1. kparker3

    Black Widow, Baby!

    Since we are forming and expanding our Black Widow Agency this week, I feel that we definitely need a theme song to represent what we do. That is why I chose the  “Your Theme Song” assignment, which states: If you had the opportunity to create your own theme music, what would it sound like? Get creative and create your own … Continue reading Black Widow, Baby!
  2. cloehr


    An assignment I decided to do this week was to create a hybrid animal. I decided to mix Scott’s favorite animal, a dog, my favorite animal, an elephant, and another animal that I think portrays the mixing of Scott and I’s very different personalities, a zebra. The zebra’s black and white pattern signifies just how … Continue reading ElephantZebraDog
  3. kparker3

    Be Mine…All Four of You, Please?!

    When I saw this assignment, a belated Valentine’s Day card that was mysteriously left at Black Widow Agency came to mind. I mean, the wording is just beautiful, so it is worth sharing! The assignment “Noir Valentines” states: In honor of the convergence of Friday the 13th, St. Valentine’s Day and Noir106, and inspired by The Nitrate Diva, here’s a new assignment … Continue reading Be Mine…All Four of You, Please?!
  4. gyeorelee


    For one of the assignments of this week, I chose to do Character Resume(3 points) for John Brown. This assignment is to create a resume by using either Microsoft Word, creating your own webpage, or using a website like LinkedIn. I chose to use Microsoft Word to write John Brown’s resume.   This is the […]
  5. levitasdementia


    I submitted the Origins assignment, but upon completion I’ve realized that it’s more like 2 bananas than 3 bananas.  Stirrup Trouble had their first meeting yesterday. We spent a lot of time talking through how the business will run and adjusting to working together. In order to celebrate our triumphant togetherness, I gave us an … Continue reading Genesis
  6. afanghel

    Sittin’, Waitin’, Wishin’.

    If Twitter existed during our era, I dream you would tweet me just what I wanted to hear . It would be worth so much more than a mere three stars … In fact, it would be worth more stars than there are in the sky. But unfortunately, I haven’t heard from you since forever. And I don’t know ... Read more
  7. afanghel

    Cat’s Creates: Spades and Arrows.

    For someone who keeps her profile under wraps and makes valiant efforts to stay anonymous while simultaneously being under intense public scrutiny, I can imagine that the release of this enticing novel by well-known local writer Grant Grayson is the Vixen Vigilante’s worst nightmare. I happen to know Grant fairly well and I am pretty concerned with ... Read more
  8. afanghel

    The Vixen Vigilante Hires Caterina Loveless.

    This week, I was contacted by none other than the Vixen Vigilante herself! It was quite an experience to converse with this mysterious foxy femme, even if it was just over the phone. Though she is keeping me from revealing too much, I can say that her reasons for reaching out to me involved the creation of ... Read more
  9. gyeorelee

    Week 11: Daily Creates

    April 1, 2015 The daily create of this day was to create a birthday card for Maggie Black! Happy Birthday Maggie!! April 3, 2015 Get Noddy out of the skip by using some photoshop. I put him on to the bed. It was definitely most scary and socking experience in his life. He needs to […]
  10. gyeorelee

    John Brown’s business card

    As John Brown is starting his own agency, he thought that he would need a business card to give out. So, by using create your own business card (2 points) assignment, I made him one. I tried to make simple as possible, because John likes simple thing. I used only colors of white and black to make […]
  11. gyeorelee

    Design to Shock

    I made new logo for JBrown’s Law Agency. I was inspired by the assignment called Design to Shock (4 points). To create this logo, I used 3 pictures combined by using Adobe Photoshop and put some text on to it. Since John is lawyer, he loves the quote that would make clients to trust him […]
  12. cloehr


    Today’s Daily Create was to save Noddy from the dumpster. After saving him, he hungout with his Stepbrothers.
  13. mboleis

    Groom Saves the Day

    Today’s daily create was stupid. I had to photoshop a puppet out of a dumpster. I am starting to wonder if this is even a real class. I think Stella’s bitterness may be rubbing off on me. But oh well. I decided to use this Groom character in my masterpiece, since everyone is so fascinated […]
  14. lfalkens

    Double Trouble

        Newspaper Design (3 Stars)  I found this old news article that was published following the Shannon Mills case to add to our portfolio on our website. To create…
  15. gyeorelee

    JBrown’s Pinterest

    This assignment was fun and easy. The assignment called You’re A Pinteresting Character (2 points), was to build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of mine. I really enjoyed to creating John Brown’s Pinterest board. It was my first time using it so I had fun time of learning it and activate […]
  16. sgrubbs2

    Agencies to Watch Out For

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/storify-it/ (Two Stars) https://storify.com/ScottBrinkmann/dangerous-agencys-arising For this assignment I had to use the tool “Storify” to assemble text and elements from social media. I used pictures form other people’s websites to create this post. This is Headline Crime’s first report, it shows some of the upcoming agencies and the type of thing we will be reporting … Continue reading Agencies to Watch Out For
  17. sgrubbs2

    Our Steller Story

    https://steller.co/sgrubbs http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/tell-a-stellar-story/ (Three and a Half Stars) For this assignment I had to use the app “Steller” to make a story that includes pictures. I told a story that advertises “Headline Crime,” our news agency. It shows more of what the agency does.  I chose a black and white theme to go along with noir … Continue reading Our Steller Story
  18. ahowlan2

    My boards

    Finally got on the boat and made a Pinterest this week! (2 stars) I can’t believe how much I love it! There’s so many great ideas for my bar and so many cute little kitties who remind me of Onyx! Check out my page here: Pinterest It was so easy too! I just put in my … Continue reading My boards
  19. mboleis

    Since You All Think I’m So Pinteresting……

    Welp. Another assignment. This is a web assignment entitled You’re a Pinteresting Character. The Task: Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he or she would want to pin for themselves. Welp. I made a pinterest accound. That was […]
  20. mboleis

    Vacuum Cleaners SUCK

    Well. For this new agency, I decided I needed a business card. I’m a VIP and obviously need something that says so. Not only am I the Stain Queen, I am also the Manager of this place. Get on my level. No Stain, No Problem is ready for YOUR mess! Lucky for me, there was […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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