1. kochnick

    Week 8 Summary

    I cannot believe we are already this far through school! This week wasn’t the most jam-packed with school work, but it was definitely time consuming because of the extent of the radio show that we had to do. So for this week, we had to finish the radio show, comment, do some Daily Creates, and … Continue reading
  2. jmcmahan46

    Week 8 Summary

    Week 8 is down, the radio show is finished. I think / hope that everyone in the group is happy. This week did have a few challenges, but as a group we all made it through and got everything finished on time. https://jmcmahan1.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/group-radio-show-3rd-millennium-horror-countdown/ The link above is to our finished radio show.  I would like to … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  3. jmcmahan46

    Week 8 Summary

    Week 8 is down, the radio show is finished. I think / hope that everyone in the group is happy. This week did have a few challenges, but as a group we all made it through and got everything finished on time. https://jmcmahan1.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/group-radio-show-3rd-millennium-horror-countdown/ The link above is to our finished radio show.  I would like to … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  4. jmcmahan46

    Group Radio Show – 3rd Millennium Horror Countdown

    It is finally finished. I’m having a hard time spelling millennium throughout this project. The following people contributed to this radio show Melissa Miranda, Kaitlin Geckle, Alexis Zirpmoulis, and myself.  The first time I heard their voices is when I added and mixed all of the pieces in audacity.  I do hope that you enjoy … Continue reading Group Radio Show – 3rd Millennium Horror Countdown
  5. jmcmahan46

    Group Radio Show – 3rd Millennium Horror Countdown

    It is finally finished. I’m having a hard time spelling millennium throughout this project. The following people contributed to this radio show Melissa Miranda, Kaitlin Geckle, Alexis Zirpmoulis, and myself.  The first time I heard their voices is when I added and mixed all of the pieces in audacity.  I do hope that you enjoy … Continue reading Group Radio Show – 3rd Millennium Horror Countdown
  6. jmcmahan46

    Tutorial-Reverse Audio Quiz.

    Contrary to popular belief this one is not that hard. I think some claim it to be hard to inflate the star rating for assignment purposes.  This is a 5 minute assignment. For the assignment detains go to http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/. You will need to download Audacity.  This can be done at http://audacityteam.org/. Once you have down loaded audacity, click … Continue reading Tutorial-Reverse Audio Quiz.
  7. jmcmahan46

    Tutorial-Reverse Audio Quiz.

    Contrary to popular belief this one is not that hard. I think some claim it to be hard to inflate the star rating for assignment purposes.  This is a 5 minute assignment. For the assignment detains go to http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/. You will need to download Audacity.  This can be done at http://audacityteam.org/. Once you have down loaded audacity, click … Continue reading Tutorial-Reverse Audio Quiz.
  8. jmcmahan46

    Reverse Audio Quiz

    This is the reverse audio quiz from a popular T.V. show. You get three hints. It ran from 1960 to 1968. Stared Ron Howard. Set in North Carolina. Good luck. You can find the assignment at http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/. It is a 3 star assignment.
  9. jmcmahan46

    Reverse Audio Quiz

    This is the reverse audio quiz from a popular T.V. show. You get three hints. It ran from 1960 to 1968. Stared Ron Howard. Set in North Carolina. Good luck. You can find the assignment at http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/reverse-audio-quiz-2/. It is a 3 star assignment.
  10. jmcmahan46

    One word

    Faithful to the SABRE. Surrender not your Sabre, for It has been true to you.  For if you surrender your Sabre, it will surely run you through. By; John McMahan For today’s daily create you had to take one word from your favorite poem or quote. I took the word Sabre from the poem Fiddler’s … Continue reading One word
  11. jmcmahan46

    One word

    Faithful to the SABRE. Surrender not your Sabre, for It has been true to you.  For if you surrender your Sabre, it will surely run you through. By; John McMahan For today’s daily create you had to take one word from your favorite poem or quote. I took the word Sabre from the poem Fiddler’s … Continue reading One word
  12. HOME


    I know its not a horror film, but come on. Robin Williams in a movie about radio, Its gotta be one of the greats. At any rate I will carry on with this post. #ds106… We are taking over  This week we have been assigned a radio broadcast Mary, Nick, and Miranda, will be my radio […]
  13. kochnick

    Week 7 Summary

    Ok, so this week has been mostly focused around the idea of getting our radio show set up and idea out on the table. During class the entire week, all we did was get segments ready, designate who was gonna do what, and prepare for the editing process. This weekly summary is going to be … Continue reading
  14. kochnick

    Week 7 Summary

    Ok, so this week has been mostly focused around the idea of getting our radio show set up and idea out on the table. During class the entire week, all we did was get segments ready, designate who was gonna do what, and prepare for the editing process. This weekly summary is going to be … Continue reading
  15. kochnick

    Radio Show Design Project

    Click this link to see my Radio Show Design Project! It is also embedded below. To be honest, I made it in about  10 minutes. I just grabbed a few free textures from online, threw them together, messed with their settings a bit and wa-la! You have a DS106 Radio bumper sticker!
  16. kochnick

    Radio Show Progress

    Good afternoon! This is a quick update on the radio show progress. There isn’t really a whole lot to update on, but I will let you know what I know. We have all been given different segments in the radio show process. For me, I am doing some music, a bumper, and doing the host … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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