1. jeaton

    D e s i g n

    I was instructed to Carry my camera (my iPhone) with me this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts listed below with one photo for a different concept. color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance unity C o […]
  2. kkroehl

    Hand-ception, Kadabra, and the Stick Family

    This week we were back to three daily creates. The daily creates that I completed were: creative hands, what’s your superpower, and creative family tree. When deciding what to do for the creative hands assignment, I thought about the work of artist M. C. Escher, who made “drawing hands” (he...
  3. kkroehl

    Calendars, Tokens, Pizza, and Books

    Going on a design blitz was a bit overwhelming, because I couldn’t decide which objects to take a picture of. I mean everything man-made is designed and could work for at least one of the design concepts! The four concepts I settled on in my photos are typography, metaphor, rhythm,...
  4. kkroehl

    Copyright and Color Guard

    Reading/watching this week’s resources on copyright, fair use, and creative commons was a struggle, not because I didn’t like learning about these things, but because I just got very angry about them. I should explain. I have struggled through copyright laws before because I am in UMW’s color guard. We...
  5. kkroehl

    We All Use Design Everyday

    The Vignelli Canon made me realize that even little details that seem obvious are aspects of design. To me, use of space and colors are obviously design qualities because they catch the eye and are interesting (hopefully). However, I never thought of little things like flush left or centered as...
  6. 3lilangels

    Thoughts on Copy Right Law, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

    I reviewed the necessary materials although the Disney one A Fair(y) Use Tale was very difficult to listen to and understand. I get that based on copyright laws you are able to use small (in this case very small, sometimes only one word) clips or portions of something copyrighted was the principle behind the story. … Continue reading Thoughts on Copy Right Law, Fair Use, and Creative Commons
  7. cwalk350

    Your new favorite background.

      For my next assignment, I chose the create your own DS106 background.  I checked out some other students’ post and watched the tutorial video to get some ideas, as well as some insight in how to better use GIMP to design my background.  The background image was an old rustic wood background that I... Read more »
  8. gyeorelee

    Design Blitz

    This week, I had to explore of design blitz. I knew some concepts those were listed on the website, but finding the objects, ads, sign, etc was really harder than I thought. Whenever I walked around the campus or street, I tried to find what would fit under any of concepts. And these four pictures are […]
  9. briannarosem

    DS106 Wallpaper

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-ds106-wallpaper/ (4 Stars) I chose to do the wallpaper because I felt as though it would help me be a little more creative and try to explore with things like photoshop and other photo editing tools. DS106 is themed base off the idea of noir, which is that dark, crime filled idea of things, a darker … Continue reading DS106 Wallpaper
  10. cwalk350

    A Noir Valentine’s Card

    For one of the design assignments, I decided to go with designing a Noir themed Valentine’s Day card.  I am pretty new to the whole image editing game, so I wanted to choose assignments that would force me to step my game up.  Also, I just finished card shopping (I know its a little late),... Read more »
  11. mboleis

    Mr. Groom Will See You Now

    Gimp is still not my friend, but I am definitely making progress. This assignment, entitled Professor Groom Poster was worth a WHOPPING 4.5 stars. I can attest to it being worth that much, because I put a lot of time and effort into my piece. I struggled with what I wanted to do for this because […]
  12. vinci

    Copyrighting and All That Comes With It


    A lot of things go into copyrighting. It’s so much that I don’t really understand it all. However, what I do understand is that there is mostly copyrighting, kind of copyrighting, and free to the public copyrighting. As such, copyrighting can be circumstantial with parodies disrupting those concrete laws. Copyrighting has struggled to find a proper balance between the owner… Read more →

  13. mrosengrant

    Film Design

    I sat down and watched Double Indemnity the other night, and took a look at the design of the sets for the city, the insurance company building, and the mansion. I’ve seen this movie before, but wanted to watch it again for...
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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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