1. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 10

    Video show progress for week two http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/noir-not-the-father-the-reunion-2nd-week-progress/ Our finished video show My interview with Burtis http://cmattes2.com/assignments/mashupremix/234/ The video of my interview just in case you can’t get to that page My agency decision http://cmattes2.com/character/agency-decision/ My three daily creates http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/week-10-daily-creates/ My ten comments http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/a-day-in-the-life-of-lawrence/#comment-447 http://brendalevoy.com/my-1940s-character/and-then-there-were-none/#comment-328 http://thedarktimes.chelseairizarry.org/assignments/heres-shadow/#comment-163 http://www.dsnoir106.kassiarivera.com/blog/the-daily-create/drawing-batman/#comment-361 http://3lilangels.us/thoughts-and-ideas/tdc-ideas-1-2/#comment-223 http://rhilaluman.com/daily-creates/daily-creates-week-10/#comment-55 http://landonepp.com/daily-create/zebrafingerprintzebra-print/#comment-268 http://slhendo.com/daily-creates/talking-to-a-stranger/#comment-1195 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/character-interview/#comment-211 http://codingspencer.com/ds106/hope-trains-dont-derail-you-too/#comment-386 1)The highlight of … Continue reading Wrapping Up Week 10
  2. krivera

    Final Unit Choice

    Well, I gotta say, it was a fun ride. I tried a lot of new things. I was even a murderer and a lady thief in two different cases. But, I’ve got a good team right here, so I don’t think I’ll be working with any ds106 friends for this final assignment. I’ll work hard...
  3. amaratel

    Video Assignment


    After receiving Burtis’ email about a group needing an extra member, I joined. I met with the group on Friday afternoon. Their radio show was called NOIR not the father. Which was one of the radio shows I listened to a few weeks back! I acted as one of the character’s dead wife. I really liked working with another group and seeing how other people did their radio show. Because I worked with the group for almost 3 hours, I would say that I deserve 8 stars for it. So please see their video this week to see my role in it!

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  4. amaratel

    Daily Create – Talk to a stranger


    One day in September, I walked alone to get a drink from Blackstone on campus. When I was getting close to it, I had a weird feeling that I needed to walk to the Blackstone across the street. I went, ordered a chai tea latte, and worked on my homework. Across Blackstone, was a girl that I had never seen before. She was writing in a journal, and she had a Younglife Shirt on (which is the club i’m in, but hardly knew anyone in it at the time). I could tell that she was older than me and I was too nervous to go talk to her. As I was leaving, she waved hello to me, so i stopped. We ended up talking for an hour and clicked right away. We exchanged numbers, and hung out again that week. Now she’s one of my best friends! All because I walked to the further Blackstone, and talked to a stranger.

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  5. tyowell

    A Day in the life of Lawrence

    For my third and final video assignment this week, I chose to make a video of my day (5 stars). The assignment was to take pictures and videos throughtout my day and then mash them together into a video with music and what not. Most of the aspects of my day I cannot share, but I … Read More
  6. athacker

    Daily Create- Tree Art

    This daily create was to use a tree to make art. I found a picture of an old tree. Using photoshop, I distorted the tree image by using the distort features of shear, spherize, and pinch. I like the way the tree came out.
  7. adeacons


    So I found commenting this week a little challenging, because people are posting their work in clusters all on Friday and Saturday (myself included). And I double dipped with comments a lot, on accident, but it was still helpful looking at other people’s work http://www.stephaniebwhite.com/the-daily-create/the-daily-create-breakfast-selfie/#comment-403 http://www.phoenixtakesflight.com/assignments/dont-mess-with-zuckerberg/#comment-7313 http://www.brianburnsofficial.com/assignments/billy-steel-the-interview/#comment-193 http://www.brianburnsofficial.com/daily-creates/daily-dosage/#comment-194 http://kkeelee.com/daily-create/week-10-daily-creates/#comment-301 http://kkeelee.com/assignment/play-it-backward/#comment-302 http://www.stephenweidman.com/ds106/james-black/psa-announcement-for-robber/#comment-1521 http://brendalevoy.com/my-1940s-character/video-assignment/#comment-324 http://thedarktimes.chelseairizarry.org/assignments/how-embarrassing/#comment-155 http://mboleis.com/daily-create/you-people-think-i-have-time-to-do-this-but-i-really-dont/#comment-495
  8. bburns

    A Group It Is!

    For the final part of the class my radio show group and I have decided to continue on as a group for the remainder of the year. Our group will consist of Stella Vaughn, Blair Morgan, Michael Bretton, Jack Sadler, and myself, Billy Steel. We worked really well together for both the radio show and… Read More
  9. bburns

    Daily Dosage

    This week I had to do three daily creates. The first one I did was on Wednesday, and the instructions were to make an inspirational poster that featured something that you yourself have said. I found a cliff jumping picture online to use as my background, and the words of wisdom that I used were… Read More
  10. bburns

    Billy Steel: The Interview

    The major assignment that I had to complete this week, outside of my group’s video project, was to create an interview of myself, Billy Steel, answering some of the questions put forth by the Noir 106 professors. This was challenging in two aspects. First, it required thinking about my past as laid out in previous… Read More
  11. bburns

    PROGRESS UPDATE- Noir NOT The Father: The Reunion

    This week my group and I, Billy Steel, are continuing and hopefully finishing our video sequel to our radio show “Noir NOT The Father”. We are planning on meeting twice this week, with the first meeting already taking place on Tuesday. At this first meeting, we checked out each other’s trailers that we created last… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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