CPSC106 I made my first blog, Twitter, Flickr, and SoundCloud! I think I’m doing alright so far with all we have to do. There is a LOT of stuff to do in this class and I’m having trouble keeping up. I wish there was a clear outline/syllabus calendar on what we […]
  10. christinerubel

    Photo Safari Reflection

    My Photo Safari was a fun assignment. I took my photos in a Panera in Maryland. Since I don’t have Wifi in my new apartment this week, I decided to do it at Panera because they have free Wifi. The experience was fun but quick. The photos that worked for me best were the non-complicated […]
  11. christinerubel

    Photo Safari!

    For CPSC106, we had to do a Photo Safari. I chose to do it in Panera (because I don’t have Wifi in my new apartment yet). It was fun (although I got a couple weird looks) and I believe I got most pictures! I forgot to take the starting time picture because I was so […]
  12. tsfairbank


    The Ultimate Merger (4 and 1/2 Stars) Description of Assignment:“Businesses merger together all the time (at least that’s what Mad Men has taught me). For this assignment create a logo in which you combine to famous logos. Humor is encouraged.” The Story In 2017 McDonald’s and Wendy’s were both losing business to each other. So […]
  13. tsfairbank

    1 Movie 4 Icons: Guess the movie

    One Story / Four Icons (2 and 1/2 Stars) Description of Assignment:“This idea was first suggested by Tom Woodward and has been a long standing popular ds106 assignment. The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of […]
  14. tsfairbank

    Who ate the last piece of cake?

    This Assignment is Suspect! (3 Stars) Description of Assignments: “Have you ever seen those crime shows that organize a case using a suspect board? Like Scandal or Blacklist? Well, that’s exactly what this assignment is. You will create a suspect board (or a board that connects different characters) to show interaction between the people. Feel free […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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