1. stephaniebwhite

    Who Called? Veronica, of course!

    For one of my assignments this week, Erin Clark and I decided to do the assignment, Who Called? that was submitted by Demi Fulcher. I collaborated with a fellow ds106er Erin Clark to complete this assignment! Erin and I met when we worked on our radio show together and our characters have a lot in […]
  2. rlaluman

    Wanted: Tall, Dark, and Handsome

    For my second collaborative character assignment I chose to do the “WANTED Poster” assignment worth two and a half points. For this assignment you were to use an online poster maker and create a wanted poster for a character of your choice. I chose to make the wanted poster of Janelle’s character, Sebastian Crane, and…
  3. hungrymax

    Week Eight Summary


    This week involved looking at and playing off of other students’ work. I submitted four examples of work I admire to the ds106 inspire site. I spent the bulk of my time working on 10 stars’ worth of “collaborative” assignments, somehow involving both mine and someone else’s character. So I had Braddock watch a movie about Donnie and then he… Read more →

  4. stephaniebwhite

    The Daily Create: My different sides

    The Daily Create Assignment for Tuesday 3-10-2015 was to show different sides of yourself and put them into a photo collage. I used pic stitch to put two photos together. I used a picture of my front side and one of my back side so I think I took the assignment literally, but I have […]
  5. hungrymax

    “Collaborative” Assignment: Unusual Superhero


    Stars: This assignment asked us to write an origin story for an unusual superhero. I turned this into a collaborative assignment by continuing the story from the role-playing assignment, and having mine and Stephanie’s character play a role in the birth of The Clown.   The day his father died, Thomas Hinckle resolved to take matters into his own hands.… Read more →

  6. krivera

    NOIR not the father

    On Thursday, I listened to the NOIR not the father radio show. I liked it a lot. It was a Jerry Springer type of show with a noir mix to it. The students’ characters were fighting about who was the father of a child and one character was very adamant about taking as many tests...
  7. rlaluman

    You’re a Pinteresting Character Spence

    For my first collaborative assignment I am doing the “You’re a Pinteresting Character” assignment worth four points. For this assignment I used my character, Spence, with some inspiration from Janelle’s character, Sebastian Crane. I found that Sebastian and Spence are actually quite similar. I drew from the 1940’s era, in which Sebastian would have been about…
  8. krivera

    Was It All a Dream?

    Butler: Yes, I was the one who did it. Everyone just look past me. No one ever cares. The Lawyer would just pass me by. He never cared. He only wanted my services and nothing more. So, yeah I killed your dear friends. And I don’t feel any remorse at all. They all deserved it....
  9. krivera

    Dinner Party at Six Book Cover

    Lukas had been so bored for the last couple days. Mack’s gang hadn’t been as active as they had been the previous weeks and there were no other notes detailing new missions. So, what could he do? The local bookstore was open and he decided he would read some book from the 1940s. Maybe he...
  10. rlaluman


    This week we were to submit four different people’s work who have inspired us. I haven’t really been inspired by any of these just yet, but I do think that the quality of work is exceptional and I will be inspired in the future. Janelle’s character dossier has inspired me to dig a little deeper…
  11. hungrymax

    “Collaborative” Assignment: Role-Playing.


    Stars: This assignment started you off with a story about a clown. I turned this assignment into a collaborative one by having the clown get murdered and having Stephanie’s character, Emma Marie Callaghan, investigate the murder. As you will soon see, it also involves my character, though Emma doesn’t know that yet.   “…It was time to have a word… Read more →

  12. krivera

    Who Called? Lukas and Mack

    This is the Who Called? assignments that is 4 points. I collaborated with Sharla and her character Mack. She has the first half of the conversation and I’m the second part. I did a previous assignment with her character, but this one is slightly different. In this one, Lukas isn’t trying to catch Mack but...
  13. krivera


    Story Time: 2015 Nicolette was done with Lukas’s shit. She needed the money and he was unresponsive. For the past two weeks, she had been calling him non-stop. See, she did a hacking job for him. He gave her the job and told her not to ask any questions. So, she followed his instructions but...
  14. krivera

    Four Icon Robbery

    Story: Lukas Jones was running as fast as he could. Pushing people in the crowd aside. He was chasing a criminal named Mack. Mack had just robbed the local bank and had escaped with a large wad of cash. Earlier that day, Lukas had gotten a note telling him that he would have to stop...
  15. krivera

    Inspiration 4- Mia and Kelsey

    Dirty Mouth? Clean It With a Biscuit? For this assignment, Kelsey and Mia collaborated. The acting was really well done and they only did it in two takes. The writing was really good. I like how they expanded on their radio story. I was inspired by how well they edited the audio and mixed all...
  16. krivera

    Inspiration 2- Lesya Melnychenko

    The Dangers of Undiagnosed Schizophrenia I was looking through posts to comment on and I found Lesya’s. She was doing a character collaboration and she was playing another person’s character. Her and her friend’s acting was amazing and the video editing looked like to took a while. The writing was also very typical noir which...
  17. krivera

    Inspiration 1- Janelle Pierangelino

    Stories Through Song: The Sebastian Crane Modern Music Tag I like Janelle’s work a lot because everything seems like she spent a lot of time on it. She always seems to think of a different and creative way to approach an assignment. This one was especially good because of the work she put into it....
  18. jevans5

    Inspired about Janelle

    My first inspiration post for this week is about Janelle! Her work always goes the extra mile which is something to truly admire. The assignment I choose to upload to the inspire site is her audio assignment: Remix a song with Some Speech. She used Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford in 2005 and the […]
  19. krivera

    Week 8 Comments

    This week we were asked to comment on at least 10 others post like the previous couple of weeks. I looked at recent posts and ones from this week. I found a lot of inspiration in everyone’s posts. I loved seeing the creativity of my fellow students. The assignments looked like they had a lot...
  20. jevans5

    Daily Create 2 & 3

    For my second daily create I made a ransom note for Groom. When making this ransom note I used the website http://www.ransomizer.com/ to create the font. For my demands I tried to think of both ds106 things and things that I would enjoy(which I guess makes me the Groomnapper!). I came up with the following: […]
  21. bburns

    Warning Poster

    For my second assignment of the week, Cuyler Matteson and I collaborated to “Create a Warning Poster” for 3 stars. Here are the instructions. For this assignment, Cuyler and I incorporated both of our characters: Billy Steel and Michael “Ol’ Mick” Bretton. The idea of this poster is that Ol’ Mick, a detective, is informing… Read More
  22. bburns

    DS106 Wallpaper

    The first assignment I did this week was called “Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper”. This assignment was worth 4 stars. Here are the instructions. For this assignment I used the image editing software Microsoft Paint, and my final product is a composite of several images and text phrases. On the wallpaper I included, not only my… Read More
  23. bburns

    Take Once Daily

    This week once again I did three daily creates. Who wants to see them?! I did my first daily create on Tuesday. The instructions said to make a collage that showed the different sides of me. I didn’t know whether to take this literally or figuratively, so I tried to do both! My photos encapsulate… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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