My drawing class is coming to an end and I have my final project: to create a 4 frame animation of my hedgehog character from a wee ball to open and ready for anything. So starting to learn about how hedgehogs move…it was meant to be easy. Learning to draw spines first… Here is the high res animated gif of wee hedgehog unfolding.
Our radio show for DS106 ‘The DS106 Good Spell in 106 bullets’ I back this sunday! Listen at:
The 3 year #etmooc anniversary celebration is tomorrow night and as I have been helping prepare for it I’ve been thinking about (and asking others about) #etmooc’s impact. How can you measure the impact a learning experience has had, especially a connectivist experience? How can I measure the people I’ve …
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‘The lord of death turns the wheel of life’ in Buddhist mythology. Animated gif by me for the daily create today. The lord of death reminds us that life is impermanent and life cyclical - what if the new forward were around? Hence we understand the importance of wagon wheels in western symbolism. May be an association too far… Source
We had a great time exploring the Deep Freeze Festival yesterday afternoon, although if we had known that it would be ten degrees warmer this afternoon we would have held off until tomorrow. But we had a great time and it was very sunny even though it was cold. We missed …
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