1. ahowlan2


    My week 9 triumphs: My Radio Show Final Reflection. In this post I review my thoughts on our radio show, the MaNOIRpulators.  2 daily creates Mondays- staircase to your dream, and Wednesdays- recycle junk mail Radio Show Tweet Along and Blog. This week I listened to “Get A Clue.” It was a really good show and I loved … Continue reading Niiiiiiiine
  2. ahowlan2

    Ringing Again

    For my video essay, I chose the movie “the postman always rings twice.” I chose this one because I had read the script for this story before and thought it would be nice be able to see what I had read come to life. Before watching it, I read Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie” … Continue reading Ringing Again
  3. tdaig


    This daily Create was to take a picture that has an artsy blur. The picture that I used is one that my parents took during my game this weekend. It was not intentionally supposed to be blury but I think that it came out pretty cool looking. It can also...
  4. chelseairizarry

    Week 9 Run-Down

    What happened throughout week 9? 2 Daily Creates (Monday and Wednesday) Final Radio Reflection Radio Tweet Along reflection and tweets (located in the side bar) Video Assignments: What’s Your Skill? and 60 seconds- A video narrative Film video analysis
  5. kkroehl

    Week 9: Please let it be OK

    Well, I hope the ending of this week never happens again. I started out the week doing great, but Sunday should just be wiped off the face of the Earth. Let’s start from the beginning. I live-Tweeted to the show Get a Clue, which was fun as usual. As I...
  6. srechter

    Week 9 Summary

    Fun week working with video. I got to watch one of my favorite beers poured in reverse. I also learned that reversing video isn’t an option on Windows Movie Maker, and that’s dumb. I added visuals and guitar accompaniment to my Black Bird self trio, which was nice to see finally completed and played with. … Continue reading Week 9 Summary
  7. kkroehl

    Notoriously Brilliant

    After reading the resources on how to read a video and use different shots, I watched Hitchcock’s  Notorious. I definitely noticed all the elements of film making we read about in the reading, so it was pretty hard for me to find the perfect scene to analyze. I decided to...
  8. abigaild


    The video I chose to watch was Albert Hitchcock’s Notorious. I pay a lot of attention to the visual parts of film so that is what I commented mostly on.
  9. abigaild

    End of Week 9

    This week was all about learning how to make videos. Well before we could even start the videos we had to finish the radio shows. The tweet along this week was just as much fun as always but I have to say it was rather confusing. I still love doing it though and seeing how […]
  10. phoenix

    Last Scene of Notorious.

    In this scene, I did a brief synopsis of ending of Notorious. I wanted to make it short and sweet. The character, Alex, walks up the stairs in the most dramatic way. The audience knows that Alex will be caught and could spell doom for him in the future. Another thing I wanted emphasize the…

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  11. skinzer


    This week I got caught up in many different things and largely forgot about DS106. DivestUMW has been very busy working on a response effort to the UMW BOV’s dismissal of the University’s concerns, and this weekend I attended the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference in DC. I know that these things aren’t an excuse, […]
  12. skinzer

    Daily Creates Week 9

    Friday- Rainy Day 1 For this TDC, I had to write a poem about rainy days. I hate rainy days, especially when they are cold, so I wrote a poem about how cold rainy days make me feel. I get really hopeless and apathetic when it rains. All of my problems feel relentless when even […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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