1. emorelleum

    Photography and Failure

    Well, I will admit it. I ran out of time plain and simple. One part underestimating how easy it would be to procure a camera and two (or three) parts procrastination. Still, the week wasn’t a full waste. I obtained a good amount of knowledge if not a large amount of experience. I enjoyed analyzing […]
  2. emorelleum

    Of Photoblitzing and Photoflopping

    This was a particularly difficult assignment for me, largely due to the circumstances. As mentioned earlier, I have very little photography experience, and no portable photography device. To compound difficulties, my work+school keeps me busy during the day, so I had to complete the challenge at night with a borrowed smartphone. This limited somewhat my […]
  3. audyg1rl

    Weekly Summary

    This week was very entertaining for me in regards to the assignments.  I must say I did enjoy completing them, particularly watching the Shining; I have not watched that movie since I was a little girl and it scared the mess out of me then. Jack Nicholson is one of my favorite actors, it’s funny … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  4. emorelleum

    The Light of Frankenstein

    The Bride of Frankenstein has several good examples of lighting throughout. The bride of Frankenstein does a fairly good job at deliberately utilizing depth, light, and the lack thereof for keeping the scenes engaging. To complement the deliberate choices, the relatively poor quality of the black and white cinematography contributes to the eerie connotations of […]
  5. emorelleum

    Picture Week! (…)

    I have theoretical knowledge of a lot of random things in life. Photography however, is not one of them. I can explain how light interacts with the chemicals on camera film, but not what specific ordering makes the image appealing to the average viewer. I do not take photos. I do not own any handheld […]
  6. adyke

    Week 4 Summary

    This week was all about photos and the use of them to tell a story. The capturing of a moment through photography is difficult and I had never been good at it as a child, you can read about that in my history and future with photography post here. I watched The Shining this week … Continue reading Week 4 Summary
  7. headreaper

    #~The Legend of Link~#

    For my 3rd Assignment Bank project titled “Honest Game Cover” (worth 2 stars) I made an Honest Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS game into Legend of Link: Destroyer of Pots because he is quite a problem child. Its not exactly professional quality but it gets the message across^^
  8. ewindley

    Love in three frames

    This week was all about photography.  This assignment asked me to tell a love story using three pictures.  So here you go:   I went with the simple story of love which transcends time by showing children who can feel young love in a sense of having someone so they aren’t alone and afraid, to teenagers in love who are … Continue reading Love in three frames
  9. ewindley

    My Animal Planet

    There is nothing like being down on the farm.  But this is what can happen when the jack rabbits get into the pig pen! I am beginning to be able to navigate Microsoft paint well enough to accomplish these assignments with not too much difficulty.  For this one I cropped the head and tail off … Continue reading My Animal Planet
  10. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was hard for me! I was not feeling that great at the beginning of the week and put off the majority of my work load until Thursday.  Luckily, I took off from work on Thursday so I had a whole day of catching up on DS106 to do.  I was not too stressed […]
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Photo.. uh creation

    The beginning…. Take a photo of a toy in action: My niece, Lucy at the beach this past Summer.  I had this picture saved on my phone but I had to go searching for it.  She was playing with a water squirt gun toy. Take a photo that visually represents a sound: My blow dryer! Take […]
  12. adyke


    A photoblitz is when you take a list of photo themes and for 20 minutes you take photos for those corresponding themes, learn more here. Today I did a photo blitz and it was interesting to say the least. Here are some pictures of the lists and start and end times for my blitz: The … Continue reading Photoblitz
  13. ewindley

    Cinematography Reflection

    I watched the Bride of Frankenstein from 1939 for the purpose of reviewing the cinematography.  Specifically how the film inspired emotion through the use of contrast, lighting, and foreground/background to make their point.  Because this film is black and white there was much use of contracting dark black and stark white clothing to emulate who were … Continue reading Cinematography Reflection
  14. headreaper

    Filter the Rainbow~`*

    For my 2nd visual Assignment Bank project I did the “Common Everyday Object” assignment. (worth 2 stars) I took a picture of a few generic eco-friendly coffee filters because caffeine is my drug of choice. I then used a filter on Pixlr to make them multi-color!
  15. feliciads106

    A paranormal Image

    A Couple days ago my daughter showed me the new lenses features in Snapchat; one of the lenses caught my eye. I thought, Wow, this is perfect for my ds 106 class. I used the animated filter took a picture of myself which it looks horrible and I am even scared to look at the […]
  16. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates:

    #[email protected]/BbDGpXBs3o — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 18, 2015 @ds106dc #tdc1347 pic.twitter.com/IKimalT5gi — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 16, 2015 http:// #tdc1346 @ds106dc because …. I’m happy 😁 pic.twitter.com/uARQeJ0aVi — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 15, 2015    
  17. headreaper


    (^Rogue- Ultimatum^) For this photoblitz, I had to take pictures of the things listed below within 20 minutes. I actually finished about 5 minutes early but I waited until it was 20 minutes later to take the last photo. I used photovisi to create the collage if you couldn’t tell by the watermark. Someone else’s … Continue reading %~Photoblitz~%

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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