1. bburns

    The Big Lebowski

    For the film design portion of noir106 this week I chose to watch The Big Lebowski. After watching, I can definitely say that was one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen. On a more specific note, it definitely wasn’t a prototypical noir film. However, it did contain many elements of theme and design that are… Read More
  2. tyowell

    Copyrighting everywhere

    So I just finished reading and watching all of the resources about Copyright and the Creative Commons.  I will say, I enjoyed watching the videos more than reading about these things because I mean who doesn’t get a kick out of this… But anyway, I learned a lot from both the readings and the videos. … Read More
  3. adeacons

    My Wallpaper

    The challenge was to create a new wallpaper for DS 106. I was attempting to capture the Noir essence, but my software didn’t allow me to design the typography I was aiming for.
  4. krivera

    Design in The Big Lebowski

    For the film design review, I chose The Big Lebowski because I heard that it was a cult classic and was interested in finding out what it was about. When I was watching it, it definitely felt different than the noir films that I have seen so far. I could still see some elements that...
  5. briannarosem

    Inside Longs Phone..

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/apps-galore/ (3 stars) I decided to do this assignment because I can relate it back to my character, Detective Longs. Apps on his phone: Photos: He can’t take pictures on his phone because there may be sensitive images or they could be released and get him busted by gangs or other people who are against him. … Continue reading Inside Longs Phone..
  6. tyowell


    So after reading his little book, I NEVER realized how much thought and processes go into designing something. I have a newfound respect for any kind of designer out there because there is so much to think about when creating something.  That is way too much to think about for me so I would never … Read More
  7. mburtis (Martha)

    Card Play

    I decided to tackle a design assignment today: Create Your Own Business Card which was dreamed up by one Lauren Brumfield in a previous ds106 job. I wanted to develop a calling card for Bond, Black, Groom and me — we’re getting more and more informal requests for our services and it seemed like maybe it … Continue reading Card Play
  8. rlaluman

    Four Icons One Spence

    For my last design assignment this week I did the “One Story Four Icons” assignment and dedicated it to my character Spence. This assignment is worth two and a half points and fulfills the six required character assignment points for the week. My first step in this assignment was to decide what aspect of Spence’s…
  9. rlaluman

    Highland Corporation Annual Charity Benefit

    For my third design assignment this week I decided to do the “You’re Invited” assignment and dedicate it to my character Jack Spencer. This assignment is worth three and a half points out of the six required character points. For the event I created I decided to draw from Jack’s history with cancer and use…
  10. janellegelino

    My Design Blitz

    1) Stars sign: https://www.flickr.com/photos/janellegelino/15884668134/ With this poster, I particularly noticed the idea of a symbol/ metaphor being utilized. The statement “Not all stars belong to the sky,” is referring to Virginia Beach since typically beaches have many starfish as do many … Continue reading
  11. bgoulet

    What Superpower Would You Choose?

    I have been stuck between choosing either Time Traveling or Teleportation as my power of choice, so I decided that I would do both. In reality though, nobody really knows what they appear like, but here is my interpretation of how they may look in act...
  12. krivera

    Daily Create- Walking Through Walls

    For Wednesday’s daily create, the assignment was to share our superpowers in a photo. I have always been interested in characters that can walk through walls. I wanted to find a cool picture to go with the idea of phasing. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan so when I think of phasing through walls, I...
  13. adeacons


    Design is something I’m very familiar with, in the artistic sense. The golden ratio, contrast, open and closed composition, just to name a few phrases. But Vignelli educated me on what the essence of design is, and how to apply it to books and the digital world. So words like, type face, flush left, flush … Continue reading Vignelli
  14. tyowell

    I DONUT!

    Valentine’s Alternative, worth 2 stars, is my final design assignment for the week!  The purpose of this assignment was to create a good valentine’s day card and I think I did just that!  I chose to do this assignment because I follow Valentine’s Day Cards on twitter and I thought making one of my own would … Read More
  15. tyowell

    I’m So Creative

    I chose to do my first daily create on Wednesday, February 11.  I chose this assignment because it seemed like a fun one to create.  This daily create was to make a picture that shows you having a super power and here is what I created! My arms are naturally that big so I didn’t … Read More
  16. rlaluman


    For my second design assignment this week I chose to do the “Ink” assignment worth three points. In this assignment we were to design a tattoo that displayed at least two design elements covered this week. I have been thinking about tattoos and designing one for a while now and this assignment gave me the…
  17. rlaluman

    DS106 Wallpaper

    For my first design assignment this week I chose to do the “Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper!” assignment worth four points. I was immediately inspired by our theme, noir. The first design concept that came to me was “A Light in the Dark”. This concept seemed very noir to me because of the element of…
  18. bgoulet


    Imagination fuels the creation of beautiful ideas in our world today.   I could tell you how I rendered this photo, but a magician never reveals his own tricks. I may not be a magician, but telling you the process behind this photo would defeat its original purpose, so I encourage you to use your imagination!
  19. krivera

    Daily Create- Creative Hands

    This week for Tuesday’s daily create, we were supposed to show what creative hands looked like. I thought it would be cool to trace my hands and then decorate them. I don’t have any colored pencils or crayons but I do have a ton of colored pens. I ended up using mostly warm colors for...
  20. tyowell

    Four Photos App for iPhone

    The app for my phone is exactly what this design assignment reminded me of.  The game gives you four pictures and you have to guess the word or phrase.  The One Story/ Four Icons (worth 2.5 stars) is one where you have to tell a story/depict a movie/etc. in just four little icons.  I chose this … Read More
  21. tyowell

    Don’t want none…

    How’s that for a Bumper Sticker? This assignment is worth 3.5 stars and I decided to dedicate this one to my character, Lawrence Spitler.  This assignment included creating a bumper sticker.  That was all the criteria so I decided to use it for 3.5/6 stars for my character for the week. As you may well … Read More
  22. tyowell

    4.5 stars of FUN

    So I decided to get the assignment over 4 stars out of the way first this week (this one is worth 4.5 if you couldn’t tell from my title).  I chose The Ultimate Merger assignment because it looked fun and I wanted to experiment more with photo editing programs.  The object of this assignment was … Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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