1. travisj

    Post your projects

    If you haven’t posted your project to your blog, please get it up there. I’d like to finish reading your blogs and work tomorrow (Thursday). Please check your email for a note from me. I will be in touch by the end of this week. I will be on campus May 12th, if you want […]
  2. asanchez92

    Final Project Paper!

    The Circle’s Technology, and What the People Really Think

                We’ve done a lot in a semester for English Studies in the Digital Age. We’ve explored the issues with social media and privacy, copyrights, how to tell a digital story, and, overall, the effects of technology on our everyday lives. We’ve read articles that challenged us, and made is think, especially about the future impact digital technology will have on the way we think and learn in the future. With all the readings we’ve done this semester, nothing stood out to me more than Dave Eggers The Circle.

                The Circle tells the story of Mae Holland, a young college graduate that lands a job in the most powerful technological company to exist. The novel tells of her rise in the company, from a mere customer service employee, to one of the most public faces of the corporation.

    As she rose, however, her relationships outside (and a few within) the company began to deteriorate, especially as her use of the technology that The Circle offers begins to grow. She begins to lose grip on the person she was before the Circle came so intimately into her life, her way of being. She willingly gave into the sweet nothings that the company spouts, all the perks and pretty wrappings on silver platters.  We watch as she becomes less of an individual, and more of a cog in the corporation machine.

    Aside from the story of Mae, one of the most important components of this story is that of the technology that The Circle offers. The audience gets to take a look at many of the products that The Circle created or was in the process of making in order to offer to the general public. I would be lying if I said that none of these products were worth taking a look at.Products like TruYou, where all an individual needs is one account, password, payment system, identity for everything, or PastPerfect, where one can look as far as possible into their family lineage does seem, on the surface of the idea, very cool. Much of these products however, weren’t as great as they were made out to be.

    In my opinion, many of the products that were offered in the book were invasive and downright scary in their own nature. With many (if not all) the products listed, there was no such thing as privacy, no such thing as separation of your online and offline life.  People were forced to know everything, to be known at all times. They were forced to be something that wasn’t completely them, despite Bailey’s claim that people were being their “true” self. By the end of the book, many of the characters of The Circle weren’t even human anymore. They were a mob, listening to a single voice, a single mission.

    To think that society would be ready to use such technologies if they were to exist is even more horrific, especially when one considers the outcome if any of these products (used in the same way the book did) would have.  I understand that we may want to learn what is happening behind the closed doors of our political leaders, but there is danger in knowing what everything that they do. There is danger in having everything, out in the open for all to see. What was worse was how cult-like everyone turned out to be. If anyone were to go against the mob, the mob would destroy them utterly and completely. We saw this with Mercer, and to a smaller extent, Ty.

    Despite all this, and, as I had mentioned before, the book really forced me to think: What about our society? The society in the book is one thing, and quite a fictitious thing at that, but what about the society I live in? What about my peers? Would they be so accepting of the technologies, of the Circle itself? The answer is probably an obvious one to you or me, but there are some people out there that you as an individual have to worry and wonder about. This is especially true, as much as this pains me to say this, of the people of my generation, and the generation after me. We are the last to be born before the boom of the technological age took the world by storm. We are the last to remember what it was like before all these computers, tablets, iPods and smaller phones, much more delicate phones (I still remember the brick ones and the very first Nokia). We knew the only way to tell someone about your day was by a telephone call, in person, or if you had one, email.  Or, if one was feeling particularly fancy, they’d write a letter. Sure, you were still limited, but not by a 140 characters.

    With these thoughts in mind, my final project began to form. I had decided, since I wanted so badly to know what my peers would think about these products, I’d just ask them. I chose to interview five to ten people on the tech of the Circle. It was a fairly simple, sweet, and to the point: to find out how much we’d been corrupted –for lack of a better word – by the digital age.

    I made up the questions describing various tech from the book, chose my interviewees, and, when they weren’t as busy, had a talk with them.  The most important part of doing this interview was that it had to be people that had not yet read the book. It, of course, would have been an unfair advantage. Thankfully, The Circle hasn’t been out long enough, and kind of ensured that it wasn’t that well read yet.

    I have to admit, in doing this project, I was a little worried. I was worried that a good portion of the people I asked would be for many of the products I would tell them about, considering I was just describing the product to them, and they wouldn’t have the context I did concerning it. I know that people are entitled to their opinion, but it’s still worrying if these product, (at least the more extreme ones) seem appealing. It does make you wonder, if the future that Eggers predicts is much accurate that fiction thought it would be.

    That in itself is an interesting thought, considering that many of the critics and reviewers of The Circle consider Egger’s portrayal of the internet and technology not really accurate, and are quick to point out that Egger’s himself has no real interest in technology. Yet, in reading the novel, people choose to focus on what he had to say about it, and not the underlying themes surrounding it.  As said by Jen Doll in the article “Dave Eggers Deserves a ‘Smile’ for Getting the Internet Wrong in “The Circle”:

    The danger of writing a book about the Internet is that you’re writing a book about the Internet, thereby invoking the myriad voices and possible opinions contained within this giant, amorphous collective — whether they agree with you or not…In Eggers's bleakly amusing depiction of the lead-up to an authoritarian digital society, what many have chosen to focus on is not the thematic but the explicit and literal.

                    In a way, I guess I am like one of those critics, focusing on the “explicit and literal”. But can I be blamed, when the explicit and literal is so alarming? I at least know that the themes exist, but what is said about society has a stronger initial pull than the theme did, and in turn, this is what I focused my project on.

    I realize that I could have done practically anything for this project. I could have had my friends reenact one of my short stories, I could have done some project based on the article “You are what you Read” and had a little journey of sorts through Barnes & Noble.  I also realize that in many ways this project could have been the critical paper: ten pages worth of my thoughts on what society is turning into. As much as I would have loved to do either, this felt right to me. Going outside of the community of our classroom and getting the opinions of others, who don’t get the joy of experiencing our class, felt much more important to me. I can only hope that my efforts in this paper and the interview video connected to it prove my words true.

  3. asanchez92

    Final Project

    Here is my final project. The final paper is in the post right under this one.If the audio isn't that great, please turn on Close Captioning (if it isn't already on) and choose the English option!Enjoy!
  4. jaelen_31

    Final Project Going Transparent

    According to the Merriam Webster dictionary the word transparent is an adjective that means able to be seen through, easy to notice or understand, and honest and open. Transparency could be described as a behavior; it is performing the act of being transparent. In the novel the Circle, Mae goes transparent as a decision that […]
  5. asanchez92

    Daily Create: Write Up Fantasmic Excuse

    Okay, listen, I know that I’m incredibly late and I know that you’re really mad, but you've got to hear me out at let me tell you why!
    So I’m waiting for the 7 at Junction, minding my own business listening to some Kanye, because you know I was in the mood. So I’m bumping and I’m waiting and I feel this gust of wind so I turn to see if the train is coming and there’s this tall guy just materialized out of nowhere and is standing next to me looking for the train. Now I was just about to go back minding my business when I catch the side of his face and he looks really familiar. He turns my way, I guess to see how the trains on the other line was doing and you will never guess who I was staring at.
    Guess! No! Who the hell cares about Steve the Skeeve? So what if he has a six-pack now? Once a creepo, always a creepo.
    Ugh, I’ll just tell you.
    James Franco. James Green Goblin, Pineapple Express, Gorgeous Lazy ass smile Franco.
    I swear to you my heart just stopped. I nearly keeled over into the track!
    But he’s standing next to me and I’m just standing there, freaking out, wondering if should make a move, you know get an autograph? You know, something to commemorate the moment where all the stars aligned and I met the fourth man on my potential baby celebrity-daddy list.
    What? Whose first? Ch- that doesn’t matter right now!!!
    So I finally work up the nerve to tap him on the shoulder when all of a sudden this snowball comes flying out of nowhere and clips it him in the head.
    Yes I said snowball.
    Yes I know it’s the middle of summer.
    I turn around to see the cleanest looking hobo you will ever see in New York with a mini-cooler in tow with another snowball armed and ready. The guy screams something at Franco in what I swear was Tibetan-
    I mean I took two years of it in college, so I think I’d know it if I heard it. Let me finish!
    So Franco is like, enough is enough and screaming all this stuff and pulls out one of those deluxe Nerf Water Guns and starts shooting, at him, and our whole platform erupts! The platform on the other side is screaming like it’s a WWE Match on our side and telling Franco “finish him!” Then the train finally comes in and the fight moves onto there, delaying it as the conductor guy tries to break it up.
    I swear it must have been one of those prank TV show things. I wouldn’t know though, I booked it as fast as I could and ended up taking the long way here.
    What? Galifianakis? … It could have been…
    What? No, I didn’t fall asleep on the train!

    You don’t believe me? Dude, this is New York! Where else could crazy shit like this happen?
  6. ngubelli

    Technology in the Classroom: A Personal Approach


            As time has progressed, technologies continue to evolve, taking old ideas and basis to new levels and renovations.  It is with these new ideas and creations that we must learn to reinvent our thoughts and process of imagination to integrate them into our daily lives.  It is most important, however, to ensure that engulfing a child in the world of technologies begins at a young age so that child can then use such technologies to their complete advantage in their future.  These new technologies offer a variety of subjects, content and mediums in which to work with for students.  Giving a student the opportunity to choose a medium in which they can express themselves, and lend personal testimony, is the most important aspect that Digital Humanities has to offer the students of the future. 

          Being given the opportunity to use a digital platform to create both my midterm as well as my final projects for an English class was an opportunity I have never had in the past.  I was able to use my own personal work and experiences and incorporate them into my projects.  By doing such, I then created a bridge between myself, my classmates and my professor, welcoming them into my personal life by sharing experiences such as my personal photography as well as have a back fusion surgery six years ago.  These personal experiences are important pieces to who I am as an individual and have helped me become who I am today.  So many “traditional” classrooms do not allow for this link between personal life and classroom life and that is where the problem lies.  If professors allowed for students to incorporate personal experiences via a digital base or platform, then students would be more interested and have more of a drive to fulfill the assignment requirements with a passion and a drive.

                For my final project, I used “telescopictext.org”.  In the most basic ways of explaining, it’s a website which allows for its users (me) to write a story… with a twist.  The user can write out one sentence, then with a click, select one word in the sentence to then add more to that sentence, or a separate sentence entirely.  The final product is a story, but in order to get the whole story unfolded, you must click on different words which unfold another line or part of the story.  Over all, the actual final product doesn’t seem like it was too difficult to get there, however, don’t let that fool you because it took me a total of three or four tries to make it perfect.  And by perfect, I mean it can still have a little work added to it.  Here is the link to my final project: Nicole’s Project

                As I worked on my project, I truly realized how important it is for a teacher to begin to change their teaching ways and transform their classroom into a technology savvy place.  The benefits of having students do creative pieces using a technological medium are endless.  From the originality that comes from it, you will not have to worry so much about fabricated and work that is not theirs.  By incorporating a personal aspect and testimony and allowing students to choose their topics, allows for an endless possibility of what you may be viewing.  As Carolyn Fox explains in her online article, “Digital Technology and Creativity in the Classroom Prepares Kids for the Future”, “Many teachers know that it is important to be able to give students and parents more choice in learning models and with digital technology, given that one size does not fit all and that a more personalized learning experience is needed.”  By giving more opportunity and platforms a student can work with, teachers are then helping roll out the road to success for many other students who can begin to use their stronger fields and areas of study to their full advantage.

           Often professors and teachers may argue that technology may work as a distraction in the classroom.  And yes, this may be true in some cases.  However, if technology was not such a taboo in the classroom, then perhaps this distraction may be nonexistent.  By using technology to its full potential, teachers can incorporate lectures, notes, polls, videos, and all other content online, to create an interactive experience.  An experience where students won’t have the time to get distracted doing other things, rather the entire 60-90 minute lecture period is used minute to minute with classroom instruction and interaction via technology.  In Toni Fuhrman’s article focusing on technology in the classroom and using it as a learning tool rather than a distraction, Fuhrman focus’ on one professor specifically, Ron Yaros of the University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism, and explains that, “Yaros often quizzes students to make sure they pay attention to the mobile content. “Students have to stay engaged in order to pass the quiz,” Yaros said.”  Perhaps this is one form that professors can take to ensure their students are engaged rather than just using the technology as a distraction.  Another approach may be to have written reflections at the end of each class on how you learned from the assignment. The possibilities are endless and you are able to really explore beyond the classroom through using technology. 

           It is not entirely up to the professor to engage just the student into the technology in the classroom academia.  There are many websites and MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) in which a student can get involved in.  However, professors are also open to presenting these websites and MOOC into their classrooms to engage in a more digital humanity lifestyle of teaching.  As discussed in the classroom, only a few of the hundreds of thousands of online outlets a student can engage in to do class projects or to heighten their understanding of a topic at hand.  A website that offers as an aggregator to all of these other websites is: 21st Century School Teacher.   This website offers links to a large variety of other websites which a student can use to learn and enjoy learning to a new level.  Many of these sites offer the digital humanities to a new kind, allowing for students to become involved and engaged in what they are presenting to the class room.  Take for example the online presenter “Prezi” that we are all so familiar with.  This website takes the typical PowerPoint presentation and gives it a little spin (no pun intended).  It allows for the student to make the presentation their own and add a little dazzle to their presentation.  With this, every presentation and project becomes more engaging and interesting to the audience, and therefore the students will learn even more from project presentations.

           It is no question that technology has slowly but surely taken over the daily lives of many students in the 21st-century.  However, rather than banning it and making technology something taboo and bad, if we all learn to work with it an incorporate it into the classroom, we can use technology in its most effective ways.  By uniting the digital world and the humanities, we can surely create a work where the arts engage into the “free culture” awareness of the world and will then promote for the education of all in regards to the arts.  Technology in the classroom is something inevitable; it’s something that is happening at a quicker pace than anticipated as the technology of the world continues to evolve.  As long as we learn to incorporate it correctly, and continue to have students engaged in the class material, technology and digitalization of education can soon be the next biggest and best aspect in education.

  7. nadia tahreem

    ENG 3880 Final Critical project

    Nadia Tahreem ENG 3880 English Studies in the Digital Age Dr. Jennifer Travis 04/22/14 The Concept and Portrayal of Privacy in Literature   Literature consists of various genres, it would be inappropriate to classify a novel under a single genre. Certain works of literature have genres inside genres that are already present. As puzzling as […]
  8. cjkoenderman

    Final Project Posted!

    My final project has “finally” been posted! You can find it under “Final Project Introduction and Appendix,” “The Fallacy of Digital Rights,” and “Self Evident Truths.” (I suggest reading it in that order!) The introduction gives a thorough explanation of the project’s purpose and a brief explanation of the point it attempts to convey. As […]
  9. thetsar

    Analytic Essay & Appendix

    The world will remember its past.  The people will scream phoenix, and let slip the dogs of war. The central point in Scream Phoenix is a simple one: when privacy and individuality are controlled, one must do wha it takes to win them back — whatever the costs.  In the world of my story, there […]
  10. thetsar

    My Creative Project

      S  C  R  E  A  M        P  H  O  E  N  I  X By Justin Paola ——- The world will remember its past.  The people will scream phoenix, and let slip the dogs of war ——- The Setting   The year is 2075.  Information and net access is tightly controlled as […]
  11. justinealexis993

    The Rise of Social Media: Works Cited

    Works Cited Netburn, Deborah. “Facebook, Twitter, Other Social Media Are Brain Candy, Study Says.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 08 May 2012. “5 Surprising Social Media Statistics for 2013.” RSS. Social Media Today, n.d. “Actionable Analytics for the Web.” Alexa. Amazon, n.d. “Facebook vs. Google, Social Media vs. SEO: Why BuzzFeed Data Shouldn’t Declare a […]
  12. justinealexis993

    The Rise of Social Media: What Comes Next?

    Social media usage has been steadily increasing over the years according to PewResearch. Social media has effects on people’s behaviors and beliefs, with Facebook users more likely to be politically active and more trusting (PewResearch). Of course, with social media at an all-time high it’s impossible to see an end. That is something society will […]
  13. justinealexis993

    The Rise of Social Media: Why all the Worry?

    Naturally people will ask what is the concern? Social media is a tool designed to connect us, not some uncontrollable force. The above video addresses some of the anxieties concerning social media. Does it really serve to connect us, or does it isolate us as we become more immersed in social media than our real-life […]
  14. justinealexis993

    The Rise of Social Media: 2005- 2014

      Facebook changed the face of social media in a way that can be described as astounding. By December 30th of 2004, less than a year after Mark Zuckerberg released the Facebook onto the World Wide Web, Facebook had a million users. Only shortly after Facebook was released to high school students and then the […]
  15. justinealexis993

    The Rise of Social Media: 1985-2005

    Welcome to the modern world, where technology is improving with every passing day and the internet is a staple of a majority of American’s lives. In a time dominated by the need to connect, interact and access everything with the click of a button, it should not come as a surprise that social networking has flourished. […]
  16. steborgesnizama

    “Yo, cn u plz tch me how 2 right english”

    The integration of technology into our educational system is a touchy subject; it is a positive integration in some subject areas, but seems to have a negative side when it comes to certain subject areas. Educators are calling the 21st century as the STEM education era in where we are to teach our youth the […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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