1. jmcmahan46

    Bumper Sticker

    This is my design for a bumper sticker.  It promotes our radio show. The snake is the symbol for millennium. The text is self explanatory.  I didn’t want to add too much to it.  Since bumper stickers should not be a novel. I did this project by using Microsoft publisher. The assignment is worth 3.5 … Continue reading Bumper Sticker
  2. jmcmahan46

    DS106 Radio Commercial

    Here is a radio commercial for our upcoming radio show.  I grabbed the ax noise from http://www.freesound.org/people/PapercutterJohn/sounds/319989/ and the photo from Photobucket. I hatched this idea while I was talking to my new friend Melissa https://twitter.com/melissam88273 about our radio show. I turned up the volume on the ax chopping to be a little louder than my voice.  I altered … Continue reading DS106 Radio Commercial
  3. The Front Page

    review for the week of 10-4-2015

    This week was a lot of work. The two assignments I would like to highlight are my website and also my info graphic. both I felt appropriate considering the week was about design. here are the links to my two assignments and also some images from the tw...
  4. The Front Page

    The one that started it all

    The first Alien movie, a movie near and dear to my heart. It is probably one of the earliest movies I can remember. Although it was a little before my time I can still remember the trailer for it “In space no one can hear you scream” The sets on this move are designed pretty […]
  5. The Front Page


    Here is my design blitz I this time with much less blitz. Here are my four demonstrations from the list of ten design fundimentals listed color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion ...
  6. The Front Page

    Meeting on the Field of Battle

    This whole layer tennis match began with the question. Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or a horse sized duck? Layer tennis is a game played by two or more people. The first person finds and image or creates a graphic and sends it to the next person, That person then modified the […]
  7. The Front Page

    It all comes togather

    Once again seeing as this is design week. I went ahead and built an entire web site centered around design. When creating this website, I gave a few considerations. The first being; does the site match the personality of the person I built it for. They guy is a tattoo artist and puts off a […]
  8. The Front Page

    The design of information

    This assignment Was one of my own creation. I decided seeing as this weeks focus was on design I made an info-graphic. Hoping to appeal to my generations “NERDS” my info graphic was a combination of The Avengers and Mixing adult drinks. While the design seems simple the reality is, this project took about 4-5 […]
  9. The Front Page

    The Communist Manifesto of Design

    For this assignment, I was to read the book the Vignelli Cannon. It seemed to be a good book It offered some fundamental’s of design. The book also seemed to be a communist manifest for design.  Yes! pun intend, By this I mean Vignelli seemed to rail against any design other than his own. and […]
  10. The Front Page

    Daily creates for the week of 10-4-2015

    This weeks daily creates, In my opinion were some of the best so far. I think that some of the daily creates took a little more effort than 10 or 15 minutes. However I didn’t think that was a bad thing. For my first daily create the assignment was to combine two of my favorite […]
  11. kochnick

    Week 6 Summary!

    Got er done at the last minute! Talk about a crazy week, both with school work and personal life. Wheew! Let’s get down to business and see how this week went. 1. Read and Reflect on The Vignelli Canon: To get more of an insight about this, read my blog post here. 2. Complete a DesignBlitz: … Continue reading
  12. kochnick


    For this assignment, we were to write a poem by hand post it online! You can see the details here. To be honest, the poem is one of Bo Burnham. One of my favorite comedians.
  13. kochnick

    Film Analysis; FilmDesign

    So for this assignment, we were supposed to watch a movie and do what the instructions said. Frankly, all of those movies looked very boring. So I’m gonna do the same assignment, but I am going to talk about Gran Torino. (Because it’s my absolute favorite movie of all time.) Design in this sense means … Continue reading
  14. kochnick


    Complete a DesignBlitz. To be fair, nature is a design. And most of the time it’s a beautiful design. So that’s why one of my photos is of a tree. I will explain more when I get there. Minimalism: This photo, to me, represents that.. In a weird sort of way. I’ve always thought that tree … Continue reading
  15. kochnick

    Love At First Shot

    They were young. And at first, they had no idea what they were in for. They met on her front porch, a long time before they started dating. He taught her guitar lessons, as she secretly crushed on him across the room as he taught her lessons. Then one day, the lessons stopped. They went their separate … Continue reading
  16. jmcmahan46


    Week VI is finished. The very first part of this weeks assignment is to reflect on copyright as it relates to online works. This turns out to be a pretty complex topic.  The complexities arise out of differing opinions values and policies.  While reflecting on copyright I did a little research and came upon an […]
  17. jmcmahan46

    The Vignelli Canon

    After going spending some time in The Vignelli Canon, I would have to say that the section that left the greatest impression on me was the section about responsibility. This section has reinforced something that I have always believed in and occasionally have strayed from in projects. The method is called KISS (Keep it simple […]
  18. jmcmahan46

    Love at first shot

     This day I will remember forever.  We met on the playground, our parents were talking about work and cars.  Since they were busy we found our first kiss. This kiss I will remember forever, I will never forget.  It will rest on my heart forever. When your parents move for a job in a couple […]
  19. jmcmahan46


    The designblitz assignment asked us to take photo’s of various things to illustrate : color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance This first photo represents  and emphasizes color. . The blue background, the blue type, the word blue and the blue rhino all represent the word or color blue. Overall […]
  20. jmcmahan46

    Watch Some Films

     Last night I watched Alien for the movie review assignment.  In preparing for the show, I made myself a Moscow Mule and popped a bag of popcorn.  This was a 1979 movie so to begin with we need to step back to 1979 in order to take a look at the effects and analyze some […]
  21. kochnick

    Animated Movie Posters

    The assignment was to take a movie poster and animate it. You can find the description of the assignment here. Take a look at the photo that I did: Remeber: Don’t Let Go. Star Value: 4.5
  22. kochnick

    What The Font?

    The assignment was to take typographical font and bring them to life. You can find the assignment details here. Here is the photo that I created for this assignment. Star Value: 4.0
  23. kochnick

    The Vignelli Canon

    Pragmatics, discipline, ambiguity; these are just some of the things that Vignelli talks about in this short booklet. To be quite honest, I didn’t take away from it as much as I thought I would, but there were a lot of really good points he talked about. I’ll share a few with you: I really … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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