Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rachstanford77

    Week 15 Wrap Up

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? The final project was quite fun. We had the chance to think of any story we wanted and it was nice to be creative as much as we could and the fact that we got to use several different types of media […]
  2. rachstanford77

    Daily Create Wrap Up- Week 15

    Feet in Room This daily create asked us to take a picture of our feet wherever we were. Lucky I had cute socks on! Bokeh Okay This daily create asked us to submit an assignment with a bokeh background, and I have plenty of those photos on my Flickr account. Adult Coloring is […]
  3. rachstanford77

    Submitted Assignment #2

    This is my second assignment that I have submitted for the semester. It is a pretty simple and open ended assignment. You make a collage that defines your personality or something else with meaning to you. The prompt is: This comes with simple instructions. Make a collage with images and words that describe you or mean […]
  4. rachstanford77

    Final Project

    Rory Gilmore Post Gilmore Girls If you have ever watched Gilmore Girls, than you were probably completely disappointed by the final episode. So many questions left unanswered! So many stories left incomplete! Well now here is a chance to get a glimpse of what Rory has been up since the series ended. After Rory finished […]
  5. rachstanford77

    News Cast

    News On The March- 4 Stars I based the next part of my story off of this assignment prompt: Create a 30’s/40’s-style newsreel about anything at all. Just make sure it’s heavy on the propaganda feel. The Work Itself Story Behind the Story Syria is obviously a well discussed news topic and it is not […]
  6. rachstanford77

    Breaking News

    Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper- 3.5 Stars I based this audio recording off of the audio assignment prompt: Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music […]
  7. rachstanford77

    Rory in the News

    Newspaper Design- 4 Stars x 2 Prompt for this assignment: Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you can write your own, but the design of the newspaper should be original. The Work Itself Story Behind […]
  8. rachstanford77

    Dat Light Show Doh

    “Best holiday display in your neighbourhood”  When your neighbors have their own radio station for their light show. Pretty cool! #tdc1432 #dailycreate @ds106dc — Rachel Stanford (@rach_stanford23) December 11, 2015
  9. rachstanford77

    How to Chimeratic

    Tutorial on How to Make a Chimeratic Composition Assignment prompt: Take at least three pictures (your own or someone else’s) mash them together into something that makes them more than the sum of their parts, something that would have been impossible in real life. Include the original images so we can see how they build on […]
  10. rachstanford77

    Color Splash Tutorial

    How to Color Splash in Photoshop Elements 11 I remembered doing something like this in a Photoshop class in high school so I just played with some tools and techniques until I found the fastest and easiest way. Here is a blog of my original post for this assignment, which equated to 3.5 stars. Although […]
  11. rachstanford77

    Typographical Horses

    How to Make Typographical Picture in Photoshop Elements 11 Photoshop Elements 11 has been a lifesaver for me in this particular class. It has many of the basic features of Photoshop so if you have that, you will probably be able to follow this tutorial as well. First off I would like to credit eHow […]
  12. rachstanford77

    Arts and Crafts Tutorial

    I decided for my very own assignment it would be fun to make an arts and crafts tutorial. I went with a paper hat tutorial because it was pretty simple and I have actually never made one before. The description for this assignment is as follows: You probably have watched at least one arts and […]
  13. rachstanford77

    My Idea for a Daily Create

    Here was my suggestion and submission for a Daily Create assignment. It’s all about perspective. Use the concept of perspective to make a funny photo like the ones of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Here is a link to some great examples. Here’s my own example: Me trying to squish my boyfriend.
  14. rachstanford77

    Adult Coloring is a Thing

    The prompt for today’s daily create is: Apparently adult colouring is the new meditation. So The Atlantic tells us. Who needs an excuse to make art? We found you a whole set of resources to do some adult colouring. Print one and start colouring, show us! In case you are lazy, here is a hippy […]
  15. rachstanford77

    Feet in Room

    Today’s daily create prompt: I love taking pictures of my feet where I go. (Don’t ask why, I couldn’t tell you. Maybe because my shoes are cool) So, where are yours at?
  16. rachstanford77

    Week 13 & 14 Wrap Up

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? Mashups and remixes proved to a fun assignment for the past couple of weeks. I feel that I finished each assignment to completion and to the best of my abilities. They all seemed to turn out quite nicely. What gave you trouble? […]
  17. rachstanford77

    Any Womanizer Want It?

    Vocal Instrumental Mashup-3.5 Stars The prompt for this assignment is: For this assignment, you’re going to take the instrumental of a song and mash it up with the VOCALS of another song! Here’s the main challenge with this; both songs have to have similar beats per minute (bpm) to work properly together. The Work Itself […]
  18. rachstanford77

    Remixing It Up

    On The Cover Of A Teen Mag [Remixed]: Go Emo- 6.13 Stars The prompt for this assignment is: Take a popular figure from politics, education, that you would not expect to be there, on the cover of a teen fan magazine. Bonus points if the cover includes a heart throb of initials JB and a […]
  19. rachstanford77

    Guess that Artist! Mashup.

    10 Second Sound Mashup- 4 Stars The prompt for this assignment is: This is some sort of variation on Katy Chase’s The Contest That Nobody Could Win assignment, but instead of clips from a TV show or movie, do clips from your favorite songs and see if anyone can guess what they are. Or at […]
  20. rachstanford77

    Something’s Not Right…

    This Doesn’t Belong Here- 4 Stars The prompt for this assignment is: For this assignment you need to mash up two different iconic movie scenes. However, you should aim to be as subtle as possible. Perhaps a famous prop that simply doesn’t belong or a character that looks a little out of place. The Work […]
  21. rachstanford77

    To Remix or to Not Remix.

    Explaining to Ashton about Remixing This audio is a recording of my friend and I discussing remixing. She is a little shy and was a little nervous so you don’t hear her speak much but she was there! Promise! One of the videos we were asked to watch for this assignment gave a pretty clear […]
  22. rachstanford77

    Daily Create Wrap Up Weeks 13 & 14

    Giant Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head @ds106dc #tdc1408 #dailycreate Once I was in a place with giant raindrops and tiny umbrellas as plants. — Rachel Stanford (@rach_stanford23) November 16, 2015 This prompt asked us to draw a place we’ve been to in our dreams. There was one dream that came to mind […]
  23. rachstanford77

    Giant Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

    The prompt to this daily create is: Draw a sketch of a place you have been to in your dreams and describe your place in 120 characters or less. Here is my sketch of me in world of giant raindrops with only tiny umbrellas. @ds106dc #tdc1408 #dailycreate Once I was in a place with giant […]
  24. rachstanford77

    Weeks 11 & 12 Wrap Up

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? I feel that I have completed each assignment to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately I was unable to do any daily creates that involved videos and one of my videos did not turn out how I anticipated. Overall, I believe I […]
  25. rachstanford77

    Daily Create Wrap Weeks 11 & 12

    Although the assignment for daily creates asked to focus on video ones, I never saw any by the time I made six daily creates. Filter Here. Filter There. Slumber filter with warm filter — Rachel Stanford (@rach_stanford23) November 3, 2015 This daily create was quite simple; we were asked to use a filter […]
  26. rachstanford77

    Travel the World

    Where do You Want to Go? – 4 Stars The prompt for this assignment is: Where is somewhere that you have always dreamed of going? I really like travelling, and I often think about where I would go if I had all the money in the world. Do a video montage of images and/or video […]
  27. rachstanford77

    Baby Rachel Sneezing

    Reenact a Viral Video- 4 Stars Here is the prompt for this assignment: Take a viral video from the internet (let’s say with at least a million views) and reenact it. You can put your own twist on it or keep things simple. Either way there are thousands of videos to choose from. The Work […]

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