1. mariamk


    This week again were asked to comment on 10 of our classmates posts! Comment 1: I thought this was a great review about the god-father from the characters perspective. Comment 2: This person did a very good job incorporating other characters from the class into their assignment. Comment 3: It was interesting to read how […]
  2. mariamk

    Don’t ask Melody and Jeff Question’s!

    Create A Warning Poster 3 Stars For this assignment you had to create a warning poster. I made a warning poster for my character Jeffrey and Janaye’s character Melody Bay. To do so I used the noun project online to find icons and put them in PowerPoint to compose the poster. I then converted the […]
  3. mariamk

    Inspired # 1

    I like how to the point this poster is. I was unable to find the original post but I am assuming it was an assignment from the assignment bank. I also like that it still states happy Valentine ’s Day but takes the pressure away of making big commitments and things on valentine’s day. It […]
  4. mariamk

    Inspired #2

    I liked this activity because the author put a personal touch to the show. They uploaded what they thought was important and relevant to the show. This was inspiring because this person was able to share their outside interest and incorporate it into their ds106 assignments. Looking at the original post it seems like they […]
  5. mariamk

    Jeffrey makes a connection with Sara!

    Sharing Credit 4 Stars For this assignment you had to present a collaborative story via email among two people. To complete this assignment I worked alongside with Sahar and we send emails back and from our characters emails that we created for class this. My character Jeff had just posted an job ad online looking […]
  6. mariamk

    Daily Creates!

    This week were asked to complete 3 TDC’s. I completed Laughing aloud one where you were asked to post a video onto youtube about something that makes me laugh. I usually laugh whenever I am with my friends. So I posted a video with my friend Tiffany where we laughing about something I can’t remember. […]
  7. mariamk

    Inspired #4

    This was an inspiring daily create to me because it is totally relatable. And for the longest time I thought it was just my computer or even just me because I was new to some of the applications we used in the class. It is nice to know you are not the only struggling with […]
  8. mariamk

    Jeff’s and Sara’s Story~

    One Story / Four Icons 2 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to make a story about using four icons. I made this design project collaborative by illustrating Jeff’s story in icons and also Sahar’s character Sara! To make their story I used the Noun Project online to find icons. I then used PowerPoint […]
  9. mariamk

    Inspired #3

    I thought this person did a really good job explaining the plot of the movie. I have seen this movie (actually one my favorites) and it is not easy to summarize a movie in 5 seconds. This post was inspiring because the student admits that initially they believed this was going to be easy but […]
  10. cmattes2

    Wrapping Up Week 8

    Radio Show Review http://cmattes2.com/uncategorized/manoirpulators/ My four inspires http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/keep-knocking-by-codingcrows-1st-inspire/ http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/amanda-thackers-multipersonality-2nd-inspire/ http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/barbara-halls-vocal-trio-inspire-3/ http://cmattes2.com/thoughts-and-ideas/amanda-thackers-website-banner-4th-inspire/ 11 stars worth of assignments http://cmattes2.com/assignments/warning-poster-assignment-3-stars/ http://cmattes2.com/uncategorized/valentines-day-card-from-ol-mick-to-blair-3-stars/ http://cmattes2.com/assignments/stellar-story-with-rick-shannon-3-12-stars/ http://cmattes2.com/assignments/ol-micks-trip-to-see-ava-harlowe-1-12-stars/ Micheal “Ol Mick” Bretton’s gmail and twitter olmicklikesliq@gmail.com @OlMicklikesliq My ten comments http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/lawrence-may-or-may-not-be-a-man-whore-with-bad-gas/#comment-296 http://www.dsnoir106.kassiarivera.com/blog/the-daily-create/daily-create-birthday/#comment-291 http://delovelyames.com/ds106/daily-create-seven-minutes-past-wednesday/#comment-124 http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/i-hope-you-lol-at-this/#comment-253 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/your-favourite-moment-in-the-past-week/#comment-129 http://brendalevoy.com/daily-create/daily-create-3-11-2015/#comment-260 http://mayds106.com/assignment-bank-tasks/we-are-back-from-bali-and-have-pictures/#comment-103 http://www.thejota.com/ds106/comment-here/#comment-15585 http://ahowlan2.com/dailycreate/different-abstracts-of-groom/#comment-199 http://trysoccer29.com/daily-creates/im-actually-not-that-creative/#comment-312 My daily creates http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/week-8-daily-creates/ This week of work was a good hello back … Continue reading Wrapping Up Week 8
  11. hungrymax

    “Collaborative” Assignment: Movie Review


    Stars: I’m turning this movie review writing assignment into a collaborative by writing it in the voice of my character, after he’s watched a movie about Spencer’s character, Donnie:   So I’ve started  this thing, this blog thing. I don’t know many people here in the city, and Bill down at the bar’s gittin’ tired of my drunken mumbling. So… Read more →

  12. cmattes2

    Amanda Thacker’s Website Banner- 4th Inspire

    http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/uncategorized/website-banner-4-stars/ This website banner inspires me by the use of color. Ever since we first learned about design elements I have thought that color is the most important design aspect. It really makes the design pop out at the viewer and it draws in more viewers by its colorfullness. The color brings in the viewer … Continue reading Amanda Thacker’s Website Banner- 4th Inspire
  13. cmattes2

    Amanda Thacker’s Multipersonality- 2nd Inspire

    http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/audio/multipersonality-2-5-stars/ This inspired me because of how well Amanda does when she talks in different personalities. When I talk to a microphone I can’t seem to get the words out correctly. I get nervous that I am going to mess up then when I think I do it right I play it back and it … Continue reading Amanda Thacker’s Multipersonality- 2nd Inspire
  14. cmattes2

    Keep Knocking by CodingCrows- 1st inspire

    http://ds106.jlawumw.com/Noir/assign/keep-knocking/ This assignment inspires me because I have not had the easiest time with audio and this theme song is put together so well. After reading the intro to the track and it saying that this is the theme song to Harvey walking around knocking on doors for a living. The theme song had knocking … Continue reading Keep Knocking by CodingCrows- 1st inspire
  15. rlaluman

    Daily Creates: Week 8

    March 10: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1157/ Today’s daily create was to make a photo collage of the many sides of you. I chose these five pictures because they show my silly, loving, and animal obsessed side. (Obviously the best ones) March 11: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1158/ Today’s daily create was to make a drawing of your favorite part of the last week. I used…
  16. adeacons

    When Love Calls…

      I used a quote from an original poem by Janelle Pierangelino and the other person she worked with. I chose the quote“.. the waging war between logic and passion” . This inspires my by getting my to think. Life does often make you choose between logic and passion, never finding a happy medium. Everyone argues passion … Continue reading When Love Calls…
  17. adeacons

    Marble Steps

      I used Christina Hendricks picture of steps from her photo safari as one of my inspiration works. I just really love this picture because the steps look marble, and I like to imagine they lead to a different world. It captures urban beauty, and on top of that, the lighting and contrast are fantastic.
  18. adeacons

    A Challenge

    For one of my inspiration pieces I chose to use a What’s the Error? assignment. My computer crashed while I was originally trying to write this post, so I lost the original link to the inspire page, but I did upload it. Anyways… I chose this, unconventional piece of work to be part of my … Continue reading A Challenge
  19. adeacons


    I’ve broken out of my shell! Commenting has always been intimidating because you really put yourself out there, and your opinions on display. But I did it anyways! http://mboleis.com/assignments/audio/dirty-mouth-clean-it-with-a-biscuit/#comment-303 http://trysoccer29.com/writing-assignments/lawrence-may-or-may-not-be-a-man-whore-with-bad-gas/#comment-301 http://lifebysavanna.com/daily-creates/so-this-happened/#comment-156 http://janellegelino.com/assignments/design-assignment-groom-poster-4-and-a-12-pts-an-ice-cold-love-triangle-collaborative-characters/#comment-571 http://wildwoodblogs.com/uncategorized/inspired/#comment-894 http://brendalevoy.com/daily-create/daily-create-3-13-2015/#comment-268 http://sgrubbs2.com/uncategorized/where-is-the-error/#comment-541 http://www.thejota.com/ds106/creating-daily-creates-daily-week-8/#comment-15596 http://sgrubbs2.com/assignments/storytelling-collage/#comment-542 http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/assignments/a-mysterious-vacation/#comment-95  

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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