1. rachstanford77

    Vignelli’s Pro Tips

    Massimo Vignelli gave some incredibly useful tips in his small book about design. Although he did write this in a pre-Internet age many of his tips about design still hold true today. As I was reading Vignelli’s book, you can tell that he takes his profession quite seriously and I am not sure if I have […]
  2. adamlostonpatrol

    Forbidden Love

    “Take/Find a picture of a couple who are obviously in love. Use the picture to tell a story. Give the story some background and maybe even create a dialogue between the two or tell the story from each point of view. Just give it some detail and create a background to your photo! It can … Continue reading
  3. emmasaxophone


    I had to create a Design Blitz using some of the design techniques which to me resemble a lot of the techniques I used for my Photo Blitz. I took 8 pictures but am only using four. 1.Color Color means a representation of a certain color that draws someones attention in on the one color making the object stand out.
  4. awassenb

    DS106 DesignBlitz

    This week we also had to complete a DesignBlitz, with an objective similar to that of the PhotoBlitz from last week. I really do feel that this assignment reinforced my understanding and new knowledge of Design and its various elements. Like I have said in previous posts this week, I have very much enjoyed Design […]
  5. calebsnow14

    Bravo Deer

    Here’s the original assignment: Cartoon The Head Assignment When I think of beautiful scenery and animals I of course think of Johnny Bravo. It’s a shame that the Johnny Bravo TV series didn’t incorporate nature into their show more so I took the liberty of doing that myself. Behold. “Hey Baby”
  6. mdavis101

    Vignelli Canon

    The three primary elements of design in Vignelli’s opinion that are expressed in his book are semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic. Semantic is the meaning behind the design. Syntactics includes the overall structure, grid, typefaces, text, headlines, illustrations, etc. Pragmatics is the idea of a simple design that requires minimal explanation. The quote “creativity needs the support of knowledge … Continue reading Vignelli Canon
  7. cmoton18

    Weekly Summary 6

    Daily Creates This week’s daily creates were fun and I talk all about them here. Design Assignments The design assignments I did were creating a business card, designing a license plate, a DS106 PostSecret card, the required suspect board, and I made a movie trading card. The design assignments were all generally easy and when I did have difficulties it didn’t … Continue reading Weekly Summary 6
  8. rachstanford77

    Greetings from Outer Banks

    Greetings from DS106-2.5 Stars Tell us where you are, where you’re from, or simply where you’d rather be and build a greeting card. I think postcards are pretty cool so I was excited to find an assignment that allowed me the chance to make one. The Work Itself   The Story Behind the Story I […]
  9. sanctum

    Week 6

    Not finished yet. My daily creates: Through My Window, ET (Atari 2600) Packaging, An uncomfortable, comfortable chair, Apple + Amazon = Applezon. Design Assignments: Digital Story Flakes [3 stars] The Deadline: Trading Cards [4 stars] Quality work.. I think not!  [2.5 stars] Where is Shaniqua? [3 stars] Visual Assignment: Cloud & Tifa [3 stars] Design Blitz I didn’t learn much … Continue reading Week 6
  10. emmasaxophone

    Make a Maze

    Here is my fifth assignment called Make a maze worth 3 stars. The assignment was simple create your own maze using a pen and paper or a computer program.   Finish Start Here are my Steps: Went to the ds106 page and clicked on the Design Assignments page.  Went to page one and clicked on the assignment called Make a
  11. mdavis101

    Design Safari

    This past week I took photos that represented “balance, unity, typography, and color”. This assignment “DesignBlitz” asked to take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts listed. Balance: This photo is of me practicing a yoga pose. Balance is essential in yoga and I learned that I need to practice … Continue reading Design Safari
  12. rachstanford77

    Horse Text

    What the Font-4 Stars A common exercise in design school, take typographical elements (perhaps even the words of a story) and bring them to life. I remembered seeing typographic portraits done by people in my high school and always wondered how they did it. This assignment allowed me to gain the knowledge on how to […]
  13. emmasaxophone

    Design your own cereal box

    Here is my fourth assignment called design your own cereal box worth 3 stars. This assignment was to create your own cereal box cover, pretty simple. Here are my Steps: Went to the ds106 page and clicked on the Design Assignments page.  Went to page two and clicked on the assignment called Design you own cereal box cover.  I went
  14. rachstanford77


    Rhythm: “Family Unplugged” ad I thought this was a good example of the design element rhythm because there is the same font found all the way down the page which brings this busy ad together and creates more unity. With so many images and color, the ad is kind of all over the place so […]
  15. emmasaxophone

    Who are you?

    My third assignment I did was called Who are you? worth four and a half stars. In this assignment I had to create a picture using pictures that represented each letter in my name and something about me. E- Represents an elephant because I like elephants. I think they are beautiful, cute and cool animals. I’ve always wanted to ride
  16. rachstanford77

    Website Logo

    Website Logo- 3 Stars Use an image editing software to create a logo for your webpage. The logo should have some type of text involving the name of your website. Try to remember how things like rhythm, color, and texture, can be used effectively when you create the logo. Add the logo to your webpage. If your […]
  17. adamlostonpatrol

    Swimming is Life

    “For this assignment, you get to design your very own t-shirt! Find a blank t-shirt template, then add a picture or some text. It could be a joke, a pop culture reference, a movie quote, or anything else you want.” For the “Create A T-Shirt” Assignment I decided to make a swimming t-shirt. I’ve been … Continue reading
  18. emmasaxophone

    Love at first sight

    The second assignment I did was called love at first shot worth 3 stars. I had to take or find a picture of a couple and create a love story around the picture or GIF. Here is the GIF link if it doesn’t work on my post. http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=20151003029H9k8b7OwnNiJtZpFKQHyJ&file=output_fLitJN.gif   This is a story about love. The two girls in the picture
  19. rachstanford77

    Cartoon Me

    Cartoon You- 4 Stars Remake you (or someone you know and love) into a cartoon character. Draw you on a piece of paper, on a tablet, take a photo and use software to convert it to comic book style, or use online programs to create a cartoon version of your character. Extra bonus points if […]
  20. emmasaxophone


    Here is my First assignment called This Assignment is Suspect, worth three and half stars. The assignment was to create an assignment board and show the interaction between everyone.   The story is about my missing shirt! My first suspect was my dog because he likes to take my clothes and hide them from me. I thought if my dog

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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