1. jappolack

    If Week 1 wasn’t enough Week 2 is here.

    All work is due by midnight on July 5, 2015. The University of Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center provides peer tutoring to all University students on digital projects and assignments. Students can schedule 50 minute, one-one-one tutorials with a trained peer tutor on any DS106 related projects.  Click Here to set up an appointment. Week 2 will […]
  2. kenny13

    Daily Create 6/27/15

    What will the future hold for you?  For this daily create the question was “What does Dr. Garcia see in her future?” and we were suppose to upload a picture of what we thought to Flickr.  My photo does not only apply to her though, but to you as well.  If you don’t believe me […]
  3. christinerubel

    Daily Create!

    Today’s Daily Create assignment is “Silence is…” and to write a poem:   Haiku: Silence is a joy  Being able to take in  The sounds of nature.  Hear the birds chirping  The wind running through your hair  It is wondrous.  Appreciating  Sounds other than us people  Silence is splendid. 
  4. jlawrence


    Silence… Silence is inconceivable. If you stop talking, then you listen to the hum of life around you. If you stop listening, then your mind and body start chattering at you. When you die there is nothing to embrace death’s silence […]
  5. tsfairbank

    Silence is…

      Silence is waves slowly crashing on the beach on a hot summer day. It’s the most relaxing and stress free zone. I can sit or lay down on the soft sand for hours at a time letting my mind wonder wherever it would like. Tags: dailycreate, tdc1265, ds106, umw
  6. crodenbo94

    Silence is..

    To me, Silence is being able to think about anything or being able to not think about anything at all.  Silence is being almost 14,000 ft above sea level somewhere in the Rockies.  Silence is appreciating a view so beautiful, … Continue reading
  7. tsfairbank

    The Sarcastic Epigrammatist

    Wednesday, June 24, 2015 “If you’re reading this… I’m not impressed, reading is mundane.” I combined two opening lines into one by being both sarcastic and epigrammatic. I find this line I made funny and harsh at the same time.  I didn’t know I was suppose to blog about The Daily Creates and I also […]
  8. usman2448

    Camp Poster Tutorial

    Step 1 Download the app on your smart phone by going to the app store and typing the name of the app “TextOnPictures”     Step 2 Open the app, and press start to begin   Step 3 Type the desire text that should appear on the image. Font options...
  9. usman2448

    First Week Summary

    To Do List 1. Setting the domain was very easy because all i had to do is follow instrucition step by step. After installing the domain, i installed WordPress, and all of the plugins that was assigned in the weekly assignment section. In order to learn how to navigate the...
  10. usman2448

    Sound Cloud Intro

    This is the sound cloud introduction that i have made for this class. To do this assignment i downloaded the sound cloud app to my smart phone. Once i had the app, i started the app, and started to record my introduction. Once i was finished with the introduction i...
  11. christinerubel

    Today’s Daily Create Assignment

    Today’s Daily Create Assignment is “Pick an Opening Line.”   http://www.dailywritingtips.com/20-great-opening-lines-to-inspire-the-start-of-your-story/     I think I’ll choose a line under the topic Romantic (#17). #ds106 “She often stared out the window at the wide open land, wondering how she could fulfill that burning desire to explore the world outside of her comfort zone.”
  12. christinerubel

    Hello DS106

    Hello everyone! I am excited to be apart of the #ds106 community! My name is Christine and, to be honest, technology hates me so this is going to be an interesting class. For making my accounts, YouTube was easy because I previously had a YouTube account with my personal email. For Twitter, Flickr, and SoundCloud … Continue reading Hello DS106
  13. christinerubel

    SoundCloud Intro

    My fiance and I love to listen to country and pop music normally. We like to mix it up a bit though, and when I came across this song, I had to show him. We think this song is a fun mix to T-Swift’s song Blank Space.
  14. christinerubel

    Flickr Intro

    https://www.flickr.com/photos/134286209@N08/shares/9FMPeg Christine here again! I made a Flickr account and added a couple random pictures! This is a picture of my fiance Ryan and I on our one year anniversary (back when we were dating)! He took me to ...
  15. christinerubel

    YouTube Intro

    Hello there! Christine here posting a YouTube video of my sister and I going on one of those crazy bungy sling rides down near Virginia Beach’s ocean front! Our Dad told us it would be fun … and it so was! If you ever get a chance to go on one, DO IT!
  16. christinerubel

    Twitter Intro

    Hey everyone! My name is Christine and this is my first time making a Twitter account! I hope I don’t get too addicted to it … I'm now taking CPSC106 and creating all sorts of accounts and learning a bunch already. #ds106 — Christine Rubel (@ChristineRubel) June 24, 2015
  17. ahollyer

    Story Map

    For this visual assignment I wanted to try something new and different from the normal pictures so I created a story map of a recent trip to Miami and Key Largo, Florida. Here is the Link to my story map. The story … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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