1. sgrubbs2

    Scott Brinkmann’s favorite song 800% slower

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/make-it-800-slower/ (Three Stars) This is “Girl Inform Me” by the Shins, it is Scott Brinkmann’s favorite song. It might be a little hard to recognize because it is slowed down 800%. To do this I took a song off of my iTunes and put it into Audacity. I then used the effect Paulstretch to slow it down. … Continue reading Scott Brinkmann’s favorite song 800% slower
  2. levitasdementia


    So when I did my sound effects story (3.5) for Delia people were saying that they didn’t know what was happening. I tried to clean things up in this one- spend less time on the soundscape and just put sound effects together for a clearer story. Here, a woman wakes up, yawns, showers, drives, enters Read More →
  3. phoenix

    Marcus made a Voicemail…

    Movie Voice Machines – (2.5 Stars) Marcus just realized that his parent might call him to see how is doing. So, he quickly made a short voicemail. Although part of him feel this is a complete waste of time, he may receive an important message in the future….. I chose to do this audio assignment…

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  4. sgrubbs2

    Kendrick Lamar Mash-Up

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/so-and-sos-greatest-hits/ (Three Stars) This is a mash-up of five of my favorite Kendrick Lamar Songs. I combined his songs “Faith,” “Blow My High,” Ronald Reagan,” “The Recipe,” and “High Power.” I used Audacity to combine them and the split tool to break the songs up. I chose Kendrick Lamar because he is one of my favorite … Continue reading Kendrick Lamar Mash-Up
  5. levitasdementia

    Spam spam spam spam

    This was a quick one-star assignment to read spam. I interpreted it in a different way- I read a SPAM radio ad from the ’50s instead. I found the ad here and thought what it would sound like if Delia read it- small-time voice actress and all. After I found the ad, I had to transcribe Read More →
  6. levitasdementia

    He’s a bad boy

    I did the theme song assignment for 4 stars. I created a theme song for Delia by combining major ideas about her- The piano prelude sets a tone, and of course the lovely Ella Fitzgerald pining and lamenting love. She sings to her audience, telling them to drink and enjoy themselves as she waits. The Read More →
  7. dalinafoo

    Weekly Summary #5

    I learned a lot about the principals of design with Vignelli. It is interesting that even though his works are before the era of technology , a lot in what he does still applies. I believe he has such a great understanding because he doesn’t have a machine doing the work for him, therefor e’s […]
  8. dalinafoo

    Copy Right Thoughts

    I believe when a person remixes or recreate what was already created, the creator should be credited. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s a copy and where to define plagiarism. Creative commons seems to be a good way to allow owners to releases their product.  Sometimes I wonder if two people never met and came […]
  9. dalinafoo

    Apps Galore

    My character dossier would use these apps that I have here. She will always need a calculator to do huge number math problems when dealing with dealers. She will also need her bank app to check her balances. She also has a social folder which includes all her social apps that connect her to other […]
  10. skinzer

    Weekly Summary: Week 5

    I didn’t get as much done as I should have this week due to an absolutely packed schedule and poor planning. Hopefully, this is the last time that happens, but I am still proud of what I did accomplish this week and do feel like I’ve learned a significant amount about design. 1. Vignelli Canon […]
  11. skinzer

    Week 5 Daily Creates

    1. Superpower: Kool Aid into Water For Wednesday’s Daily Create, I had to show my superpower in a photo. I was inspired by a nearby drinking fountain to do this. I photoshopped this image of my hand into an image of a drinking fountain in DuPont. Then, I used the paint tool to turn the […]
  12. skinzer

    Portlandia Poster

    For this assignment (worth 3.5 points), I had to make a minimalist poster for a TV show or a movie. I chose Portlandia, a show I have recently started watching and greatly enjoy. I decided that this was a good choice for a show because most of the main characters are portrayed by the same […]
  13. skinzer

    DS106 Wallpaper

    For this assignment (worth 4 stars), I had to make a desktop background for DS106. Because the class extends beyond noir, I decided to stick to general elements of design. I used a simple font to write some basic details about the course in the foreground. To create this image in Photoshop, I first made […]
  14. skinzer

    Folami Cartoon

    For this assignment (worth 3.5 stars), I created a cartoon image of my character, Folami. In the image, Ami is tall and intimidating, with high cheekbones and a rather androgynous wardrobe. She is smoking a cigarette, in typical noir fashion. The light gradient and soft purple colors stand in stark contrast to her dark skin […]
  15. skinzer

    Bar Code Stripper

    For this assignment (worth 2.5 stars), I had to make some barcode art. I decided to make this related to my character, Folami Turay. This is a piece that Folami would have hanging in her living room. It expresses her internal conflict with being a stripper, someone who plays an integral part in an industry that […]
  16. skinzer

    Design Blitz

    For the Design Blitz, I had to take photos throughout the week that captured some of the basic elements of design. While I took lots of pictures, many of them reflected the same concepts, so I decided to choose the four photos I found most appropriate for the assignment. I uploaded these all to Flickr. […]
  17. phoenix

    Week 5 Summary: The Design Process

    This week I was introduced into design patterns. At first I was a little confused between design and visual creation, but The Vignelli Canon helped cleared that up for me. I didn’t realize that different types of patters like rhythm, form and symbols can drastically change the viewer’s perception of an object. Watching Blade Runner…

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  18. ahowlan2

    5 Designs-and Rings

    1. my reflection of the vignelli canon in which I cover my thoughts on some of Vignelli’s intangible and tangible concepts. 2. wrote about my views on copyright issues 3. Created a design blitz in which i shared the art of a couple of my roommates and wrote about the design concepts of color, unity, rhythm, and balance. 4. Three … Continue reading 5 Designs-and Rings
  19. ahowlan2


    The built environment the Big Lebowski consists of a lot of different styles of buildings. There’s dimly lit, but fancy and clean mansions on one end, and then old pawnshops and dirty rooms on another. It is not necessarily the dirty-ness of the built environment, but some parts aren’t necessarily sparkling clean. I think the … Continue reading Lebowski
  20. dalinafoo

    Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity

    How does space help frame the design and style of noir in this films? Space helped frame the design and style of noir in the film simply by emphasizing the framework of what was being seen. The places in which traumatic events occurred highlighted noir. What design elements of noir are not specific to a […]
  21. phoenix

    Its Getting Hazy Out There….

    Design Technique: Dominance I took a picture of outside while it was getting dark. In the picture it looks like the entire environment was blending together into one “hazy” view. I consider this to be the type Dominance. The reason because mine and probably your initial view of the center of the picture. To me…

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  22. cloehr

    Goodbye Week 5

    Well this week has been a huge challenge. I didn’t really understand what “design” was. After learning more and more about it, I was wondering why we didn’t do design for the first week of this class. It just seems like everything we’ve done up to this point would have benefited from the knowledge I … Continue reading Goodbye Week 5
  23. chelseairizarry

    The Vignelli Canon

    Semantics (meaning), Syntactic (syntax), and Pragmatic (realistic considerations) are Vignelli top 3 most important aspects of design. Though there are other aspects such as discipline, appropriateness, ambiguity, and timelessness. His top three are obviously the most important to design because without semantics or a purpose to what you are doing then what is the point, … Continue reading The Vignelli Canon
  24. tdaig

    Weekly Thoughts

    This week was far more fun than any other week so far. The assignments were much more creative than before and I thoroughly enjoyed them. We started off the week with a nice read about design. I learned many of techniques and origins of designs that I have never even thought of before. The films … Continue reading Weekly Thoughts

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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