1. @vd678

    Remnants of the Past

    I was riding through a field when I thought about a year prior when we were warming up at a three-day event. This picture illustrates what it was I saw while at the event. The memories are so fresh in my mind that they start to come into focus.
  2. My Salukizim Blog

    Land Rover Defender Tithonus 110

    http://Indianaoverland.com My friends at Indiana Overland, LLC, who sold me my vehicle did a great write up on these vehicles: LAND ROVER DEFENDER 110 TITHONUS “The Land Rover Defender 110 Tithonus. It is completely different from the usual worn-out ex Ministry of Defense (MOD) vehicles […]
  3. @jwoodds106

    Hats off to You

    While procrastinating and realizing the week is almost over and I have only completed one daily create *shrieks*  I decided I must complete today’s task… and I had no inspiration. While looking at other people’s replies I realized, I want to crop something out of one picture and paste it onto another, but I don’t … Continue reading Hats off to You
  4. @mikeyb1503

    Who am I

    From Northern Virginia, just 10 minutes outside of the District of Columbia, I am a sports fanatic, serving as high school baseball captain, where I started at second base and all served as team’s closing pitcher. University of Mary Washington class of 2017, taking DGST as my final course at the university. I served as … Continue reading Who am I
  5. My Salukizim Blog

    Salukizim 25 May 2017

    This is my second attempt to create blog for Digital Storytelling. At least I’m learning a great deal. I have had fun stretching my comfort zone by using twitter, flicker and now a blog. Great stuff! Over the next 4 weeks I will attempt to […]
  6. @cgarcia2580

    Daily Create #2

    @ds106dc If a genie gave me 3 wishes they would be…1. Ability to endlessly travel2. An end to cancer3. An end to racism#ds106 #tdc1962 pic.twitter.com/KW9c6vxUSC — Camila (@cgarcia2580) May 25, 2017
  7. @cgarcia2580

    Daily Create #1

    @ds106dc My favorite toy when I was younger were Barbie dolls. I would even buy the collectibles #tdc1961 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/3GUArQiewQ — Camila (@cgarcia2580) May 24, 2017
  8. Rebecca

    We Amélie the guy

    Someone’s been into Erik’s house and messed with all his stuff. They left a letter saying six things were changed, but in reality, they changed seven things just to drive him crazy. I wonder what he did that made him deserve such a thing. This is another one I’m particularly happy about because the only … Continue reading We Amélie the guy
  9. @SophieObert

    Hello, Is It Me You’re Looking For?

    It’s my very first post! I’m so ecstatic to begin this course and learn about using technology creatively and effectively. I will be running a Pinterest in addition to keeping up with the other sites involved in the course, since it is one of the few social media sites I can use capably. I have […]
  10. Rebecca

    Would you buy this paper? Or join this hoity toity community?

    For my second visual assignment, I chose to do “What a Crappy Font Will Do” not just because the title made me chuckle, but because I do get some sick kicks out of seeing serious companies use comic sans or papyrus. It’s always spas that use papyrus. What’s up with that? Here’s the first of two … Continue reading Would you buy this paper? Or join this hoity toity community?
  11. @jwoodds106

    Daily Create 1

    #tdc1962 : My three wishes, in order of greatest to least importance.   Stop and reverse the effects of climate change. I am very passionate about the earth and how humans are having such an adverse effect on it, and it is my ultimate goal in life to make some contribution to the reversing or …

    Continue reading "Daily Create 1"

  12. @mikeyb1503

    Hello world!

    Welcome to UMW Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! If you need some help getting started with UMW Blogs please refer to the support documentation.
  13. Just De Norm

    I’m not a Brat, We’re Bratz!

    Daily Create Week 1 – # 1 Favorite Toys http://daily.ds106.us/tdc1961/ Everyone has that toy. I had that toy. I had so many Bratz in all the different sizes and ages. My sister had the different ages of one doll, Jade, while I had all the rest. Include three guys who switched their names on a daily […]
  14. Just De Norm

    Just Rub the Lamp, okay?

    Daily Create Week 1 – # 2 Three Wishes http://daily.ds106.us/tdc1962/ Twitter Link Reply If I could have three wishes, what would I wish for? Huh. That’s been a question since elementary school. Back then we gave simple answers, like lots of cheese. Now with the world, as it is, though, the first wish would be […]
  15. Rebecca

    I wish you would stop rubbing that lamp in that creepy way

    This one took a long time, both in choosing my wishes and in cobbling them together. Here they are in all their glory. @ds106dc @ds106dc if I had 3 wishes.. 🤔🐪 .#tdc1962 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/iqw0CxpVzz — Rebecca Schaeffer (@rivy3ds) May 24, 2017 It definitely felt weird to throw full prescription bottles into the trash, but a … Continue reading I wish you would stop rubbing that lamp in that creepy way
  16. Just De Norm

    So, um, what is this?

    Visual Assignment Week 1 – # 4 That’s not what I expected? http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/thats-not-what-i-expected/ Walked around the house looking for something odd. Then decided that made no sense and went for something I see every single day! Just a normal object. What exactly is it, though? Leave a comment and we’ll see if you can guess […]
  17. Just De Norm

    But first, let me take a selfie.

    Visual Assignment Week 1 – # 3 Selfie with Your Pet! http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/selfie-with-your-pet/ My dog of three years, still always this photogenic. Look directly into the camera I asked. Oh, you mean look at this pillow over there? Yep. It was entertaining enough that he never likes having his photo taken, yet I have over a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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