1. sgrubbs2

    Where Is The Error?

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/where-is-the-error/ (three and a half stars) For this assignment we had to copy a photo and change something about one of them and let people guess what the difference is. To make this photo I used the program paint. This is a picture of Lena Meyers radio studio, I chose this place for my picture … Continue reading Where Is The Error?
  2. sgrubbs2

    Penny Pictures

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/apophenia/ (three and a half stars) For this assignment I had to find an object and then make different versions of the same object. I chose two pennies and drew different things around them to make them look like different things. I made the pennies into eyes, car tires, flowers, and basketballs. This relates to … Continue reading Penny Pictures
  3. sgrubbs2

    Storytelling Collage

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/storytelling-collage/ (three stars) For this assignment we had to make a collage that tells a story. To make this collage I used the app “PhotoFrame,” to combine all four photos. This collage tells the story of a typical day in the life of Scott Brinkmann. He starts his day off by arriving at his hotel about 30 minutes … Continue reading Storytelling Collage
  4. mrosengrant

    Rigged for Pleasure

    Victoire Absinthe glared at the paper back she held in her hands. It was her newest romance novel, “Rigged for Pleasure”- it was trashy and terrible but housewives bought it up like hot cakes and kept the money rolling in....
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  5. jlaszako

    Edie and Isabelle’s Trip!

    This week I had the pleasure of working with Aubrey Howland. We decided to knock out two assignments: a writing one which actually describes in depth what our visual assignment depicts. The visual assignment we chose to do was the Story Map for 4 stars. Check it out here! Our story is based around our two characters: […]
  6. ahowlan2

    A Trip and a Fall

      3 stars: I worked with July Laszakovits and we combined not only our characters, but also our assignments. We created a story map to depict the traveling that occurs during this story assignment that includes 10 random words and an animal of our choice. The ten words and the animal are underlined (the first time … Continue reading A Trip and a Fall
  7. mboleis

    Kissing Kelsey’s Ass

    My second inspire post was Kelsey’s Is it time to Post-it? (and no I’m not just saying any of this cause she’s one of my best friends. she’s actually the bomb.com. No playing favorites!!!) I picked this piece for a few reasons. The main reason, was her write up. Kelsey does an AMAZING job narrating her […]
  8. mboleis

    Noir Cat. Bitches Love Noir Cat.

    Guess who tweeted along to three fabulous radio shows last night? THAT’D BE ME. Last night’s triple feature included the maNOIRpulators, Dead Silence, and the Steadfast Sleuths. All three were fantastic, and I’m pretty sure I tripled my number of tweets, but it was well worth it. The night started off a little shaky. It […]
  9. mboleis

    Dirty Mouth? Clean It With a Biscuit!

    This week, we must do 10 stars of assignments from the assignment bank….HOWEVER we can do 10 stars from any category, but the catch is that all 10 must relate to our character and be collaborated with someone else’s character.  AND WE GET EXTRA POINTS IF WE ACTUALLY WORK WITH THE PERSON WE’RE COLLABORATING WITH. […]
  10. ahowlan2


    The first post I chose for Inspire was July Laszkovits’s audio assignment post: DNA: A Poetry Reading. I was on July’s page looking for posts about her noir character because we plan on meeting this evening to work on our 10 collaborative character stars. One of our mutual friends who knew we were both in the class had previously … Continue reading inspireDNA
  11. lfalkens

    Happy Pi Day!

    This weeks Daily Creates were a blast. The first one I did was make a picture showing the many different sides of me. So I photoshopped a picture with a…
  12. kkroehl

    Groom, Don’t Let Go!

    Looking through the different assignments to find one that could work for a collaborative assignment was kind of difficult. However, the Professor Groom Poster (4.5 pts) was easily adaptable. Janelle Pierangelino and I decided to work together to create a movie poster that included Jim Groom, Sasha Kellogg, and Sebastian...
  13. levitasdementia

    Trampy Shadows

    I did this Dramatic Reading Remix assignment for 3.5 stars. I found Chelsea Irizarry’s Shadow Theme Song and thought it sounded really cool. I decided to do a dramatic reading of Frank Sinatra’s The Lady is a Tramp, because I’ve established it as Delia’s favorite song. Dramatic readings are one of my favorite things- I have a special hat Read More →
  14. jlaszako

    The maNOIRpulators: A Reflection

    First off, I loved their group name. It’s so clever! The characters were really interesting and they way they came together was interesting. The male’s voice creeped me out so much though. It was really well done. I loved the sound effects. They were so on point and really made you feel like you were […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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