1. ahowlan2

    Got A Clue

    This show started out pretty interestingly. The creepy door gave me the chills. And I also really liked the intro to the story of Lawrence, who died. He sounds like a bit of a wild man, saying he is “usually the hunter” and gets tons of women. One thing I would have liked from him though … Continue reading Got A Clue
  2. kroach2

    Stay Tuned

    I am extremely proud of my groups efforts to come up with such a unique and interesting radio show. NOIR not the father was full of twists, turns, sexual tension, […]
  3. phoenix

    That Escalated Quickly…

    Tonight I heard the radio show Inside Talking. Below are my tweets while listening to the show: Get a room!!!! #ds106 #noir106 #ds106radio — Phoenix (@poealias7) March 17, 2015 WAIT! Can we get invited to their wedding?!? #ds106 #noir106 #ds106radio — Phoenix (@poealias7) March 17, 2015 That ended with a bang…" Stay classy Bond. #ds106…

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  4. ahowlan2


    Overall, I’m very happy with how our radio show the MaNOIRpulators turned out. Kendall, Breezi, Amanda and I put in a lot of effort to write the dialogue, combine our characters’ stories and to get the show done. We paid special attention to the time periods, and made sure that everything that happened went along with our … Continue reading maNOIRpulating
  5. skinzer

    Week 8

    Radio Listening I listened to and reviewed Noir D&D on Tuesday night and commented on Twitter. Inspired I inputed my inspirations and posted about the process. Character Assignments Monster- 4 A Love Story- 3 Lie About Your Age- 3 Character Social Media I made Folami a Twitter and an email: folamifatale@gmail.com. Commenting I made ten […]
  6. skinzer


      For this assignment (worth four points), I had to design a lyric typography poster. I chose to use this to express the dynamic between Ami and Sebastian Crane, an assertive and powerful ex-lover. I used Photoshop to combine text and images. Concepts from the Vignelli Canon like using a grid and font recommendations helped […]
  7. skinzer

    A Love Story

      This assignment (worth three stars) required me to tell a love story in three photos. I used this assignment to tell the story of Ami and John Brown, a handsome, wealthy lawyer from Florida visiting his birthplace, NY, for a few weeks. To create this, I took images from online and used photoshop to […]
  8. skinzer

    Lie About Your Age

    For this assignment (worth 3 stars), I had to make an album cover through a detailed process for each aspect: title, band, and image. I tweaked this assignment by creating my own image based on what I found as well as Sylvia and Ami‘s relationship. The title was generated by a random quote: “The secret of […]
  9. skinzer

    Week 8 Dailycre8s

    1. Groom Ransom Note For this TDC I made this: I used Photoshop to make this image, combining a desk and a piece of paper with my own text to create a ransom note from the Athletic Dept. I chose to go this route with this because most of the other notes I saw were […]
  10. ebostaph


    The last Collaborative Character Media Assignments I completed this week was called, “Short Story With Random Words And Animal(s).” The instructions were to, “create a short story or poem using 10 random words. Go to random word generator and change it … Continue reading
  11. skinzer

    Noir D&D Review

    On Tuesday night, I tuned into DS106 Radio to listen to Noir D&D, which was, from what I could gather, a recording of a board game being played (Sadly I missed the first couple of minutes where there was probably an explanation). This was a wild radio show. Wild in the classic Noir sense of […]
  12. skinzer


    One of the assignments for this week was to write up four posts via inspire106. Here are the posts I picked and why they inspired me.   1. Where’s Groom?- Amanda Layton I wrote this inspire post about Amanda’s poster. I loved this post for many reasons. This appropriation artwork connects details from our class […]
  13. tdaig

    This Week…

    This week was a huge struggle for me as we are in the middle of our grinding season. Most of this weeks work was to listen in to the radio shows and the assignments based on our characters. The blog post about the Radio show Noir not the father can be found here. I really … Continue reading This Week…
  14. abigaild

    Week 8 finished

    This week there is a ton of posts that were asked to do. Again we were asked to do daily creates. 3 of them to be exact. I liked the video one the best of mine but they were all rather interesting. The next thing that was completed was the tweet along of a radio […]
  15. chelseairizarry

    What Happened on Week 8

    This week on The Dark Times: Three daily creates (Wednesday-Friday) Radio Show Tweet Along and Reflection (Thursday)-Tweets can be found in the sidebar Shadow got an email and twitter shadow.aka.darkness@gmail.com @Shadow_Noir Commenting:  How One Daily Create Became an Inspiration Happy Pi Day! Cupcakes are Pretty Inspirational Links, ew What’s up, Mia? Dear Diary… Car Lust … Continue reading What Happened on Week 8
  16. chelseairizarry


    TDC1159 This made me laugh so hard when I saw this, I thought it was so creative. I think he used snapchat to do draw on his face, but I am not sure. This inspired to laugh at my self sometimes too because how else will you get through life if you don’t. You have … Continue reading LOL!!
  17. pboyle

    OH Sarah, you make me laugh

    http://kinzer.us/noir-106/liam-neeson-fights-for-satisfactory-customer-service/ This was awesome, I cannot believe the creativity in this class. I would never have thought to do something like this. I think the person who created this was Sarah. I have...
  18. pboyle

    How Fifty Shades became cool

    Janelle Pierangelino is a genius, she inspired me to watch this movie with her skit in the back of my mind. I laugh out loud, this was hilarious. I wish I was this creative. I probably will never see the movie but if i ever do I will be laughing so har...
  19. chelseairizarry

    Don’t Miss Out

    Who knew my apartment was so ominous? by: Kelsey Roach- inspire page This work went about and beyond, I love the angles and lighting used in each photo. Each perfectly represents the effects attempted. This inspired me to take more photos of everyday things because you never know what you could miss if you don’t, … Continue reading Don’t Miss Out
  20. pboyle

    How Steve Rechter Inspired me

    http://ds106.steverechter.com/audio-assignments/bad-service-on-the-death-star/#comment-48 This voice mail of Darth Vader made me want to go watch Star wars and see if I can find other characters that would be cool to have funny voicemails. I love anyth...
  21. pboyle

    Tweet Along

    Ok, so I did not actually do the tweet along because I was an idiot and did not save time in my schedule to hear it live. I did however listen to “Dead Silence” I thought it was amazing. I like how they used newer songs and blended everything together very nicely. It probably wont … Continue reading Tweet Along

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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