1. krivera

    Daily Create- Deep Space DS106

    For Thursday’s daily create, we were supposed to make a picture of what ds106 would look like in deep space. I wanted to show the students flying away with the school. The school is at the bottom and everyone from the class is going on a journey with the school.
  2. tyowell

    Sunny Sunday

    The second daily create I chose for this week was to create an emojination (2/25/15).  The assignment entailed choosing 5 emojis and using them to create a unique story. There was another option of using the Emojinate website if you were on Twitter. Since I have a twitter for the class I decided to use … Read More
  3. tyowell

    You’re a Wizard, Mr. Potter

    Today’s daily create (2/24/15) was to write an ice weasel tribute in honor of Grant Potter’s birthday today.  Grant Potter is the man who created ds106radio.  I like poem so this is why I chose to do this daily create! Happy Birthday, Mr. Potter! You’re a wizard!!!!!!
  4. rlaluman

    Senior Project Stage 2

    Last week in my meeting with Niffer we talked about where to find gold paint, finding marble examples, and finding out how to wallpaper fabric to a wall. Below are the example of marble I thought fit her idea: light grey with maybe a touch of gold. It was difficult finding lighter marbles with the…
  5. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    So this week was a little different than most weeks. Instead of focusing on a new topic all together we used this week to develop more skills in editing and developing audio. For starters, we all grouped up into our DS106 radio groups. I chose the “Noir not the father” group. The group plans on … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  6. jlawumw

    Keep Knocking (4 Stars)

    I decided to make a theme song that captured how Harvey felt as he traveled across the country trying to make a living by knocking on people’s doors. “Yes, we seem up for the gig when we’re coming through, baby, […]
  7. jlawumw

    Come Together – Weekly Summary

    So this week flew by! We assembled in groups, criticized our community members, developed a radio show to be aired in the future, created posters and bumpers and stickers, edited audio assignments, and almost killed each other. Wait, no that […]
  8. amaratel

    Week 6

    Wow, college really hit me this week. I’m a freshman, and so far college hasn’t been too hard, just a paper or two every month. This week, just sucked. I was so busy with school work and everything else. I procrastinated so much and found myself doing my weekly homework at 11:30pm Sunday night. Which … Continue reading Week 6
  9. bgoulet

    Radio Show Progress

    Radio Show Processes   Finding a Group: First thing’s first, I of course had to find my group members. Pretty easy, here’s our lineup: Brian Goulet (Me), Landon Epperly, Jack Eaton, Christine Loehr, Shannon Grubbs and Lexy Maratellos Radio Show Ideas: We decided to do a talk show inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show.  … Continue reading Radio Show Progress
  10. philipdorch

    Spoookyyyy sounds

    For my last couple of stars I decided to do the spooky sounds assignment. For this assignment I used a collection of samples I had to create a scene where my character Jack was waiting in the rain, outside a small town for a client of his
  11. amaratel


    I joined a group very late and I’m in that group so I don’t have definite progress to display as of right now. However, I am meeting with them on Tuesday. I have talked to them a lot over text message about our radio show project. They have already met but I was not able to … Continue reading Progress
  12. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 6

    A hectic but exciting week in ds106! We finally made our radio show; House of Noir Logo Radio Show Week 1 For my audio assignments I got to use my newly acquired audacity skills. For my character Jeffrey Davidson I had a voice-mail and portrayed an emotions through sounds. I enjoyed these two assignments about […]
  13. philipdorch

    Daily Create

    Before and after picture- For this assignment I wanted to drastically alter one of my favorite beer bottles. My idea from the start was to change the bottle into more of an hour glass shape and invert the colors. I am not too great with photoshop yet but I think the end result was close … Continue reading Daily Create
  14. jlawumw

    Wine Commercial (3 Stars)

    Sometimes everyone needs to just wind down and relax from time to time. We all have our variations on taking a break. If you are someone who is intrigued by the allure of the wine community or an individual deeply […]
  15. mariamk

    Radio Show; House of Noir

    So this week we created our radio show, House of Noir! My group includes Janaye, Janelle, Rhiannon and myself. To make communicating easier we made a Facebook group to share all of our ideas. Our radio show is a advice talk show. Where people call in and ask for advice. We are incorporating our character […]
  16. bburns

    6 and Stones

    This post wraps up my work for week 6 of ds106! This week I did a lot of work with my group for our radio show, completed more audio assignments, participated in another ds106 radio listen-along, and commented on the work of a lot of my peers. How about the details then? 1. Radio Show… Read More
  17. mariamk

    House of Noir Logo

    This is the logo I made for our radio show, House of Noir. The other members of my group included people in their logos and I wanted to do something simple and to the point. So I got searched house on google and copied it to paint and added OF NOIR to the bottom. At […]
  18. rlaluman

    Under the Wire: Week 6

    This week we began working on our radio show project. I started the week by reaching out to a fellow classmate to start forming a group for our radio show. The next step our group took was to decide on a topic and name for our show. We ended up deciding on a talk show…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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