This week was focused on design. I took to the streets Monday night to complete the “designblitz” and captured some examples of effective and less-than-effective signage. Then I read through and thought about the Vignelli Cannon, a sort of design guidebook written by a master in the field. We watched some movies that showed the range of genres capable of… Read more →
We were asked to watch one of three movies this week: Double Indemnity, The Big Lebowski, or Blade Runner and to think about how built environment helps frame the design and style of noir. I wasn’t sure what to do, seeing as how I watched Double Indemnity the first week of class, Blade Runner a little while ago, and have… Read more →
four stars: Illustrate a favorite lyric “The thought that life could be better/ is woven indelibly/ into our hearts/ and our brains.” Is my favorite line from a song by Paul Simon called Train in the Distance. I thought also about how so frequently in noir characters are drawn into trouble by the impulse Simon is describing, either stemming from… Read more →
four stars: This assignment asked us to create a ds106 wallpaper, such as one might make a poster out of or use as a desktop background. I used photoshop and combination of appropriated images and a photograph of my own. I made it a little dark, in honor of this year’s noir focus. Read more →
two stars: (I think it should be more) This assignment was to create a genre themed or compilation album cover and playlist. I put together Down in the Mountains, a compilation of country/blues songs. The name (in case you’re confused) stems from the genre; “in the mountains” because its music you might expect to hear there and “down” because… Read more →
two stars: This simple design assignment called for us to, without the aid of any other visual cues, not even color, choose a word and communicate it in a single typeface. The only thing you could use was size and shape. I chose a fance font that I thought looked like something from a storybook about knights to represent “knight”.… Read more →