1. jsteward

    Noir Downpour: Week 9

    This week was fun, as we began the transition from radio to video assignments- video being a format I am more accustomed to. To finish up our unit on radio, I was required to write a post about my experience with listening to shows this week-both my own show as well as someone elses’. To […]
  2. krivera

    Week 9: Video Show and More……

    This week was a mix of easy and complicated. For this week, we had the choice of completing video assignments or making a video show with groups. Some of my radio show group decided we would make a video show. We met a lot on twitter and Google Docs to discuss ideas and finally picked...
  3. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 9

    My review of the radio show Get A Clue http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/get-a-clue-review/ My final reflection on Noir not the father http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/final-noir-not-the-father-reflection/ My daily creates http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/week-9-daily-creates/ My video essay (I apologize for the poor work) http://cmattes2.com/uncategorized/not-a-video-essay/ Week one planning of Noir Not the Father: The Reunion http://cmattes2.com/radio-show/week-1-of-noir-not-the-father-the-reunion/ link to my character category http://cmattes2.com/character/ This weeks new concept of … Continue reading Wrapping Up Week 9
  4. tyowell

    Let’s wine and dine, GOODBYE Week 9!

    So first I will start out by saying…I enjoyed most of this week except really for the video essay. I don’t mind doing videos but I’m not that great at editing or speaking in them. I’m not fond of my talking voice and I’m still getting used to editing videos but I’m getting there! Radio … Read More
  5. krivera

    Video Show Progress

    4 out of the 6 people in my radio show group including myself decided we wanted to create some sort of video show. We had all sorts of ideas lined up but at the end we found one. We had a lot of interaction on twitter and Google Docs to go over our ideas and...
  6. tyowell

    What’s in a good video?

    How to Read a Movie So for the first step in this two part process, we had to read Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie.” It was really interesting that the different camera angles in movies create such different contexts in scenes. I’ve never thought about the camera angles in such detail before but … Read More
  7. jlawumw

    “Top 20 Cinematic Techniques”

    I really enjoyed this video about various cinema techniques. Frantic zoom in the “Shaun of the Dead” is a technique that portrayed the underlying sense of the movie. I am not sure if I have seen that technique anywhere else before […]
  8. stephaniebwhite

    All the feels…Get A Clue!

    First off I want to thank my awesome group members! These gals are awesome and I am so proud of what we put together without even meeting, well Erin and I met, but other than that we never met as a group. I am SO proud of y’all. I think we did an awesome job! […]
  9. stephaniebwhite

    The Buzz on Vixen’s Ventures

    After my show aired on ds106 radio on Tuesday night, I was lucky enough to be able to listen to Vixen’s Ventures. I wish that I didn’t have to work so much so I would have been able to tune into ds106 radio a lot more, but unfortunately I had a busy work schedule this […]
  10. stephaniebwhite

    How to: Read a Movie

    This week we were assigned to read Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie” as well as watch three videos of our choosing (from a list). I chose to watch The Shining-Zooms, Camera Angle and Techniques, and Examples of Editing Techniques. I do not really know much about reading into films or movies, so all […]
  11. krivera

    Notorious: Video Essay

    For the video essay assignment, I decided to watch the movie Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock. For my video essay, I focused on the scene when Grant tells Bergman about the about his plan to have her seduce one of her past acquaintances. I read through Roger Ebert’s How to read a movie. I concentrated my...
  12. krivera

    Daily Create- Rainy Day 2: A poem reading

    Yesterday, we were asked to create a poem about the rain and today we were asked to read out the poem. My poem is called Remember to Look for the Umbrellas. The poem is about my tendency to forget to look outside to see people carrying umbrellas. The window in my room is at an...
  13. jsteward

    The Fifth Wall

    I put a slight twist on the ‘Special Person Montage’ assignment for the week of 3/16 to 3/21. It is worth 5 points. I wanted to use this assignment as an opportunity to show my significant other how important they are to me. I dug through old footage we filmed together last year and attempted to […]
  14. jsteward

    Silk Road: The Listening

    On Wednesday, March 18th, 2015, my and Sarah Kinzer’s radio show entitled ‘Silk Road’ aired on the ds106 radio site. It was delightful to participate in the ‘live tweet’ and learn what others thought of our work. I was surprised by how well it was received, and the experience made me realize how much fun […]
  15. jsteward

    NOIR at Night: The Listening

    On Wednesday, March 18th, the radio show I worked on- entitled ‘Silk Road’- aired directly after a radio show called NOIR at Night. The people behind NOIR at Night definitely interpreted this project in a way that I never would have imagined. Instead of creating a fictional narrative involving their character dossiers like Sarah and […]
  16. krivera

    Dinner Party at Six: Final Reflection

    My group’s radio show was played on Thursday this week. Me and two or three of my members were active on twitter during the show so we saw a lot of thoughts about it. I was a part of the Skype call with the Professors and I was nervous at first. I don’t do the...
  17. krivera

    Thoughts on the Noir Buzz

    On Thursday night, I listen in on the radio show, the Noir Buzz. The basis of the show was an interview with an actress about a film she is in. There is a mix between interviews with her and scenes from what I thought was supposed to be the movie she was in. The show...
  18. adeacons

    Radio Listen

    This group (The Noir Buzz) took a different approach to the assignment. They didn’t create a story, like a majority of us did, instead they did a gossip show (I think). It didn’t sound like there was a lot of original dialogue, a lot seemed to be made of music and movie clips. It was … Continue reading Radio Listen
  19. krivera

    Daily Create- Don’t forget your Umbrellas

    Remember to Look for the Umbrellas! It’s dreary outside, It caught me by surprise while I was walking outside to class the droplets pass by me and fall on my sweater and as I was walking it only got wetter If only I had looked outside the window before going to class So, we were...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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