1. stephaniebwhite

    Week Ten Summary

    I was surely overwhelmed this week. I feel like that’s just how this semester will continue to be. Here’s what was completed this week: Assignments: For one of my assignments this week, I chose to do the assignment, A word…a picture…a story, that was submitted by Kierra Morris. The assignment is to, “Chose up to 5-10 […]
  2. bburns

    So what are you guys up to?

    This week I completed ten comments on the work of my peers. Those works include: Blair Morgan’s Interview And Her Final Unit Choice Stella Vaughn’s Daily Creates And Her Interview Michael Bretton’s Daily Creates And His Interview Jota Dinero’s Daily Creates And His Video Update Jack Sadler’s Interview And His Daily Creates
  3. rlaluman

    Continuous Painting

    This past week I continued painting the cream and gold parts of the set. A huge chunk got done, which I’m very pleased about. I’m also extremely thankful for Professor DiBella forcing us to be ambidextrous while drawing and painting. This came in handy this week when I was painting hard to reach sections of…
  4. jlawumw

    Weekly Summary

    A couple of daily creates, a couple of video assignments, what is life really but a bunch of things people ask you to do until you break? Here are the links to those things that are going to make me […]
  5. stephaniebwhite

    Shirley’s Story

    For one of my assignments this week, I chose to do the assignment, This is my story, that was submitted by Seong Cho. The assignment is to, “Tell a short story using flashcard and record yourself. It can be something funny, sad, or just even express how your day was.” This assignment is worth 3 […]
  6. jevans5

    Find Your Noir Lover – NOT.

    On set with house of noir #ds106 pic.twitter.com/oj5YOBiJd0 — Melody Bay (@MelBayintheWind) March 27, 2015 Making my television premiere on "House of Noir: Find Yourself a Noir Lover." Tune in this Sunday. #ds106 #noir106 pic.twitter.com/DJFiHRgOw8 — Sebastian Crane (@NoPainNoCrane) March 27, 2015 My experience filming this TV show was HORRIBLE. FIRST the producers convince all […]
  7. jevans5

    Me Being Creative

    I created this 15 second batman, not my best work but honestly who cares about batman?! I was asked to create an inspirational quote and background. This is what I made. It is no secret that my family life is nowhere near normal, but the people I choose to let in my life are the […]
  8. jevans5

    My interview with Burtis

    Sooo, the ds106 professors are very adamant that I meet with at least one of them for an interview.. I stopped by Burtis’ office while I was passing through and she was sitting there waiting. Very ominous, but our interview went well… mostly.. -mb
  9. philipdorch

    Agency of… NNTF

    So I believe that the NNTF group is coming back together once again for a final installment of heart wrenching drama! I have decided to create my agency with my NNTF group members and think that it will go really well. Despite our characters differences on the shows, the actors behind these genius characters get … Continue reading Agency of… NNTF
  10. rlaluman

    Week 10

    This week I was brought back by the House of Noir to be on their new T.V. show, “Find Your Noir Lover.” On the show three bachelors, including myself, were all in the running to potentially date Melody Bay. Obviously I was the best choice, but that’s besides the point. I guess everyone needs a…
  11. krivera


    Thursday, we were supposed to change the image of a tree and make it more artistic. I used fotoflexer to alter the photo. I took a picture a while back and decided to use that. I changed it so that it looks separated and sorta like puzzle pieces.
  12. krivera

    Drawing Batman

    On Tuesday, we had to draw Batman in 15 second. I got a pencil and a paper and went to town. Good thing it was a relatively slow day and I could spare 15 seconds. Hope you like my Batman.
  13. rlaluman

    Find Your Noir Lover

    The show is all taped and ready to be broadcast! I must say that it really did have a good influence on me. I realized my true feelings for Serafina and got the courage to leave my wife. Melody is a lovely woman, just not the one for me. The filming experience was a good…
  14. rlaluman

    House of Noir Reunion Tour

    I am pleased to announce that after my two appearances on the House of Noir, they have asked me to come back one final time for their final reunion tour. I’m looking forward to see what this journey will bring. I am also looking forward to working with Sebastian Crane, Melody Bay, and Jeffrey Davidson…
  15. rlaluman

    Daily Creates: Week 10

    This week my friend Rhiannon shared some cool things she’s been doing with me. Here’s what she’s been doing! March 25: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1172 This is a motivation poster she made of a phrase she says often, “Keep on going.” She used a picture she took while driving in the mountains of Winchester, Virginia. She said it’s one…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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