1. chelseairizarry

    Shadow’s Motto

    Bumper Sticker (3.5 pts): Shadow’s motto is ” Everything is for the Taking” he definitely lives by what he preaches though he likes to be funny sometimes. The following is the bumper sticker on the back of his car, “Everything is for the Taking (except this car, this is mine).” When he designed it he … Continue reading Shadow’s Motto
  2. chelseairizarry

    Week 5 Creates

    This week we were to produce at least 3 daily creates, they are as followed: Monday-Draw a David…That David. -Happy Birthday David… I create this piece on picassohead.com. In David’s photo he is had long hair, was playing the guitar, and wearing glasses therefore I had to include these elements to my portrait of him. … Continue reading Week 5 Creates
  3. mboleis

    I Had No Idea What I Was Doing

    Watch some films: Your choice: How does space help frame the design and style of noir in these films? What design elements of noir are not specific to a particular time and place? Categorize this post under “Thoughts and Ideas”and tag it “filmdesign” (no quotes). This week I watched Double Indemnity because I listened to it on […]
  4. stephen

    The Vignelli Canon

    For this week, we were assigned to read The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli who is an Italian designer who has worked in numerous areas dealing with design ranging from houseware design to  showroom design. In his short book, he points out many elements of design that are important to how a viewer perceives it. […]
  5. tyowell

    I’m Still Alive After Week 5!

    Design Assignments As with any week, I like to get what I think will take the most of my time out of the way first so this week, I decided to get the 12 stars of design assignments done quickly!  I started out with the assignment over 4 stars which was The Ultimate Merger (4.5 stars). … Read More
  6. abigaild

    Everyday creates week 5

    This week we were asked to complete 3 daily creates. I started out doing the one on Monday 2/9 which was to make a portrait for David because it was his birthday. Here is mine: The second daily create I did was on Tuesday 2/10 which we were asked to make something with our hands. […]
  7. stephaniebwhite

    Think Film

    This week, we could pick between three films to watch. I chose to watch the Coen Brother’s The Big Lebowski (1997). I decided to watch The Big Lebowski because I have heard about it being good, but I have never watched it. To be completely honest, I really did not like the movie. The plot line to […]
  8. kroach2

    DESIGNated Driver

    At the beginning of this week, I was a little unsure about what Design actually meant. Was it photography, drawing, patterns…I just wasn’t quite sure how to address it. However, […]
  9. mboleis

    Laters Baby ;)

    I FINISHED MY STARS I FINISHED MY STARS! The last assignment I chose to do was entitled Postcards from Magical Places (worth 3 stars.) The task: Design the front and back of a postcard that might be sent from the location of a movie or a work of fiction. Both sides of the cards must be created […]
  10. stephaniebwhite

    Not-So-Blah Wallpaper

    For one of my week five assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Website Banner that was submitted by Meredith Fierro. The assignment is to, “create your own website banner! This will go on your website like your featured image. Have fun with this and be creative!” This assignment is worth 4 points. I picked […]
  11. amaratel

    Design Blitz

    Typography- This picture os of a typography print that my roommate made. Together, we run a small business called “Written and Redeemed” creating and selling custom typography and calligraphy. Balance- This picture is of me rollerblading through the halls of my dorm. I’m really bad at it. It was hard for me to stay balanced … Continue reading Design Blitz
  12. alayton8

    Bumper Sticker!

    3.5 Stars I decided to make a bumper sticker for my character dossier Sylvia. For this I used a quote that made me think of her and her sassy, harlet, casanova ways. I used powerpoint and word art to create this bumper sticker!
  13. alayton8

    Let’s Get Blitzy

    For this week’s DesignBlitz assignment, I carried around my handy-dandy iPhone and took pictures of things I thought fit the description of design. This was a lot harder than I was expecting considering I don’t have much of an eye for things that are design-y or artsy! Many of these pictures I took inside of … Continue reading Let’s Get Blitzy
  14. tyowell

    Blade Runner – Only 4 Years Away

    I chose to watch Blade Runner to look for film design because I thought I’d be interested in it the most out of the 3 choices we were given.  I recorded it on my television using Xfinity On Demand instead of buying it from Amazon because recording it on my TV was free  The only … Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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