1. sgrubbs2

    Week Three: Photography & Cat Noir

    This week we change directions and start thinking about how we use visual elements to capture meaning and tell stories. We’ll be doing some work with photography and we’ll ask you to review some resources about improving your photography (and being more thoughtful about what you take pictures of). We’ll also be pulling the Noir thread into the week, asking you to think about how we can reflect some of the aesthetic of Noir in our visual stories. Finally, we’ll be asking you to organize your blog.
  2. lepps2

    The lights are off and the Greek is dead.

    “Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? So help you God.” The cop straightened up. “I do.” It was the same cop that saw the ladder waiting out the window for Cora. The cop that heard the Greek yowl when Cora hit him in the head […]
  3. lepps2

    Midnight Call: Brother, I Need You

    Brother, I need you the night has fallen I go to the phone with sleep in my eyes Brother, come help me the world is bigger than I thought before I can’t do this alone Brother, I miss you just come give your favorite girl a hug Told from the point of view of my […]
  4. lepps2

    Chocolate Tres Leches: A Tasty Haiku

    chocolate cake; milk: condensed, evaporated, half-and-half on top . then put some icing, chocolate is the best kind, and eat that cake, yum! It’s gone over well every time I’ve made it! I brought it in for Spanish class before and it was a major hit; everybody liked it better than the plain tres leches. […]
  5. lepps2

    Cleo Barrow: Notorious Bank Theif

    You know Bonnie and Clyde? What if it was Bonnie and Cleo instead? Admittedly inspired by the Avicii music video here. But I’m gonna take it a couple decades later, so that they aren’t in the depression, but instead children of the depression. Here’s what I put for Cleo’s bio when I submitted the character […]
  6. lepps2

    Further Readings in Noir Fiction

    In this weeks further readings of noir fiction, I started off with “The Postman Always RIngs Twice.” Our protagonist and antihero, Frank, stumbles into a restaurant and the desperate owner, Nick (called the Greek by Frank), hires him on the spot. Frank soon dives into an affair with Cora, the Greek’s wife and femme fatale […]
  7. sgrubbs2

    Noir106 Tips & Tricks with Maggie Black: Week 2

    A winter night at a university campus that knows how to use its digital tools, one DKC tutor is still trying to find the answers to Noir106’s persistent questions… Maggie Black. I looked out my window today and thought “a storm’s brewing.” Regardless of what storms, meteorological or otherwise lie ahead, I knew that Noir106…
  8. lepps2

    Color Scheming For Your Blog

    DS106 is getting off to a great start! Since everybody is customizing their blogs and putting the finishing touches on I thought I would share some stuff about color schemes. So if anybody would like I’ve put together a list of articles and resources for creating a really pretty blog. general color article good stuff […]
  9. lepps2


    Okay even after three years of graphic design class in high school, I think this might be my highest crowning achievement in photoshop, my favorite overall, my prized creation, I want this printed on my tombstone; what I’m saying is, I legitimately love this. This cat looks like he’s just had a life altering realization, […]
  10. lepps2

    Noir 106: Week 1

              Noir week one is a go! I started off by reading the Notes on Noir and Intro to More Than Night, and then I watched Courageous Cat and Bugs Bunny. At that point I was like, ‘okay I got this, I know what this noir deal is about,’ but then as I sat down […]
  11. lepps2

    Daily Create 1-18

    “Take a photo of an animal doing something funny, kooky, suspicious, or odd. Get creative with it, and don’t just google “crazy cat pics”!” So here is my cousins’ dog wearing a dino hat.
  12. lfalkens

    A Whole New World

    This is a site created for my ds106 class at UMW. More information about me is soon to come, but I have neither the time nor the the creativity at the moment to make an introduction. But I’m excited to explore all of these new internet things I have never used before!
  13. abigaild


    I just wanted to make sure this worked before I kept going. I don’t know how to use twitter and I saw that people put the @ in front of their name and I did not do that when I signed up the blog. If someone would like to tell me what that means I … Continue reading so
  14. lepps2

    Introductions are in order

    ready for #ds106 — leanna epps (@heyits_leanna) January 12, 2015 okay hey everybody! I’m Leanna, and education student here at umw. I like coffee and cats, but really who doesn’t? And for soundcloud I posted a recording of my favorite song at the moment. And to show a bit of my creative ability I uploaded an album with […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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