1. Madeline Coughlin

    Talking History: Professor Al-Tikriti

    Professor Al-Tikriti gave a talk on Monday about the types of routes history majors may choose to take after college.  To explain these paths, Professor Al-Tikriti used his own experiences.  He described his undergraduate career at Georgetown and graduate experience at Columbia.  Here he focused on International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies, which brought him …

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  2. Madeline Coughlin

    Hanna, “Cartographic Memories of Slavery and Freedom”

    Hanna’s article describes the changing intention and use of maps through one created by John Washington, an enslaved man during the Civil War.  Washington, a literate man who fled slavery to find freedom, displays a particular point of view since many slaves at the time were not able to read or write.  In 1873, Washington …

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  3. Madeline Coughlin

    Howell and Prevenier: “The Source”

    This article depicts some of the knowledge that historians must have when looking at primary sources, and some of the challenges they may face when doing so. The article first talks about the different categories of primary sources, such as relics and testimonials, and mentions how historians ought to make themselves aware of the historical …

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  4. Madeline Coughlin

    Presnell: “Historians and the Research Process”

    This article explains the process of historical research to a student starting out in the field.  Presnell begins by identifying how the presentation of today’s sources has changed due to the existence of the internet.  Presnell explains that, while the internet is a helpful tool that provides wide access to many materials, researchers must take …

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  5. @herbangerr

    Look, its a bird! Listen, its a plane! Analyze, ohh my bad…

    For the Look, Listen, Analyze assignment I chose Kids in the Hall’s The Monkeys. The video in the playlist was blocked due to copyright of the Nerdist, so I just looked up the video under Nerdist’s channel and found it. Look My first look through was an interesting one, not anything that I thought it …

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  6. @jwoodds106

    This Is It.

    For this last week I was inspired The Truman Show. Now, when I first started my project I forgot that’s what the movie was called and I named my own show and final project The Jenna Show. I did not realize this until after all my assignments were completed, and “The Jenna Show” was written …

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  7. @jwoodds106

    The Jenna Show

    The concept for The Jenna Show came about in a meeting of producers from several reality tv networks in the mid 1990’s. Their ratings were consistently falling and reality tv wasn’t bringing in the big bucks like it had in the past. The only problem was, about half the channels on tv were all owned …

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  8. @vd678

    Week 5

    Final Project For my final project, I chose to create a story called Let’s go on a Trip. While it was not the most creative title, I thought it was a pretty creative tale. It is a story centered around a young woman named Cassie, who lives in New York City and works as an …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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