This week involved looking at and playing off of other students’ work. I submitted four examples of work I admire to the ds106 inspire site. I spent the bulk of my time working on 10 stars’ worth of “collaborative” assignments, somehow involving both mine and someone else’s character. So I had Braddock watch a movie about Donnie and then he… Read more →
Stars: This assignment asked us to write an origin story for an unusual superhero. I turned this into a collaborative assignment by continuing the story from the role-playing assignment, and having mine and Stephanie’s character play a role in the birth of The Clown. The day his father died, Thomas Hinckle resolved to take matters into his own hands.… Read more →
Stars: This assignment started you off with a story about a clown. I turned this assignment into a collaborative one by having the clown get murdered and having Stephanie’s character, Emma Marie Callaghan, investigate the murder. As you will soon see, it also involves my character, though Emma doesn’t know that yet. “…It was time to have a word… Read more →